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Name the Reed boat!

Boaty McBoatface II
- 5 (13.5%)
Float 'n' Chill
- 3 (8.1%)
Lady Claire
- 5 (13.5%)
My Other Boat Is A Tin Bathtub
- 2 (5.4%)
Gone Fishin'
- 0 (0%)
Queen Faye's Revenge
- 7 (18.9%)
Don't Judge Me, Kids! You'll Be Here Soon Enough!
- 2 (5.4%)
Pintsize's Excellent Adventure
- 3 (8.1%)
To Have and Have Not (Yes, a literary reference for Claire's sake)
- 4 (10.8%)
I Survived Jaws!
- 1 (2.7%)
Other (please specify in comments)
- 5 (13.5%)

Total Members Voted: 35

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Author Topic: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)  (Read 27226 times)

Near Lurker

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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #50 on: 16 Dec 2019, 21:52 »

"Buying a boat" is definitely a middle-class cliche; cf. Us.
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #51 on: 16 Dec 2019, 23:23 »

Okay, things are starting to approach the territory known as 'mistakes were made' and not necessarily the hilarious sort! I'm not expecting Steve to end up marrying anyone but I am expecting Marten to come to a decision or two about which he should really have consulted with Claire first! Can you say "Double Wedding"? I thought so. Either Marten will wake up with a ring in his pocket or he will bring home Steve, Dora and Tai to insist that Claire must do it because "you're so perfect together"!

I'm starting to wonder if Claire is listed on Tai's 'phone as "Cinnamon Roll, Perfect"! I used to think that they didn't like eachother but now I see that Tai clearly admires Claire's personality and drive!

Meanwhile, I'm wondering just how much stuff Claire will get in gift baskets that she'll never use or even be sure what it's for! Still, at least Bubbles is enjoying the fancy coffee!

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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #52 on: 17 Dec 2019, 01:23 »

If our country can’t have a Naval ship named Boaty McBoatface in spite of popular poll opinion, may I offer it up as an option for Marten and Steve?

I feel that way true justice will be served.  8-)
I still find it hard to believe that that actually happened and I'm under 40yo.

It didn’t. They named the ship itself the Sir David Attenborough, but named one of the boats upon it Boaty McBoatface as an appeasement measure  :lol:
I meant that 'Boaty McBoatface' became the most popular name.

It actually on the "Most Loved Overall" tab


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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #53 on: 17 Dec 2019, 02:33 »

:::Thinks about it...:::
:::gets nowhere:::
:::Looks up Phoenix Metro Area on Google Maps:::

Ah! Right! Quasi Desert!!!   :)

Nothing's quasi about it. Sonoran Desert, in fact.

And yes, many people die of drowning in Arizona, but not because of  all the backyard pools in our major cities.

There's this thing called "flash flooding" that happens in arid environmenTS like ours.....


I was using the Kalahari scale!

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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #54 on: 17 Dec 2019, 03:02 »

People drown in Arizona because it typically only rains during what they call monsoon season. During that time, quick building strong rain storms can drop a ton of rain in a short time. There are also a lot of crossings in Arizona called 'washes' where the road is either at ground level or close to it in dry riverbeds. You can easily go to an urban center and get caught out, meaning on the way home you might have to cross one or more of these riverbeds. If you misjudge the current or get too cocky, you end up a statistic as your vehicle is washed downstream and shredded.

Quite a bit of the blame is on the Arizona government for not properly building safe crossings. It is a lot easier and cheaper to just put signs out warning about the low water crossings.

I can recall when I was growing up and still living in south Arizona near the Tohono O'odham nation reservation, a couple of times I was almost a statistic. One was when I was 10 or 11 and my aunt came to visit. She took me to Tucson for some reason and on the way back she decided to shoot across a wash in her 65 mustang after she saw a larger truck go through it. The car started drifting to the left from the water pressure and we just barely made it out because she had hit the water fast, ending up in the opposite lane. Another time was when I was with my family in our ltd station wagon about a year later. We had went to town for groceries and I was sitting in the back in the flip up seats. My grandfather was generally pretty good at judging the washes, but we got hit by a small surge as we were going through and the car stalled. The back of the car where I was started taking in water through the semi open rear window. Some of our grocery bags were sucked out and I was lucky I had my little waist seat belt on. Some people on the other side noticed and were able to wade out to hook up our front with a chain, pulling us out.

Rushing water is scary and extremely dangerous. Sadly a lot of people find out only too late.

Funny you should say that...

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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #55 on: 17 Dec 2019, 05:20 »

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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #56 on: 17 Dec 2019, 07:15 »

"Buying a boat" is definitely a middle-class cliche; cf. Us.

