Pretty sure there was a question or it was discussed at some point, but are there two Renee's or is it just the one?
(That is to say, there is either one Renee, or many--no one is quite sure, but no one can really explain how, just like Kirk from
Gilmore Girls, she manages to hold down so many jobs in so many little shops around town
simultaneously--or, if there is indeed more than one, how they somehow manage to never be seen together in the same place. And nobody ever discusses the matter around Coffee of Doom, especially not around Dora or Faye, and all those rumors about a certain corpse found in the ruins of Faye's old place with positively-identified dental markings are just
hearsay, you see, because Renee''s fine, really, she just works across the street now, and at the bookstore two blocks that way, and over in that other bakery/coffee shop, and that one too, really, go into any one and ask her, she's fine, just GET. OUT.)