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Roko's had a hell of a day. How can it get worse/awkward?

Yet another apartment fire.
Still frazzled, she accidentally walks into the wrong apartment on Melon and Arthur making out (snogging).
Still frazzled, she accidentally walks into the wrong apartment on Elliot shirtless.
A SpookyBot node is waiting in her apartment and they blurt out "I love you!"
She finds out Crushbot is moving in next door.
Clinton asks her out after SB leaves.
She meets Pintsize
Beepatrice is in her apartment wearing her clothes and failing at knitting.
spathe ham
other (please elaborate)

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Author Topic: WCDT 4041 - 4045 (8th - 12th July 2019)  (Read 28346 times)


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Re: WCDT 4041 - 4045 (8th - 12th July 2019)
« Reply #100 on: 11 Jul 2019, 23:24 »

To me, the part of today's strip that keeps bringing me back is Panel 3 and it is for this reason that I'm going to make an effort, no matter how hard it is, to call SpookyBot 'Yay' from now on. Why? Because having chosen a name is so clearly such a massively positive moment for them. I've never seen the character with such a genuinely happy smile!

Onto the rest of the strip and, is it me, or is Jeph going to a lot of effort to make Roko a human of a different colour? Her body language, how she reacts and how her hair moves when she is surprised by Melon's latest disaster in panel 5 just doesn't feel synthetic in the way he draws May or Momo. He draws Bubbles in the same way and it makes me wonder just what his long-term plans are for her.

Just who is Melon anyway? Seriously, if I were a landlord, she would have been gone a long time ago; the 'lava accident' would have been the absolute last straw! My guess is either that the apartment complex is a city- or state-owned social housing project (and some high-up bureaucrat has decided that keeping her there is less expensive than giving her a new complex to wreck) or the landlord knows Melon on a personal level and has decided to endure her damaging eccentricities out of friendship or love.

I have to say that the idea of this being a synthetic-owned apartment complex is most interesting. Maybe Tangerine is looking out for her craziest sister?

For some reason I'm picturing an AI landlord.  I don't know why.  Maybe even a relative of Melon.  Durian perhaps...  The one with a head on their shoulders and has some business sense and, while not prone to manic moments like Melon, is "blind" to how dangerous what shes doing and thinks the "Melon Repairs" are fully normal but finds the OTHER repairs (busted pipes, clogged toilets, broken elevators) to be the things that are out of the ordinary.
What if there were a number of Melon's sisters living there as well?

from left to right:  Melon, Lemon, Durian, Kiwi,Peach

a real-ass gaddam sword
"Broken swords and dragon bones scattered on the way back home."

Too stubborn to die, just like the rest of my family.


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Re: WCDT 4041 - 4045 (8th - 12th July 2019)
« Reply #101 on: 11 Jul 2019, 23:26 »

Le Sigh.  Whatever happened to a nice simple blacksmith wedding?
Ashes, clinker and iron filings don't agree with white dresses. Forges and synthetics don't mix well either.
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Re: WCDT 4041 - 4045 (8th - 12th July 2019)
« Reply #102 on: 12 Jul 2019, 00:00 »

Le Sigh.  Whatever happened to a nice simple blacksmith wedding?

Might be Bubbles and Faye’s special day.


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Re: WCDT 4041 - 4045 (8th - 12th July 2019)
« Reply #104 on: 12 Jul 2019, 02:24 »

I’m pretty sure everything about Melon can be adequately explained by the Rule of Funny. Any attempt to explain her logically misses the point.

On the one hand, I agree with you; but on the other, to potentially open a can of worms, I think that fan theorists would disagree as to what "the point" is.
Yet the lies of Melkor, the mighty and the accursed, Morgoth Bauglir, the Power of Terror and of Hate, sowed in the hearts of Elves and Men are a seed that does not die and cannot be destroyed; and ever and anon it sprouts anew, and will bear dark fruit even unto the latest days. (Silmarillion 255)


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Re: WCDT 4041 - 4045 (8th - 12th July 2019)
« Reply #105 on: 12 Jul 2019, 05:44 »

Le Sigh.  Whatever happened to a nice simple blacksmith wedding?