Is it really that middle-class?  I'd imagine owning a canoe or a rowboat of some sort, or maybe an outboard at the most, would still be middle-class.

Anything bigger or fancier than that incurs enough costs that pretty much only the upper-class and the rich can afford it.  That said, I come from a suburban town apparently full of such people.
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #57 on: 17 Dec 2019, 10:15 »

I spent a couple of minutes trying to decipher what was on that card Claire is holding... only to realize it’s upside-down and just says “To Claire”.

Also I am wondering what kind of visions Bubbles is getting from that coffee. Looks pretty nice hallucination so far, but that’s always when the velociraptors show up.
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #58 on: 17 Dec 2019, 10:42 »

I personally do not have a boat - sold the Fiberglas canoe a decade or so ago.
Brothers in-law each have some version of a bow rider.
Bother has two and possibly three power kayaks if he can fix the motor on the last one.
He also has a two seater hovercraft which I do like to go out on the lake on.
No it has never been full of eels.
Lots of wild rice in the fall because mister hot-dogger loves side-slipping through the wild rice in the shallows of the lake. Yes it stings. Yes it gets into everything. E v e r y t h i n g !
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #59 on: 17 Dec 2019, 13:03 »

I was confused by the gift baskets and how they tied into today's conversation, then remembered the page from a few days ago.


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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #60 on: 17 Dec 2019, 14:16 »

call the boat Veronica Vance...

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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #61 on: 17 Dec 2019, 18:00 »

And this is the third different beer Steve has tried.
( what comes out of the tap marked ? i wanna know )
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #62 on: 18 Dec 2019, 03:17 »

New strip is up.

Door knobs can be tricky, indeed.
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #63 on: 18 Dec 2019, 03:46 »

I like that Millefeuille's drunk bubbles are square


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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #64 on: 18 Dec 2019, 04:18 »

Looking at Claire without pigtails I can only say this: The Floof has returned! Seriously, I can see why she prefers her hair shorter and in tails - managing that must be a nightmare!

Just in case anyone doubted Tai in Tuesday's strip, here is the proof: Claire is very, very good for Marten in every possible way. Panel 2 communicates such a wonderful level of love, trust and acceptance between the two of them. I particularly like how Marten so instinctively turns to Claire for reassurance and comfort whilst he's hurting and disoriented. No snapping or transferrance of his pain reaction. Just: "Wanna my hugz!"

You know, I think that Steve can handle a lot more alcohol than his friends. Panel 3 suggests to me that he is far more sober than anyone else. I also think that Wilson is Millie's designated driver to get her out of bars when she won't (or can't) shut off 'Drunk Mode'. He's used to it, uinfortunately. I suspect that he's hoping that she won't remember any of this!

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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #65 on: 18 Dec 2019, 04:38 »

I also think that Wilson is Millie's designated driver to get her out of bars when she won't (or can't) shut off 'Drunk Mode'. He's used to it, uinfortunately. I suspect that he's hoping that she won't remember any of this!
I didn't make that interpretation.  I've seen  that look and it corresponds more to "I can't believe she instigated this" in my experience.
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #66 on: 18 Dec 2019, 04:51 »

Looking at Claire without pigtails I can only say this: The Floof has returned! Seriously, I can see why she prefers her hair shorter and in tails - managing that must be a nightmare!

Just in case anyone doubted Tai in Tuesday's strip, here is the proof: Claire is very, very good for Marten in every possible way. Panel 2 communicates such a wonderful level of love, trust and acceptance between the two of them. I particularly like how Marten so instinctively turns to Claire for reassurance and comfort whilst he's hurting and disoriented. No snapping or transferrance of his pain reaction. Just: "Wanna my hugz!"

You know, I think that Steve can handle a lot more alcohol than his friends. Panel 3 suggests to me that he is far more sober than anyone else. I also think that Wilson is Millie's designated driver to get her out of bars when she won't (or can't) shut off 'Drunk Mode'. He's used to it, uinfortunately. I suspect that he's hoping that she won't remember any of this!
I agree with paragraphs one and two, and that Steve has a higher tolerance. But, I think it's more just buzzed bemusement.
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #67 on: 18 Dec 2019, 06:03 »

I also think that Wilson is Millie's designated driver to get her out of bars when she won't (or can't) shut off 'Drunk Mode'. He's used to it, uinfortunately. I suspect that he's hoping that she won't remember any of this!

Unless there have been some new information that I missed, the name of the human cloaked-Emu-seeking scientist is Jones (from #4081).


