No question about it, she's never going to be completely 'healed', but she has developed a set of coping behaviors which bring her mental illnesses under more, if not complete, control. She can self-coach to get past the some anxiety attacks. She can vent enough to handle cleaning out a stable. That doesn't mean she won't have to wash her hands a few times extra every day, and it doesn't mean she won't ever panic, it just means she can function in ways she could never manage before.
Again, the underlined parts are where we seem to disagree.
Coming back to the beginning, I mentioned that, going by today's comic, I get the impression that Hannelore in fact is not in control. As I said, to me she looked
manic. And, yes, this one, and the comic with the yak are not in chronological order, and we don't know how much time has passed between them in comic-time. I get that.
You say the change in her behavior has been foreshadowed. I disagree, but I'm willing to say that maybe I just didn't pay as much attention to certain details as you did.
If I interpret your comment correctly, you say that, at the time of the yak stable cleaning, Hannelore has developed enough coping techniques do deal with her anxiety, because she was finally able to break out of her inner prison. Not always, but often, and to a high degree of success.
Once more I seem to be unable to connect the dots here.
My view of Hannelore was that, even taking into account how far she has come since we first met her, she still has a long long way to go before she can be a functioning adult. There can be breakthroughs and little leaps and bounds of progress, but what we currently see (in the yak stable scene) strikes me as a very big leap of progress with very little in-comic explanation. That is why I would call her supposed change too much and too sudden. To me it almost feels like a revamping of her character.
I think I'll have to wait and see...