One of my last classes before I graduate is in Multimedia Advertising.
One of the last assignments is making a brochure for a non-existent company, even if that company wouldn’t actually make a brochure. This is a morning class, and I sat at my desk for about ten minutes, draining my 40 oz thermos of coffee. My dad made it that morning; it wasn’t as strong as I like it. Hey... That’s a company!
So I go about making the brochure. I figure I’m ripping off Deathwish Coffee. This’d be a coffee shop for folks who aren’t morning people. Nothing fancy. Strong coffee, served fast. Fuck generally accepted/expected social niceties, those can go out the window; forget fancy-ass, barely coffee-flavored sugar-drinks; this is about getting caffeine into your body as quickly and effectively as possible.
Yeah, this was the point I realized that I was making a brochure for a Coffee of Doom.
I went back through the QC archive for ideas of similar things/ability to recognize where I was actually straight up stealing. It was fun.