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Author Topic: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)  (Read 29177 times)


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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #50 on: 10 Mar 2020, 16:29 »

I dunno.  I've been committed/sectioned several times, and some people still don't like me throwing the word "crazy" about with reckless abandon.  I think that the main reason that I still use it is to keep it from having (more) power over me.

Sorry to hear about your ordeals, Unbuggerable one. Myself, I have two entries in various incarnations of the DSM about the way my headmeats work, and nobody is going to publicly shame me about the way I talk about (aspects of) myself - and especially not out of some alleged intent to protect me from public shaming.

I have no right to speak on anybody else's behalf, even if I'm a member of the same group, but I find it astonishing that some folk feel apparently feel they need to teach me about the words used as weapons against me. When people call me 'crazy', at least they have own their attack. I see a danger in proscribing the use of euphemisms in that it gives those very same people a way to attacki me and claim that any attack ever happened.

If you ask me whether I'd like to have a little gaslighting along with the stigma, I'm afraid my answer would be that I don't consider that a good deal.

*raises hand*
I have, at a minimum, depression and anxiety.  Does that give me "c-word" privileges?

"How many traits must I have in common with a person to be an insensitive asshole towards them using a word that has been used to stigmatize and/or oppress people like them for generations?"

Fair warning: You try to appropriate my words that I use to describe an aspect of myself, you're likely to learn a lot more about my opinions than any reasonable person could reasonably wish to.

First thing would be my opinion on the popular practise of 'slanderquoting'.

Personally, I think that if you catch yourself publicly shaming folk in order to protect them from public shaming, you may consider the possibility of a flaw in the way you practise allyship.
« Last Edit: 10 Mar 2020, 16:55 by Case »
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #51 on: 10 Mar 2020, 16:49 »

*raises hand*
I have, at a minimum, depression and anxiety.  Does that give me "c-word" privileges?

"How many traits must I have in common with a person to be an insensitive asshole towards them using a word that has been used to stigmatize and/or oppress people like them for generations?"

It's a reasonable point, but maybe turn down the judgementalism around 27 notches?
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #52 on: 10 Mar 2020, 17:00 »

1. I put "Jimbo" (hey, it's always good to see Jimbo!), "Faye's Mother" (because I want to see how she handles Faye's relationship with Bubbles) and I want to see Angus again (ditto).

2. Remember how the Secret Bakery was introduced as a sort of bizarro Coffee of Doom? How all of its residents seemed to have their equivalent in CoD? Just pointing this out, as Renee (Faye equivalent) seems to be paying a great deal of attention to a lady-robot's butt...  :-D
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #53 on: 10 Mar 2020, 18:24 »

Comic's up.

I get the feeling Millefeuille is going to make a drunken pass at Clinton.

(Would anyone get it if I sang, "I'm Mill-ton, your brand new ship!"?)
« Last Edit: 10 Mar 2020, 18:39 by Stoutfellow »


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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #54 on: 10 Mar 2020, 19:11 »

I wonder how often Clinton has to go "Stop playing with my robot hand, it's creepy."


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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #55 on: 10 Mar 2020, 19:24 »

Comic's up.

I get the feeling Millefeuille is going to make a drunken pass at Clinton.

I think there's a non-zero chance she makes drunken passes at everyone all the humans.


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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #56 on: 10 Mar 2020, 19:30 »

I get the feeling Millefeuille is going to make a drunken pass at Clinton.

I think she just did.
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #57 on: 10 Mar 2020, 21:21 »

Oh dear.
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #58 on: 10 Mar 2020, 22:31 »

I get the feeling Millefeuille is going to make a drunken pass at Clinton.
It's pretty clear she abruptly decided she'd like to "click together" with Clinton. Hence the look. Who hasn't picked up on that, but will probably say "let's talk about that when you're sober" once he's clued in (assuming that happens).


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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #59 on: 10 Mar 2020, 22:40 »

Sorry to hear about your ordeals, Unbuggerable one. Myself, I have two entries in various incarnations of the DSM about the way my headmeats work, and nobody is going to publicly shame me about the way I talk about (aspects of) myself - and especially not out of some alleged intent to protect me from public shaming.

