I'll add that I'm more partial to a good Tim-Tam choccy bikkie than anything else, but Arnott's Scotch Fingers dipped in some Bushells, that's what makes me chuffed.
Tim-Tams are great, but at the risk of sound UnAustralian, I've recently become quite partial to Hobnobs. Aldi has them every now and then.
I like Scotch Fingers, but I don't dip them in tea (shock). I really dislike Tim Tam slams, while we're on the topic (double shock).
So, this is the most Australian-sounding thing I've read in a while, absolutely. In my mind, at least, it was Steve Irwin-level Aussie. I don't even know where you're from.
I was going to say I was chuffed by this, and MrNumbers beat me.
My accent is definitely not Steve Irwin level ocker, though. But then, I'm a Sydneysider, not a Queenslander.
To put in something vaguely related to the topic at hand... those epiphanies that come in the middle of the night are always the best.