Wow, Roko is taking charge, isn't she? Given Beepatrice's reaction, this may be the first time someone actually came into that office and decided to
do something! For what it's worth, "She means well" is an example of damning with faint praise. Roko likes Beeps, but she can't say that they are really any good at this caper!
Meanwhile, I have to laugh with May basically saying that she pre-emptively denies consent to Beepatrice in any way having management or any influence over her case.
As for the password thing. I'm pretty sure that the admin password for the office network is going to turn out to be "1234567890"!
Does this confirm Beepatrice as using she/her, or is there any direct WoG otherwise (like maybe these characters don't know Beep's pronouns)? I remember being unsure about some references in the past, while personally hoping for they/them.
When this was first mentioned to me (last week, I think), I was quite surprised because I don't remember this being mentioned in any of their previous appearances. Has Beepatrice mentioned this to Roko? Is there any reason why Roko should
know? Is it the sort of thing someone will come out with when meeting someone for the first time? I'm wondering if Jeph is setting up Roko and Beepatrice discussing this at some point in the immediate future.