The (alleged) humour was just wrong... and it virtually opens the film!
The opening 30mins peppers us with these ridiculous moments, and then thankfully they tail away but... oh... look... right at the climax... (ish), Luke brushing the dirt from his collar... Jebus...
This is Mind-Numbing stuff.
And then we get to the WAY dodgy logistics.
Don't get me wrong, Star Wars is a trope-fest, always has been, but *generally* speaking these tropes don't leave mile-wide gaps in plot and logic.
A "Fleetkiller" can be rendered useless with ONE snub-fighter? Like, the 1st Order never learned a thing after DS 1 and 2 (and Starkiller base)?
The overseer or this tiny, tiny, TINY fleet of 1st order ships waits to have a chat with a Rebel ship?
I count three times people were exposed to vacuum and lived. (1 could kinda be forgiven).
Shall we overtake them sir? No, pull back our fighters and let's have an OJ Crawl chase! How long will this last sir? Long enough...
"They're tracking us!" "What?? We have a tracking device aboard our ship!?!?" "No they have a magic tracker that only needs them to have one." "....!"
Casino. (Utterly pointless, waste of time and unrequired intro of ultimately pointless character... ('unless'...))
(This bit really bugged me. SURELY a better story would have been Rose (the badly used and VERY well-played newbie) and Fin taking one of those cloakable escape pods and sliding through the 1st Order shields and Rose being a wiz at this kind of code breaking. Instead we get a bad chase, a STUPID attempt at decrying "Arms Traders" as being the cause of war !?!??! A worse chase, and the pick up of a worthless character who the 1st ordfer then.. um... gives a ship and a pile of stuff to?? WHAT!??!?!) And the whole physics of what happened when that explosion occurred bugged the hell out of me to. Everyone dies.. except rose and Fin and the very same troopers who were STANDING RIGHT BESIDE THEM come marching in with Phasma from half a mile away..???
Honestly... my TEN year old (Star Wars daft!) was FURIOUS at that bit!
And my Twelve year old (who rivals ME for his fandom) was really angry at this movie.... (Sounds like "WHo is this film for?" failed... ironically!)
"One of needs to stay behind and pilot the ship!" (Umm, no you don't... you see that big metal person RIGHT BEHIND you while you're talking about this?? Also... I didn't see a lot of ship piloting going on anyway.
Also... lets stand by the window and watch all those people die instead of doing what you should have done in the first place once everyone was off.
You know what.. I could go on for hours.
It may be hard to believe, I didn't hate the film.
I didn't hate the overall arc of the story, I just really disliked the typical Disney "our audience is stupid and will gladly lap up whatever sh*t we feed them" approach.
I see a lot of reviewers trying to suggest this was a clever and brave stance by Disney.
I see it as a badly directed movie.
I read a lot of "Who was this movie made for?" as if the millions (billions) of people who are already into Star Wars is not a good enough audience.
You cannot stand and honestly say "this was made for the future growing audience" as the future growing audience is already here and already locked into the franchise, and (as can be seen above, had some of the same concerns with it as ME... due to bad film making.)
It was just a flawed movie. Suspension of disbelief is one thing when it comes to the actual science of the fiction.
But staring in disbelief at the insane directorial decisions (and one or two of the writing ones) took me out of the movie again and again... and no-one wants that.