I'm having a bit of a hard time with the sudden revelation that Dora took highly technical classes in college and found them easy.
"Computational linguistics" sounds like it's a sub-field of AI programming. Or at the very least, programming. You'd think that if Dora had a skillset like that, she'd be working in that field, and not in a coffee shop. Even as the owner of a coffee shop.
I don't mean to downplay the difficulties of running a small business, but the day to day tasks just don't present the sort of abstract mental challenge that you get as a programmer. Yeah, there's a lot of grunt work in programming, but it's still a lot more stimulating than standing behind the bar, filling orders or waiting for someone to come in.
It's just kind of disconcerting and out of sync with what we know about Dora.
Though come to think of it, I'm not sure how you raise the capital to by a coffee shop at a twenty-something. Unless you're Hanners and have super-rich parents, which I'm pretty sure isn't the source of Dora's funds. I don't think I ever scraped together more than $15k in my twenties, and that's not nearly enough.
EDIT: I looked at Dora's page in the Wiki, and yeah, this strip is WILDLY inconsistent with what little she's said about her experiences in school before.
Such as:
https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1107"He [Sven] cruised through high school and college, he never studied and still got perfect grades. Meanwhile I'm busting my ass to make Cs and Ds. Then AFTER school he writes a couple of stupid songs and the paychecks just come rolling in. Meanwhile I can barely afford to pay myself a living wage."