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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #68 on: 18 Dec 2019, 06:55 »




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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #69 on: 18 Dec 2019, 07:06 »

I hope that by "happening," Claire meant "planned", with nothing farther along than "the ingredients and utensils are in the ready position." Otherwise, one of 'em should at least stick their head in the kitchen doorway. Once they're in the skillet, pancakes happen pretty fast.
Unless Bubbles is keeping an eye on things, or making the pancakes happen. Food prep might be an interesting academic or olfactory exercise for her.
Pintsize and pancake batter is a combination best left theoretical.
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #70 on: 18 Dec 2019, 07:10 »

I think that "happening" means "served and ready to garnish to taste". It also means: "Get your butt into the kitchen before Faye sucks them up like a rogue Roomba"!

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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #71 on: 18 Dec 2019, 11:35 »

I think that "happening" means "served and ready to garnish to taste". It also means: "Get your butt into the kitchen before Faye sucks them up like a rogue Roomba"!
That reminds me, where is our  transonic roomba and progeny?
We haven't seen any of them in ages.
They should at least drop by for the holidays if nothing else. :-D
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #72 on: 18 Dec 2019, 11:50 »

I love the expression Jones (?) has in panel 3.  The only sober guy in the group apparently.  I am usually the DD in my social group, so I have often had the same expression on my face while watching the antics of my drunk friends.

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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #73 on: 18 Dec 2019, 12:07 »

Steve's first beer is the one in the goblet. Then he tries the kind Marten is having. Next, the straw colored kind Dora ordered for Tai. Marten has switched to a more orangey one, so he tries that. Four different beers. Isn't that supposed to give you an exceptionally vicious hangover?
Is there something like Rainbow Shots, but with beer?
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #74 on: 18 Dec 2019, 14:13 »

Steve's first beer is the one in the goblet. Then he tries the kind Marten is having. Next, the straw colored kind Dora ordered for Tai. Marten has switched to a more orangey one, so he tries that. Four different beers. Isn't that supposed to give you an exceptionally vicious hangover?

That depends on the period of time over which they were drunk, and their individual tolerance.
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #75 on: 18 Dec 2019, 18:03 »

Tai and Claire are on the same wavelength. Hey! There's Mieville!

Anybody else think the Butt-Judging Contest needs to be a wallpaper?
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #76 on: 18 Dec 2019, 18:39 »

Wondering what the little smiley creature in the background is - is it a pet rock or a tiny AI alarm clock or something?

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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #77 on: 18 Dec 2019, 18:51 »

If both Tai and Claire are announcing happenin' pancakes, then who's in the kitchen with Dinah?
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #78 on: 18 Dec 2019, 20:14 »


I'm looking forward to who's in Tai and Dora's living room.


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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #79 on: 18 Dec 2019, 23:10 »

Like others, I think it's interesting that Tai and Claire both announced their presence in more or less identical ways. As I said previously this week, I think that it's interesting that Tai and Claire (who I'd previously assumed at most tolerated each other because of their differing views of how to treat a library) actually think and act in the same way quite a lot. I wonder if either of them know it?

So, now I'm wondering if the 'mistakes were made' were all Dora's. I suspect that Millie will be able to explain at least some of it. Assuming that she remembers any of it (Yes, I've seen Jeph's footer note; no I don't think he's serious about that).

Wondering what the little smiley creature in the background is - is it a pet rock or a tiny AI alarm clock or something?

I'm guessing that it's either a pet rock or some weird souvenir that someone bought either Dora or Tai at some point. A keepsake from sunny Amity Bay?

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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #80 on: 18 Dec 2019, 23:14 »

If both Tai and Claire are announcing happenin' pancakes, then who's in the kitchen with Dinah?
Perhaps Jones?

Either that or we're seeing potentially two different uses for "happening".
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #81 on: 18 Dec 2019, 23:58 »

If both Tai and Claire are announcing happenin' pancakes, then who's in the kitchen with Dinah?
Perhaps Jones?

Either that or we're seeing potentially two different uses for "happening".

not for the first time, I am sick with confusion.
Yet the lies of Melkor, the mighty and the accursed, Morgoth Bauglir, the Power of Terror and of Hate, sowed in the hearts of Elves and Men are a seed that does not die and cannot be destroyed; and ever and anon it sprouts anew, and will bear dark fruit even unto the latest days. (Silmarillion 255)


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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #82 on: 19 Dec 2019, 01:51 »

If our country can’t have a Naval ship named Boaty McBoatface in spite of popular poll opinion, may I offer it up as an option for Marten and Steve?

I feel that way true justice will be served.  8-)
I still find it hard to believe that that actually happened and I'm under 40yo.

It didn’t. They named the ship itself the Sir David Attenborough, but named one of the boats upon it Boaty McBoatface as an appeasement measure  :lol:

No offence to Sir David, but it does look rather like a McBoatface ...
« Last Edit: 19 Dec 2019, 03:33 by Case »
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #83 on: 19 Dec 2019, 03:37 »

Mieville lives!

