Okay, thought I'd do a real Opinion Poll here. Now, I know that this is an awfully subjective and, arguably, divisive question. However, I'm not really interested in an objective framework about what defines 'cute'. So many people have so many different ideas that there is little chance of anyone agreeing on one anyway.
Just answer the question: You, personally:
Which of the QC ladies best fits your own personal definition of 'cute'?This is actually a harder question to answer for me than I initially thought when I had the idea for the poll. I'm torn between Hanners (who has this whole waif-like innocence and purity) and Emily (whose personality, although alarming at times, screams 'nice' on a very fundamental level). I guess I could toss a coin but, in the end, I chose Emily, mostly because literally
everything she says makes me smile.
So, as to the strip, I'm expecting more of Bubbles and Faye at the apartment this week. I suspect that Jeph has chosen to use the plot device of the Reindeer's Revenge on Pintsize to get her to the apartment for some kind of major character interaction with Marten and Claire (characters that we don't see much of these days and with whom we've seen Bubbles interact least out of all the main characters).
Will this lead to anything substantive? Well, that remains to be seen but
the preview art Jeph put on Twitter certainly suggests that something will happen to make Claire say 'Squee!' Not that this is particularly hard, romantic that she is!