Sad to say, I've probably been buggered by life.  In recent weeks, I've managed to, at least thus far, avoid from punching people in the face who really deserved it.
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #60 on: 10 Mar 2020, 23:11 »

I get the feeling Millefeuille is going to make a drunken pass at Clinton.

Question is, whether they'll pick it up sober. And whether Elliot is going to be bummed out.
I wouldn't be surprised if Claire had something to say say about Clinton being with an AI. Not that she'd object it, but there might be something lingering robot hand issues.
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #61 on: 10 Mar 2020, 23:39 »

But calling people "dipshit" is okay.

And people wonder why I rarely speak.
It's better than 'r*t*rd'. Granted, calling some of them that would be insulting to people with intellectual disability (ID, also known as general learning disability)¹. Even if the individual still has the maturity level of a tween or mid-range teenager well into their 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s. Though, that's more a failure on their part to progress past that point. ('Arrested development' is not recognized as a disability at this point in time.)

EDIT: Forgot to include the following footnote.
¹ The problem isn't the word. It's the attitude and intent behind it. Just changing the word will make it's replacement become the pejorative. We've seen it happen again and again. For example: "idiot" "moron" and "imbecile" were once the medical terms for mildly, moderate, and profound mental retardation. For further example; "slow" to "special" to "mentally challenged" to "mental retardation"² to etc, etc. The culture's attitude needs to change. The stigma needs to go away.

² Not entirely certain on the order of that. Too tired to remember but I know some of the forumites have specific experience with that.
« Last Edit: 12 Mar 2020, 05:06 by Gyrre »
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #62 on: 10 Mar 2020, 23:42 »

Sorry to hear about your ordeals, Unbuggerable one. Myself, I have two entries in various incarnations of the DSM about the way my headmeats work, and nobody is going to publicly shame me about the way I talk about (aspects of) myself - and especially not out of some alleged intent to protect me from public shaming.

Sad to say, I've probably been buggered by life.  In recent weeks, I've managed to, at least thus far, avoid from punching people in the face who really deserved it.
Always a triumph when one manages to do that.

I wouldn't mind having a 2×4 with a grip on it and the words "clue-by-four" engraved into the side of it. I certainly know a fair few folks I'd like to give a few head-whacks to with such an item.
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #63 on: 11 Mar 2020, 00:19 »

I think that we can say that Jeph has definitely established that Millifeulle wants a romantic relationship with a human. Normally, I doubt that she'd even admit that to herself but in vino veritas and all that! That said, Clinton's expression in panel 6 when Millie makes her pass tells me that he definitely isn't interested in her as matters stand.

It will be interesting to see if she'll try her luck elsewhere or, having selected a target, will be circling around Clinton trying to get an opening for the rest of the evening. That will determine if it's 'any human' or 'Clinton' that she's interested in!
« Last Edit: 11 Mar 2020, 00:32 by BenRG »

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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #64 on: 11 Mar 2020, 00:39 »

He might also just be unaware, density in guys is a thing
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #65 on: 11 Mar 2020, 02:36 »

He might also just be unaware, density in guys is a thing

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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #66 on: 11 Mar 2020, 03:30 »

I so do love being on the receiving end of a drunken pass, but no one has ever waved their tail feathers at me me like Millifeulle does Clinton. 


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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #67 on: 11 Mar 2020, 03:59 »

Maybe drunk Milly is like "oooooh, he already has a biomechanical interface. That's gonna make it even better!"
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #68 on: 11 Mar 2020, 04:22 »

Maybe drunk Milly is like "oooooh, he already has a biomechanical interface. That's gonna make it even better!"

No, I just think that it was a very, very unique attempted pick-up line.

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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #69 on: 11 Mar 2020, 04:52 »

I think Clinton is "doing the right thing" and not taking advantage of the drunken robot.
That does not, however, mean he wouldn't want to do so when she finally shuts down "Drunkr".

(Or we'll just get another embarrassment tale).
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #70 on: 11 Mar 2020, 05:35 »

Or it could just be that the woman in the room who Clinton is actually interested in is not the one who is making a pass at him.
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #71 on: 11 Mar 2020, 05:57 »

I am entertained by all of the attempts to interpret Clinton's lack of reaction.