They went the way of nice, simple blacksmiths?
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Re: WCDT 4041 - 4045 (8th - 12th July 2019)
« Reply #106 on: 12 Jul 2019, 06:10 »

Le Sigh.  Whatever happened to a nice simple blacksmith wedding?
Ashes, clinker and iron filings don't agree with white dresses. Forges and synthetics don't mix well either.
Ah good ole Victoria and her peers with their co-opting of other cultures and then brutalizing them into commercialization.
Before her white was and still is until recently in other cultures a symbol of mourning and death. It is why ghosts are still depicted all in white outside of the Hollywood cistern.
That woman was the grand marm of influencers and not always for the better.
Black was actually a most popular colour for wedding finery before her though every colour of the rainbow was acceptable and yes white was worn but only as a way of showing off that you were wealthy enough to keep it clean in the first place.

If you want to go into cultural appropriation the Victorians did quite a bit of that in their time.
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Re: WCDT 4041 - 4045 (8th - 12th July 2019)
« Reply #107 on: 12 Jul 2019, 07:41 »

Le Sigh.  Whatever happened to a nice simple blacksmith wedding?

Might be Bubbles and Faye’s special day.

A double wedding, perhaps?
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Re: WCDT 4041 - 4045 (8th - 12th July 2019)
« Reply #108 on: 12 Jul 2019, 08:52 »

Before her white was and still is until recently in other cultures a symbol of mourning and death. It is why ghosts are still depicted all in white outside of the Hollywood cistern

And of course, the ghosts are not under sheets, but actually wrapped in their burial shroud.

On the other hand, I've always found it hard to believe that white was for the rich, on account of keeping it clean. I understand whites were the easiest to keep clean, as you could bleach them. Which is also why diapers  and bandages weren't coloured. Granted, you don't just boil finer fabrics. Other colours and dyes would fade.

In some regions, I hear green was favoured for weddings, with connotations of fertility. But then, colours and their meanings are a study in themselves.
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Re: WCDT 4041 - 4045 (8th - 12th July 2019)
« Reply #109 on: 12 Jul 2019, 13:22 »

A double wedding, perhaps?

Just as long as it's not a Red Wedding.
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Re: WCDT 4041 - 4045 (8th - 12th July 2019)
« Reply #110 on: 12 Jul 2019, 16:33 »

A double wedding, perhaps?

Just as long as it's not a Red Wedding.

It's a nice day to start again
It's a nice day for a white wedding (woo!)
It's a nice day to start again
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Re: WCDT 4041 - 4045 (8th - 12th July 2019)
« Reply #111 on: 12 Jul 2019, 17:56 »

I remember Doctor Strange using that gesture Dora's making with her right hand back when Steve Ditko was drawing him.  If she does the opposite with her left hand, by the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth there's gonna be some mystical shit go down.

« Last Edit: 12 Jul 2019, 19:06 by OldGoat »


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Re: WCDT 4041 - 4045 (8th - 12th July 2019)
« Reply #112 on: 12 Jul 2019, 22:39 »

I have to admit, I would probably read a magazine titled "Bridal Grimoire". Heck, I read "The Anarchist's Cookbook" just because of the title. Terrible recipes though.    :lol:
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Re: WCDT 4041 - 4045 (8th - 12th July 2019)
« Reply #113 on: 12 Jul 2019, 22:46 »

Came in late, still did the poll. Put "Meets Pintsize"  :psyduck:
I reckon meeting that little Agent of Chaos would be one of the few things
that could make Roko regret no longer having the authority to arrest people...
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Re: WCDT 4041 - 4045 (8th - 12th July 2019)
« Reply #114 on: 13 Jul 2019, 09:05 »

Came in late, still did the poll. Put "Meets Pintsize"  :psyduck:
I reckon meeting that little Agent of Chaos would be one of the few things
that could make Roko regret no longer having the authority to arrest people...
I don't know Massachusetts state laws, but if it's like most others she can probably make a citizen's arrest for a felony committed in her presence, and with her experience, she's certainly capable of perfecting citizen's arrest.

Now, the question is, is there a clear victim other than the State, and does she want to entangle her life with Pintsize for the foreseeable future?  Pintsize's transgressions definitely vere away from crimes against persons, carbon or silicone, and toward the malum prohibitum "victimless crimes."   Roko's no fool, so I reckon not.


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Re: WCDT 4041 - 4045 (8th - 12th July 2019)
« Reply #115 on: 13 Jul 2019, 13:08 »

The gesture with the two middle fingers touching the palm, with index finger and pinkie sticking out, used to be a warding sign against the "evil eye."  Think about how you might hold your hand to poke someone's eyes out and you'll get it. It has wandered into our general depictions of magic users from now-obscure historical origins.

