Oh? Now that's an interesting thing Hannelore said: Station doesn't want to try because of what "might be lurking in Bubbles' head". That's the first time that it's been implied that some AIs are afraid of Bubbles' experiences.
I may have misinterpreted it, but I took it to mean that Station suspects any probing he is capable of could be harmful to Bubbles! May be Station suspects that CW installed some malware that could be triggered by a serious decryption effort?
OTOH. May be HannerMom can help? If robofighting is good business, she could be interested. And CW won't say 'No' to an offer she cannot refuse. Bubbles might actually want to continue working there, if there were no coercion to do so.
Then again - may be HannerMom *IS* the Big Fish? Not really her style, I know. May be the skate park just became a part of her conglomerate in some other deal?