It could mean anything, basically.  8-)
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #72 on: 11 Mar 2020, 06:38 »

I am entertained by all of the attempts to interpret Clinton's lack of reaction.

I don't think that Clinton has no reaction. What I see in panel 6 (especially with the raised eyebrows and the implied irony of his words) is a neutral-to-negative reaction. Basically: "Yeah, heard this one before and no."

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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #73 on: 11 Mar 2020, 07:14 »

That's just nuts.
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #74 on: 11 Mar 2020, 07:28 »

  In recent weeks, I've managed to, at least thus far, avoid punching people in the face who really deserved it.

This a state I live in almost constantly, broken only by the occasional moments when I do not avoid it.
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #75 on: 11 Mar 2020, 07:48 »

But calling people "dipshit" is okay.

And people wonder why I rarely speak.
It's better than 'r*t*rd'.

To me, they're both horrible.  And then there is a look at the future.  Calling someone "wild" might be okay now, but won't people eventually conflate the term with something like "raised by wolves"?

Also, swearing needs to be just above taboo.  I don't swear much, and the result is that when I do so, people notice.

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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #76 on: 11 Mar 2020, 07:51 »

I wouldn't mind having a 2×4 with a grip on it and the words "clue-by-four" engraved into the side of it. I certainly know a fair few folks I'd like to give a few head-whacks to with such an item.

Isn't that essentially a cricket bat?


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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #77 on: 11 Mar 2020, 07:52 »

Maybe drunk Milly is like "oooooh, he already has a biomechanical interface. That's gonna make it even better!"

My first reaction: Ooh! Mille sharing her sensorium via the biomechanical interface! That might be fascinating to Clinton given what we know of him!

Second reaction: Wait. sensorium-sharing is one of those things that GiTS style full-body cyborgs are supposed to avoid doing cross-gender, and the one time I remember it being used it knocked the guy out cold.

Third reaction: Clinton explicitly has an older-style mount, and I think he mentioned his hand doesn't give him a lot of feedback? His I/O port might not be able to broadcast back to the rest of his system at all.
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #78 on: 11 Mar 2020, 07:55 »

I am entertained by all of the attempts to interpret Clinton's lack of reaction.

I don't think that Clinton has no reaction. What I see in panel 6 (especially with the raised eyebrows and the implied irony of his words) is a neutral-to-negative reaction. Basically: "Yeah, heard this one before and no."

I think it to be somewhere between "is she actually trying to flirt with me?", "no, thank you" and oblivion or denial.

Maybe drunk Milly is like "oooooh, he already has a biomechanical interface. That's gonna make it even better!"

Third reaction: Clinton explicitly has an older-style mount, and I think he mentioned his hand doesn't give him a lot of feedback? His I/O port might not be able to broadcast back to the rest of his system at all.

Sounds like something Drunk Logic would ignore.
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #79 on: 11 Mar 2020, 13:45 »

For the poll I chose Jimbo, Wil & Penny, and Other (Raven). They're all characters I've enjoyed reading about previously so it'd be nice to see them back in the comic at some point ^_^


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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #80 on: 11 Mar 2020, 13:58 »

  In recent weeks, I've managed to, at least thus far, avoid punching people in the face who really deserved it.

This a state I live in almost constantly, broken only by the occasional moments when I do not avoid it.

I was sorely tempted.  Thankfully, I was tactful enough to just say "shut the fuck up" as I left.
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #81 on: 11 Mar 2020, 14:08 »

I am entertained by all of the attempts to interpret Clinton's lack of reaction.

I don't think that Clinton has no reaction. What I see in panel 6 (especially with the raised eyebrows and the implied irony of his words) is a neutral-to-negative reaction. Basically: "Yeah, heard this one before and no."

I think it to be somewhere between "is she actually trying to flirt with me?", "no, thank you" and oblivion or denial.

Okay, I'll join in.

What I'm getting from all of the panels (not just the irony of panel six and the raised eyebrows in panel five) is that he is simply awkwardly unsure about how to deal with this drunken person who is talking to him.