Wait.  Whose place are they at?  Are pancakes happening in two different locations, or is Marten and Claire over at Dora's? 


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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #84 on: 19 Dec 2019, 03:53 »

If both Tai and Claire are announcing happenin' pancakes, then who's in the kitchen with Dinah?


Oh , sorry.. DinaH !

(Dammit, now I want happenin' pancakes!)
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #85 on: 19 Dec 2019, 04:21 »

Wait.  Whose place are they at?  Are pancakes happening in two different locations, or is Marten and Claire over at Dora's?

That's a good question. As there's never been indication of Tai's dorm-mates being around the Bianchi/Hubbard household, I'm assuming that this is whatever apartment Dora moved into after breaking up with Marten.

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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #86 on: 19 Dec 2019, 04:43 »

Now wait a minute: are Tai and Dora at Marten's? Is that Pintsize on the dresser?  And hello new AI character if that's not Millie in disguise...  I'm so confused!
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #87 on: 19 Dec 2019, 05:17 »

Now wait a minute: are Tai and Dora at Marten's? Is that Pintsize on the dresser?  And hello new AI character if that's not Millie in disguise...  I'm so confused!

Pretty sure that's Dora's cat Mieville there, and Tai says "our living room floor" which suggests that a) she's cohabitating with Dora now and b) Dora and Tai are at Dora's place. 

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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #88 on: 19 Dec 2019, 06:53 »

IIRC, Dora moved to Amherst after breaking up with Marten.  And Tai was living in the dorms at Smif when we met her.  Don't recall if they if they got a place closer or in Northhampton since.  But it would make sense if they did.


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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #89 on: 19 Dec 2019, 09:43 »

Now wait a minute: are Tai and Dora at Marten's? Is that Pintsize on the dresser?  And hello new AI character if that's not Millie in disguise...  I'm so confused!

Pretty sure that's Dora's cat Mieville there, and Tai says "our living room floor" which suggests that a) she's cohabitating with Dora now and b) Dora and Tai are at Dora's place.
Hence my confusion - if pancakes are going on at both places, that's an odd coincidence.  And what is that Pintsize-looking grin doing on the dresser???  Or did everyone land at Dora's and Claire came over to make pancakes for the crew?  I guess we'll learn when we tune in tomorrow to hear Marten say...
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #90 on: 19 Dec 2019, 10:40 »

Millefeuille has a character page in the wiki now.


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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #91 on: 19 Dec 2019, 10:43 »

Hence my confusion - if pancakes are going on at both places, that's an odd coincidence.  And what is that Pintsize-looking grin doing on the dresser???  Or did everyone land at Dora's and Claire came over to make pancakes for the crew?  I guess we'll learn when we tune in tomorrow to hear Marten say...

I don't see what's so odd about it. It's perfectly legal in Massachusetts for two different households in the same town to be making pancakes at the same time. We're progressive that way.
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #92 on: 19 Dec 2019, 10:52 »

I don't see what's so odd about it. It's perfectly legal in Massachusetts for two different households in the same town to be making pancakes at the same time. We're progressive that way.

Blasphemy!  There should be waffles


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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #93 on: 19 Dec 2019, 10:59 »

Blasphemy!  There should be waffles
Waffles are one step above the world famous Lisa Douglas Hotcakes  8-)
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #94 on: 19 Dec 2019, 15:04 »

If being able to encrypt one's own memories is a common/normal thing then why did bubbles have to rely on corpse witch?


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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #95 on: 19 Dec 2019, 15:16 »

I suspect Bubbles wanted to not have the decode key herself so she could not theoretically re-open those wounds.

That, or Yay Newfriend has popularized and released a free 'Seal your own memory' app to prevent the Corpse Witches of the world from taking another sentient like Bubbles for a ride.
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #96 on: 19 Dec 2019, 17:14 »

Or it's a new feature on newer models.  Or Bubbles-type AIs can't have it because we want to be able to scan their memories for war crimes without having the hassle of decrypting.  Or...

OK, I get the parallelism now, and maybe that's its own self-referential joke.
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #97 on: 19 Dec 2019, 18:04 »

I don't see what's so odd about it. It's perfectly legal in Massachusetts for two different households in the same town to be making pancakes at the same time. We're progressive that way.

Blasphemy!  There should be waffles
Would an owlbear plushie with a nametag reading 'Waffles' suffice?
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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #98 on: 19 Dec 2019, 18:40 »

Quote from: Jeph
invisible underscore emu

What the hell are YOU staring at?

Scarlet Manuka

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Re: WCDT strips 4156-4160 (16th to 20th December 2019)
« Reply #99 on: 19 Dec 2019, 19:36 » bet.

...wait, what's this about gift baskets?
From 4155.
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