James T Kirk, Benjamin Sisko, Jean-Luc Picard, William Riker, Katheryn Janeway and Jonathan Archer all qualified top of their respective classes at Starfleet Academy. Did you ever wonder what happened to the barely-adequate cadets who squeezed under the line with a D+ grade? Well, they end up commanding second- or third-line patrol cutters and ambulance ships like the Orville, just like this guy.
Oh, Joe? She's named for the first human to fly a heavier-than-air aircraft but you knew that, right?
Those aliens, the Vrill? They look like Jem'Hadar (although the ships look like they're from the Farscape-verse). If that comparison holds, our 'heroes' are cold, dead meat that hasn't stopped twitching yet.
Memo to Chief Engineer: Please patch the android's combat programming with a 'non-lethal restraint' mode. Thanks.
I'm also wondering how long it will be before the crew start calling Captain/XO closed-door meetings "The Five-Minute UST"?