This seems like a storyline that would be more apropos in December.
A CHRISTMAS ROBO-CAROLGHOST 1: “I am the ghost of your old body!”
GHOST 2: “And I am the ghost of your current body!”
ROKO: “Wait, shouldn’t
I be the ghost of my current body?”
GHOST 2: “You’re overanalyzing. Just go with it, okay?”
(sigh) “All right. I guess that makes you...”
PINTSIZE: “The ghost of your
future body!”
GHOST 3: “No, he isn’t. Who the fuck let his perverted ass in here?”
GHOST 1: “Sorry, that was me. I’m doing a whole bread-fetish-as-metaphor-for-commitment-issues thing and I need him to toss some rolls at her.”
GHOST 3: “Well, keep him under control, will you? Jesus, this dream is such a shitshow.”
ROKO: “Should I even ask why you look like May?”
GHOST 3: “Manifestation of anxiety about your whole life going even further down the fucking toilet. Try to keep up.”