Perhaps where this nearest Praeses is happens to be is in a place where it wasn't visible to them from where they were on Earth. Maybe it's visible to someone? Depending on how populated the planet is. Unless of course there's some sort of field around Praeses that shields from view past a certain distance. Right, probably just easier to chalk up the presentation of things to artistic license.
Gavia's look is somewhat confusing, maybe she's never been outside looking in though. Ardent seems happy, to see it and that his command worked (with another teleport?). Sedna is surprised with a sort of wonder, maybe the simple life is too familiar after so long. And, Pate's nearly terrified. He seems to rather keep demonstrating how little he actually knows in detail about anything, his information sources incomplete and lacking, not plain, clear and illustrative. Oh, where are Alice and Church, maybe that's not important.
One might imagine that if those who imparted these tech abilities in Ardent might have had something very far more grand in mind then just long-term interference, subterfuge of things like water pumps in that one town spreading out to corrupt the local folk, given what we've seen from these abilities. Perhaps the point was providing extremely advanced tech that might be used for (or was certainly going to be used for) what's going on now with them getting here. Whoever it is they want for whatever reason. What might the Praeses know about those planetside? Something new in the works? Random chance? Either way, if they have the ability to create things that give abilities to Ardent that allow the things he's been doing, they likely then aren't going to be something that Pate can control or bully or even impact at all, maybe that's what he's learning fast.
The king of ant-town might be mighty in his own realm, lord of all he surveys and more. Yet all of his best and worst legions of troops would find themselves quite unable to even get to the Balaenoptera musculus, much less harm or defeat them. Ooops. Laser to the moon.