I guess Dora counts. Still, the fact that Faye felt comfortable cuddling with Bubbles and not with Dora may have nothing to do with Bubbles being an AI.
I seem to recall Dora putting her hands on Faye a lot, sometimes flirtatiously, and Faye not reciprocating, but looking mildly uncomfortable instead. Faye likes the little girl, Sam I think her name is, a good deal, but no contact there, either. She is standoffish with everyone she likes except Bubbles. She was even standoffish with the two guys she was sleeping with except for the sleeping with them part.
You are right though that Bubbles being an AI may not be the reason she is an exception.
Faye may put her hands on Bubbles, not because Bubbles is an AI and therefore presumed safe, but rather because Faye is still actively working on opening her up, winning her trust, and drawing her out. If so, things might still go very badly, but they might also go well. Deciding that someone is your big safe friend machine is static. The longer you think of them that way, the easier it gets to keep thinking of them that way. Working on getting someone to like and trust you more and more is dynamic. The more you succeed in getting them to like and trust you, the more likely you are to like and trust them. Ever-growing trust and affection do not necessarily kindle into anything more, but they are more likely to do so than static trust and affection.