It looks as though May is having a bad day.
The "obvious" next step is calling Momo and asking permission for May to use her KawaiiPC chassis - or calling I dunno who to see whether May's even compatible with it or allowed to transfer out of her parole chassis.
I'm sure the parole officer would want that shock capability disabled, at least.
Unlike Momo, May might actually set up the aquarium and take the still-unused coupon down to the pet store to pick up some eels. She'd think that would be a hoot! She'd shoot eels (preferably bitey varieties) at people who pissed her off. Which is to say, almost anybody. Though her parole officer might have something to say about that too if she hears about it.
She'd probably punk out the chassis anyway, in a rebellion against 'pathetic perverted japafuckingnese lolicon cutesy.' Ripped jeans, sneakers, an unexpected hairstyle, and some kind of offensive tee-shirt, at least. Further chassis mods possible, though much depends on what Momo will allow or whether May outright buys the chassis.
Of course, the other possibility is she gets a new chassis from the parole board, so that she can continue to fulfill the "Remaining Employed" portion of her parole. But that chassis probably wouldn't be funny.