I would not bet on whether he is aware of her flirting either way. But hey, if you think you know, you've got a 50/50 shot.
« Last Edit: 11 Mar 2020, 14:52 by Tova »
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #82 on: 11 Mar 2020, 18:39 »

New comic up.

Never had that, actually... huh.


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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #83 on: 11 Mar 2020, 18:53 »

I’ve had ouzo once, back when I was in college. Senior year, several of the physics majors went to a bar with the department chair. He bought us a round of ouzo shots. I thought it was delicious, but maybe I’m weird. Later in grad school, I was at a bar with some other grad students, and we were deciding what to get for a round of shots, and I suggested ouzo. They thought I was pranking them.
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #84 on: 11 Mar 2020, 19:26 »

You supposed to put ice cube inside the glass and not drink it straight!


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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #85 on: 11 Mar 2020, 19:50 »

Brun's line in panel 2 is one of the more profoundly sad things I've ever seen in a web-comic. I can't recall the last time I felt this sad for a fictional character.
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #86 on: 11 Mar 2020, 20:22 »

Brun is correct.


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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #87 on: 11 Mar 2020, 20:33 »

I had a friend who was a bartender while in college, and he also got a box of various kinds of liquor which nobody at the bar would drink, a bottle of Ouzo included.  We spent a party evening trying a sip or two of all of them.  Interesting evening. 
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #88 on: 11 Mar 2020, 21:25 »

Ouzo is made from aniseed, and you've got to like it. And like a few other kinds of booze, tue cheaper it gets the worse the taste. Personally, I don't like it, but I can see why people would like the quality stuff.
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #89 on: 11 Mar 2020, 21:44 »

Most alcoholic beverages are an acquired taste (the ever-popular marketed-at-teens sugary alcoholic beverages being an exception). Some much more than others.

I hated gin when I first tried it. I'm a huge fan now.
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #90 on: 12 Mar 2020, 00:13 »

Oh, god, I so want to hug Brun right now. She's had a really bad life, all things considered. Combine this with her revelation that her previous boss coerced her into letting patrons sexually harass her, I can't help wonder if she's ever not been abused by someone.

I think I know where this is going now. Brun is going to see Millifeulle flirting with Clinton and she's going to assume that history is repeating itself and something else she likes is being taken away from her. I'm just hoping that Clinton makes his preferences nice and clear and I hope that it doesn't turn into a fight.

Meanwhile, Beepatrice has learned two things today: Firstly, no, Brun's thinking processes are not always the same as your average mind. Secondly, AIs like May aren't the only beings in town who need someone to fight their corner occasionally.

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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #91 on: 12 Mar 2020, 01:56 »

I must be sheltered. This is literally the first I've heard of crazy being a bad word.

The site which Theta9 linked suggests the following words as replacements: wild, confusing, unpredictable, impulsive, reckless, fearless, lives on the edge, thrill-seeker, risk-taker, out of control. Is there anything that would prevent the word choice inflation to engulf these words as well?

Maybe we can turn crazy into something like they did with shellshock? Just keep massaging it until it's so vague it doesn't mean anything.

The sequence "Shellshock → battle fatigue → operational exhaustion → post-traumatic stress disorder" lead not only to an euphemisation of the language, but also to broad generalization of the concept. Nowadays, "Post-traumatic stress disorder" is applied to a many more different situations than just shellshock.


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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #92 on: 12 Mar 2020, 02:36 »

Nothing will or can stop the euphemism treadmill.

Also: I have never liked the taste (smell, etc) of anise / licorice.


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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #93 on: 12 Mar 2020, 03:20 »

Nowadays, "Post-traumatic stress disorder" is applied to a many more different situations than just shellshock.

I always thought Shellshock was a different thing than PTSD.

Nothing will or can stop the euphemism treadmill.

Also: I have never liked the taste (smell, etc) of anise / licorice.

Yeah, that's some stuff you either like or... Not hate, but dislike.
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #94 on: 12 Mar 2020, 03:28 »

The sequence "Shellshock → battle fatigue → operational exhaustion → post-traumatic stress disorder" lead not only to an euphemisation of the language, but also to broad generalization of the concept. Nowadays, "Post-traumatic stress disorder" is applied to a many more different situations than just shellshock.

