New comic upSo, how many of the local bread fetishists do Renee know? Is she their dealer and, if so, how big is her customer base?

I really love panel 3. It maybe in the eye of the beholder. However, to me, Brun seems to be a wee bit jealous of Elliott spending time seeing to Roko's sexual needs, no matter how peripherally. Maybe she wants that level of attention from Elliott too? If I'm interpreting this correctly, this is the first hint we've got that she wants that kind of attention from him.
As for poor Roko? Well, not only has she run into the best way she is going to get to fill in the blank 'Human Abs.jpg' file in her memory but also the person that she really would like to have rub bread on parts of her. Given that she's already overheated once today, you can't help but wonder if she's going to make it back home unaided. I've got to say that she needs help soon or she's going to melt down!