Pintsize and Claire's relationship has been quite the roller-coaster, hasn't it? He had to be nearly physically restrained from traumatising her at virtually their first meeting by a strong threat from Marten. We all remember the wolf urine prank and Claire's threat to lobotomise him in response.
However, since then, things have quietened down a
lot and it's seems that the two of them have reached either a compromise or détente of sorts. Claire needs someone to hug sometimes and I'm wondering if being hugged is one of the reasons why Pintsize chose to be a Companion AI in the first place! I mean, yeah, he's good at helping people and enjoys doing it in his
unique way but just watch how he reacts to Claire and you realise that being in her lap and cuddled to her bosom is fulfilling...
Okay, yeah, he's still a perve but he doesn't make a thing of it for her sake!
Meanwhile, we are reminded that Mr Augustus walking out of the family has left really serious scars in Claire's psyche that we shouldn't ever discount when judging her behaviour.
Burgers are a dollar but cheese is $16? That must be 20 year cheddar.
sorry to double post but why are more people not talking about this?
Because not everyone pays that amount of attention to the backgrounds of the panels.
FWIW, this is a typical 'loss leader' type of marketing. Because the burgers without cheese aren't so good, the owners of the Horrible Revelation know that the cheese sale is pretty much in the bag but they can still claim with a straight face to have 'the cheapest bar food in town'. Reach for those wallets, suckers!