Sorry, I'm one of those people that will never buy into multiple terms to suit every single person's need to feel special. I can understand some level of distinction, but at a certain point it is ridiculous and just seems to be adopted so people can get butthurt if you don't recognize their special unicorn status.
No need to be sorry, though the thought is appreciated. Are you really sorry? If so, why? Maybe because there is a conflict between needing to assert a view you feel strongly about, yet not wanting to be rude?
Your post is an excellent example for me to use in future. Illustrating that someone can be reasonable, completely non malicious, yet so oblivious to their own privilege that they end up insulting others.
You do have a point. There are offendatrons just looking to find or manufacture any excuse to be offended. They are vastly outnumbered, by orders of magnitude, by complete assholes. And they in turn are outnumbered by those who, never having experienced professional malice for being what they are, don't really believe that it can exist. I hope they never learn any different, not through personal experience.