Not forgetting that for some commanders in WW1 Shellsjock = Cowardice.
And people were shot by their own fecking side for having it.   :x
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #95 on: 12 Mar 2020, 04:00 »

*raises hand*
I have, at a minimum, depression and anxiety.  Does that give me "c-word" privileges?
That's not really how it works. It's not a thing that someone has ``priveleges'' for. It doesn't matter who says it. The point is, if a word is used poorly, the whole language suffers. We wouldn't want to
keep massaging it until it's so vague it doesn't mean anything.
Or would we? The fact of the matter is that the word ``crazy'' is merely synonymous with ``insane''---(behaving as) not of sound mind; for using a poorly curated metadictionary as though it were, about the vernacular, a reliable source, that article is crazy.
As for pejorativity, beware: Justice may be blind, but police enforcement, though might be, need be not. The words one says are properly part of one's expression, but it's meaning---ever abstruse---'s interpretage requires careful examination. Upon comprehension, such interpretage may legitimately be used only negatively.
(click to show/hide)

* * *

Brun's line in panel 2 is one of the more profoundly sad things I've ever seen in a web-comic. I can't recall the last time I felt this sad for a fictional character.
I like ``bad'' things due to lower consumptive competition. It's not that they're bad, as much as they're slightly less good; most such are still very good. (Entastement is easy. Nonentastement is trivial; all it takes is one taste. Disentastement is as difficult as forgetting.) More accurately: ``things that most others don't prefer.'' This seems not something important to Brun, and, I imagine, he isn't pedantic about unimportant-to-him things.

* * *

My three choices were (they're related) VespaVenger, Arthur (the alcoholics support-group moderator), and Faye's father. That's right, it turns out, he's not quite dead! He had to fake his death ``due to external pressures'' (i.e. I have no idea why, but it's plausible enough, especially for a work of fiction.) After some time away from his family, after all the cliche pathos of being lonely, trying to figure out his new lifestyle, vel cetera, becomes jaded. After a while, his frustration at not being able to interact with his family, which has long been sublimated, is perverted into a sick sense of justice---vengence! Then, patrolling the night is he on a Harley, with newfound purpose---beating up women who mistreated their intimate partners. Alan, later, let's slip, to Faye, about this---and that he and VespaVenger are dating---which causes him to snap and take a drink. (He recounts the experience at the alchoholics support-group.) So that whole thing kinda fucks him back up for a while, but much sharper than we've seen. (When we were introduced to Faye, he was already a few years down from the initial trauma, now it's fresh.)

* * *

I get the feeling Millefeuille is going to make a drunken pass at Clinton.
It's pretty clear she abruptly decided she'd like to "click together" with Clinton. Hence the look. Who hasn't picked up on that, but will probably say "let's talk about that when you're sober" once he's clued in (assuming that happens).
Panel 2 had me cringeready for Thousandleaf to grab Clinton's recent upgrade to grab Thousandleaf 's recent upgrade; mightta spoil'd the shipping.
Clinton's expression in panel 6 when Millie makes her pass tells me that he definitely isn't interested in her as matters stand.
Also, in panel 4, Clinton probably recognized that Thousandleaf's discomforting reaction was the same as, but much less intense than, Clinton's. I interpreted Clinton's expression in panel 6 as basic frustration from the broken expectation that Thousandleaf is to say something interesting, as though Clinton is thinking ``oh, we've been over this before.''
I've experienced the incogent attention of a person with whom, were he cogent, proceeding with my explicit consent, such activity might be enjoyable; my reaction was much like Clinton's---politely tolerant disinclination.

Remember when a silicon mind would have to underclock himself and attempt to maintain cogency, potentially harming his circuits, to feel that unusual feeling? Now all it takes is a bit of software to simulate the experience, without lasting hardware damage (according to the manual, at least---who knows what they tangled into that freemium).

* * *

Also, do they actually drink it?

"We have a internal storage tank, for when we have to consume food or drink in social situations."

".... and then you just empty it later?"


"You're peeing out PERFECTLY GOOD BEER?!"

".... I suppose?"

"... but is it COLD beer?"

