Using a rolling version of *nix now (Opensuse Tumbleweed, instead of it's versioned Leap). I'm impressed so far. Now I just need to get the system to a "normal" state for me.
Tumbleweed Diary the first:
On day two, there was a *massive* update. I already knew going in it that I'd have to rebuild my nvidia drivers, but I had time to do that before bed. Oh gawds, the black screen (after bootloader, after unlocking drives, before a login prompt). Me: Oh fuck. Conveniently, the bootloader allows me to go back to a system snapshot.
Unfortunately, that meant a fair number of numbered but unnamed snapshots which I had to do a split-search through in order to find the most recent working one. From now I'm probably going to name 'em before a major update. I have three naming conventions to choose from: pleading, pleas to the gods, and swearing.
After about a month, I'm quite liking TW. I haven't had any issues that I wasn't forewarned about, and even those were pretty minor. Everything is quite stable, especially for being so close to the bleeding edge.
Edit again: new laptop arrived, and is now dual-booted b/n TW and ugh, I hate to type this, but Win 10. it may come in handy at some point. Still, the dual-boot was easy enough to do now that I know what I'm doing, and I don't expect to be using windows much, but it may come in handy for some of my Steam games.