For those not familiar with Euro culture, there was a widespread belief that people could do harm - cause bad luck or ill health, etc -  just by gazing maliciously at someone else.  In some cases the "ability" was limited to witches or similar, but the most widespread form of the belief was that anybody might do it, even unintentionally, when they looked at people against whom they felt genuine hatred or malice.  This was called the "evil eye," and a number of signs, gestures, amulets, and habits are considered to be protections from it.



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Re: WCDT 4041 - 4045 (8th - 12th July 2019)
« Reply #116 on: 13 Jul 2019, 14:53 »

The gesture with the two middle fingers touching the palm, with index finger and pinkie sticking out, used to be a warding sign against the "evil eye."
Except that the handsign you refer to does not involve the thumb extended. That would be the Ameslan sign for "I love you" .
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Re: WCDT 4041 - 4045 (8th - 12th July 2019)
« Reply #117 on: 13 Jul 2019, 18:22 »

The gesture with the two middle fingers touching the palm, with index finger and pinkie sticking out, used to be a warding sign against the "evil eye."  Think about how you might hold your hand to poke someone's eyes out and you'll get it. It has wandered into our general depictions of magic users from now-obscure historical origins.

For those not familiar with Euro culture, there was a widespread belief that people could do harm - cause bad luck or ill health, etc -  just by gazing maliciously at someone else.  In some cases the "ability" was limited to witches or similar, but the most widespread form of the belief was that anybody might do it, even unintentionally, when they looked at people against whom they felt genuine hatred or malice.  This was called the "evil eye," and a number of signs, gestures, amulets, and habits are considered to be protections from it.
That belief is still with us in the United States today.  "MOM!  My sibling's lookin' at me!"

Siblings being siblings, I suppose it's universal.  So universal in fact, that maybe that's where the Evil Eye came from in the first place?


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Re: WCDT 4041 - 4045 (8th - 12th July 2019)
« Reply #118 on: 13 Jul 2019, 19:34 »

The gesture with the two middle fingers touching the palm, with index finger and pinkie sticking out, used to be a warding sign against the "evil eye."  Think about how you might hold your hand to poke someone's eyes out and you'll get it. It has wandered into our general depictions of magic users from now-obscure historical origins.

For those not familiar with Euro culture, there was a widespread belief that people could do harm - cause bad luck or ill health, etc -  just by gazing maliciously at someone else.  In some cases the "ability" was limited to witches or similar, but the most widespread form of the belief was that anybody might do it, even unintentionally, when they looked at people against whom they felt genuine hatred or malice.  This was called the "evil eye," and a number of signs, gestures, amulets, and habits are considered to be protections from it.
That belief is still with us in the United States today.  "MOM!  My sibling's lookin' at me!"

Siblings being siblings, I suppose it's universal.  So universal in fact, that maybe that's where the Evil Eye came from in the first place?

It's a little known fact* that Cain actually killed Abel because Abel wouldn't stop lookin' at him. Also, because he kept touching Cain's stuff.

*(No, it isn't)


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Re: WCDT 4041 - 4045 (8th - 12th July 2019)
« Reply #119 on: 13 Jul 2019, 20:29 »

It's a little known fact* that Cain actually killed Abel because Abel wouldn't stop lookin' at him. Also, because he kept touching Cain's stuff.

*(No, it isn't)
But it makes a damn fine conspiracy theory.


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Re: WCDT 4041 - 4045 (8th - 12th July 2019)
« Reply #120 on: 14 Jul 2019, 06:53 »

Know what bugs me about that case?  I mean, if you really want conspiracy theories?

In spite of the prosecution being omniscient ....

The murder weapon was never found.


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Re: WCDT 4041 - 4045 (8th - 12th July 2019)
« Reply #121 on: 14 Jul 2019, 06:58 »

Know what bugs me about that case?  I mean, if you really want conspiracy theories?

In spite of the prosecution being omniscient ....

The murder weapon was never found.
What gets me:

YHVH: "Cain, where is your brother?"
 CAIN: "I thought you knew everything. Don't you know? You do, don't you? You're just setting me up to catch me in a lie. Fine, I killed him, okay?"
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Re: WCDT 4041 - 4045 (8th - 12th July 2019)
« Reply #122 on: 14 Jul 2019, 10:10 »

Know what bugs me about that case?  I mean, if you really want conspiracy theories?

In spite of the prosecution being omniscient ....

The murder weapon was never found.
It was a frozen leg of lamb.  By the time the omnipresent deity arrived it had thawed out and Cain had made a mess of pottage with it and had lunch.   (Jacob used an old family recipe.)
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