"Do you want it to be cold? I'm equipped with next-gen active cooling technology." - "what? You're a walking fridge?" - "... Crudely put, yes."
With one thing leading to another, ultimately, they're quite satisfied.
According to QFD (cf. page 715), this exists now, and, as we see, has an internet community. Quite an efficient fetish---I just might adopt it.
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #96 on: 12 Mar 2020, 04:45 »

It might be me, but I feel it has been weeks since any substantial story lines/developments have taken place.
Feels like a long setup for something. The comics themselves have still been mildly amusing though.


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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #97 on: 12 Mar 2020, 05:10 »


FWIW, I'm expecting for Brun and Millie to have an argument about who has priority over Clinton. In essence, Jeph is starting what is a long arc about the Clinton-Brun-Elliot-Roko romantic quadrangle resolving itself in some way. Millie and her hitting on Clinton in front of Brun is going to be the catalyst for that along with Beeps deciding that she needs to be 'worthy' of Roko by standing up for the disadvantaged.
« Last Edit: 12 Mar 2020, 06:14 by BenRG »

They call me BenRG... But I don't know why!


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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #98 on: 12 Mar 2020, 05:25 »

I’ve had ouzo once, back when I was in college. Senior year, several of the physics majors went to a bar with the department chair. He bought us a round of ouzo shots. I thought it was delicious, but maybe I’m weird. Later in grad school, I was at a bar with some other grad students, and we were deciding what to get for a round of shots, and I suggested ouzo. They thought I was pranking them.
I usually get people who make fun of me for not liking beer to shut-up by mentioning that I like Jägermeister.

Oh! On the note of licorice, Wiley Wallaby has the best black licorice I've ever had. It's well worth the import price at Hy-Vee ($3.5 to $4 USD). The black licorice 'allsorts' is probably my favorite.

EDIT: combining two replies
I wouldn't mind having a 2×4 with a grip on it and the words "clue-by-four" engraved into the side of it. I certainly know a fair few folks I'd like to give a few head-whacks to with such an item.

Isn't that essentially a cricket bat?
But then the police report would read 'assault with a deadly weapon' in addition to 'aggravated battery'.
« Last Edit: 12 Mar 2020, 05:50 by Gyrre »
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Re: WCDT strips 4216-4220 (9th to 13th March 2020)
« Reply #99 on: 12 Mar 2020, 06:08 »

  In recent weeks, I've managed to, at least thus far, avoid punching people in the face who really deserved it.

This a state I live in almost constantly, broken only by the occasional moments when I do not avoid it.
Mein gott!
Tell me about it. I'm currently having to deal with work drama and had to file a report because one of the supervisor has been very lax in enforcing the rules for the entire time I've been there. And now that his girlfriend (I'm QA not HR) finally got in trouble over a GMP violation she's routinely made multiple times nearly every day since she started, he's pissed at me for turning her in for it to the new [higher-up title I forget] as per instruction. I was following the higher-up's request as I've already been quietly recording all of the GMP violations on my shift at the request of the head of QA (my boss's boss) for about a month-and-a-half now.

BTW, the useless operator —who's totally not dating the aforementioned supervisor and their relationship isn't the only reason she's still employed— has been on that list nearly every shift since I started having to do it. A list that I was asked to start because said supervisor had shit the bed so hard on enforcing the rules in the first place. Which, said supervisor had no way of circumventing and protecting his girlfriend from since we've gone paperless.

Now I have a bunch of whiny grown-ass children ("alleged adults") acting like I'm the bad guy because the new higher-up on 2nd wants the list turned into him and their supervisor rather aggressively demanded I loop him in on it too. Oh, and here's the kicker; [that supervisor] now wants to be looped in on who I've had to give warnings to and who I'm reporting after telling me 'he didn't care if they didn't see it' two years ago. BTW, yes, yes it very much against company policy for a supervisor to date one of their underlings.

Sorry, work drama. Consequences consequences.

[To any HR staff at the company I work for that may be reading this; no names were listed and the company's name was not stated. This post IS NOT actionable. Just investigate [supervisor's name] and [braindead operator's name]'s relationship, please.]
a real-ass gaddam sword
"Broken swords and dragon bones scattered on the way back home."

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