As my game world (between the Lore I'm writing, and what the PCs do) becomes more complex, I'm looking for a new way to keep everything organised, and to keep the mass of inconsistencies to a minimum. Right now, the Lore consists of three LaTeX documents, which is great for printing, but not so much for keeping everything organised, since at least with Kile or TeXmaker, I'm stuck with a system that is pretty poor for annotating documents, save for commented text that I have to either search for, or scan through manually. From what little looking around that I've done, it seems like my best options are Scrivener, or using a combination of Word and OneNote. In the latter case, I don't know how well they integrate to suit my needs. Either way, I'm out $100[1], but at least in the former case, I don't have to pay annually. Or if anyone has other ideas, that could be extremely helpful.
[1] Even though Scrivener is only $50, I'd have to buy two copies or fuss with WINE on two computers to have both the mac and linux boxen covered.