My players beat Strahd!
I got to finally reveal that the party's half-elf bard was of distant relation to Strahd being the descendant of one of Strahd and Sergei's cousins. Got the druid-cleric to agree to come to the dinner by appealing to his putupon desire to fix everything in the broken land. The oath of the eternal flame paladin got lured in with the temptation to perfect the 'imbalanced fire cycle' Barovia had by making it a 'closed system of recycled souls' if he could take over. The fighter just wanted to beat the smug off of Strahd's face. And the barblock wanted Castle Ravenloft to be his new home.
Anyways, since the bard and Ireena had gotten together, I got to play MAT's
A Blues for Mergo as the part of the epilogue where Ireen/Tatyana and Sergei are reunited and walk off to the afterlife happened.
We might do an rpilogue session proper this weekend where the party goes and clears out the rest of the castle and has to deal with the monsters that remain (the cluid will probably try to cure all of the werewolves and Mongrelfolk). I've also got one last boss to throw at the party; Baba Prizraka, Baba Lysaga's sister. Basically an excuse for a do-over of that fight with an amped up baddy they can't just brute force.
EDIT: Oh yeah, Izek actually survived as a party member to the Strahd fight and managed to survive dedpite becoming Strahd's personal juice box and puppet with the barblock for a few rounds. Izek and Vasilka (the abbot's lady fleshgolem) ended up together too.
EDIT 2: forgot to include a link for the song. BTW, as Ireena left, the baby she was pregnant with from the bard was left behind fully formed. Just for funsies, I told the bard's player that the baby's name was Mergo. The paladin's immediate response was "KILL IT! KILL IT RIGHT NOW!!!" I guess he played Bloodborne.