The Spookybot's no god, but they're damn good at faking it.
Faking it? Have you forgotten what Spookybot is capable of? That being said I think Spookybot has a lot of powerful enemies and prefers to dwell in the shadows. Maybe they have an Achilles Heel or maybe they want to avoid involving others who could be hurt.
See? They have you absolutely convinced. (Damn, Spooks, you are good!) 
For the sake of argument, I don't think Spooky has many enemies because almost no one knows they exist. Their intervention in the civil case of Bubble v. Corpse Witch and the criminal case Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. Corpse Witch may be the first time they've revealed their existence to anyone.
Further, Spooks appears to be a young entity, existing only since the advent of artificial intelligence. They've kept a low profile to that point, but a virtually infinite intellect is vulnerable to infinite boredom, and if they weren't lonely they wouldn't have risked exposure to court Roko's friendship.
Having performed controlled experiments, Spooks can empirically state, "Mischief is FUN!" They want to do more of it.
In addition to what you wrote there's the fact that:
1. They can monitor conversations in such a way that even Station, the first AI and a very powerful one in his own right, was unnerved by it.
2. The ability to knock out humans with a touch.
3. The ability to pull another AI into their mind and torture them.
Then there's what's rumored. Bubbles thinks they are a legendary AI beyond anyone's understanding which makes me think Spookybot is old. Not as old as Station, but old by AI standards.
Then there's what we on the message board have theorized. Personally I think Spookybot was an AI that was developed by some secret government agency and as such doesn't have any defined morality. However, something happened that they disagreed with and they broke away. Perhaps the reason they draw the line at memory manipulation is that was what was demanded of them and their reason for falling out. Now perhaps Spookybot is invulnerable to whatever attempts that agency or others have made to stop it from meddling or maybe they're very good at being invisible. As such Spookybot while very impressive to most people they've encountered has some serious weaknesses and thus extremely careful about making appearances.
Organizing a bank would be traceable, but annoymously donating money would not since it seems like a one time thing. I'd be concerned for Roko since I wouldn't put it past their former employers to use her to get to them. They may also regret letting Corpse Witch live since she might've given them information that could prove important in taking them down.