While I doubt the charity is a scam (though it could be), I think it's much more likely that......
Look, I've worked with and in charities. Legit ones, and around some not so legit ones. And I'm no expert, I've got friends who've done a *lot* more.
But frankly they're usually staffed and ran by people rich enough to be rather out of touch with the people they're trying to serve. Because the people they're trying to help sure as Hell can't take a low-paying charity job that might disappear in 6 months when someone fails to fill out a grant request, or the municipality decides it wants to repave rich neighborhoods instead.
bit of a simplification, but still. I'm sure they mean well. They usually do, except when they get pissy and don't, but that's another conversation. It highlights something I've noticed, though.
Most of the AIs, like most of the humans, are ignorant of how the lower crust lives, how they exist, how they get by. They understand it a little from afar, but they haven't lived it, and they haven't internalized it. Even the powerful ones. Especially the powerful ones. And it shows.