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Author Topic: The Punisher  (Read 20526 times)


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The Punisher
« on: 18 Jan 2005, 21:47 »

Anybody try out the demo for this game?

I'm kind of conflicted. On the one hand, the control is really bad. On the other hand, there are a lot of ways to kill bad guys and I particularily like the interrogation feature.

It's like they took Max Payne, Splinter Cell and Hitman, merged them and then took away good control.

You can get the demo here if you want.


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The Punisher
« Reply #1 on: 18 Jan 2005, 21:50 »

I doubt my Comp can handle it.

Oh, and hello Dizzle. Small world.


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The Punisher
« Reply #2 on: 19 Jan 2005, 04:44 »

pics as a signature are a no-no ... i suggest removing it.

welcome anyway


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« Reply #3 on: 19 Jan 2005, 10:12 »

I wonder if the control problems you mention will be in the console release.  I may have to rent it at least.  Anyone see/read/hear about the new Batman game in the works?


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The Punisher
« Reply #4 on: 19 Jan 2005, 13:44 »

My problem lies in the PC version. There are a lot of control issues to fix.

1) You can't hit anything unless you focus your shots and even when you do, the crosshair jumps around too much.

2) I can't move diagonally when I'm holding a suspect or focusing a shot (not a huge problem but kind of annoying).

3) Using the mouse for interrogation requires really steady hands. I often end up accidentally killing the suspect before getting him to break.

As for the Batman game, I haven't really heard anything about it.


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« Reply #5 on: 19 Jan 2005, 13:59 »

I wonder if the crosshair jumping around too much is suppose to reflect the recoil from the gun.  Hmm, sounds interesting and all I wonder if the mouse sensitivity can be changed from in game options at all.

Also some screen shots and the press release for the Batman game

First thought, urgh, Electronic Arts.


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The Punisher
« Reply #6 on: 27 Jan 2005, 11:34 »

Tried for the Xbox, loved it minus the controls, grabbed the PC version, owned it.

Note: there's actually a reason you can't walk diagonally with a suspect.


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« Reply #7 on: 27 Jan 2005, 12:08 »

Renting it on PS2.  It's pretty fun, though I had to change the controls.  

Good to see you around Nihilist!


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The Punisher
« Reply #8 on: 27 Jan 2005, 12:11 »

I found it hard to manage the controls when zoomed in.  I'm just too damn twitchy, apparently.  And I couldn't find any way to customize the sensitivity depending on if you were zoomed in or not.  :(  Hence the PC version.

And thanks, it's nice to pop in and blab.  Just get so damn busy...


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« Reply #9 on: 27 Jan 2005, 12:26 »

Yeah I could not imagine playing it on Xbox because of the controller.  Do you have the original "Beefy" or the SP or what-not smaller controller?  I really need to get a PC, I know i'm missing out on alot of good games...

The interrogation system is nifty though the meter for it is really squirly and random, i'm still wondering if that is a slight mess up or if it is intentional, like harder to make more thuggish and bad dudes harder to break.  Also I noticed when using SMGs the crosshairs tend to move up like they should.

I can halfway imagine it is.  I wanted to thank you for handling some of the stuff that came up with the page and what not.


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The Punisher
« Reply #10 on: 27 Jan 2005, 12:32 »

I have the small controllers (have a 1.2 Xbox, not the 1.0), but I also have big hands, so it's not much of a problem.  Even modded the controllers so that they can be used on the computer.  :p

I never fully got the hang of the interrogation system.  I ended up killing a lot of people, or bringing their health so low that I'd have to stop.  Kinda sucked.  And the later guys were mad hard to interrogate, even when you're about to shove them into a wood chipper.  Found this one handy way of interoggating with the gun (gun tension) that always worked.  Instead of pushing the gun into their face, just pull all the way back, and then let go.  That worked awesomely well.


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« Reply #11 on: 27 Jan 2005, 12:49 »

That is awesome on modding the controllers.  I'm sick of "I'd like the Xbox but..." and then hearing the lame tired controller excuse.  Same with Cube.  Sure I bought the controller adaptors but I think there is...well not honor and maybe borderline respect for being able to adapt between the controllers.

The interrogation takes some getting used to.  I almost imagine my brother would be a wiz at it because the interaction of it reminds me of sports video games somewhat.  I have restarted a shitload because of over kill (heh) using gun tension, I capped ass on accident a bunch.


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The Punisher
« Reply #12 on: 27 Jan 2005, 12:55 »

At this point in time, most everything is like a religious argument: it leads to war.  Just accept that there are other things out there, and that while you may not like them, others may.  I should heed that advice when it comes to slagging Apple.  :p

I didn't reload when I accidentally killed somebody.  I just accepted the -250 points, and went on.  And hell, sometimes it was just fun to shove people out windows, through wood chippers, slam a sliding door on their nuts till they died...  :)


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« Reply #13 on: 27 Jan 2005, 13:00 »

I agree.  I some how managed to end up with all three of the big current console gaming systems and I can't choose a favorite or choose a side.  They all have their strong and weak points.  As you say though, easier said then done. d=

Heh I really shouldn't reload it so much sense I'm renting it.  The neg points aren't that much and I always end up killing the people anway.

This reminds me of how amusing it is when someone hears two people talking about videogames out of context.


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The Punisher
« Reply #14 on: 27 Jan 2005, 13:19 »

Well, points mattered at the beginning, cuz I wanted to up myself.  So, I'd just stop interrogating, then just do a quick kill.  (Mmm, execution styles!)  Later on, not so much.  Though the last level or two was pretty damn painful.

I dunno, my friends aren't really game nerds, and I've rarely heard anybody talking about games.  :(


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The Punisher
« Reply #15 on: 27 Jan 2005, 13:28 »

I'm still at the begining, it's mostly been movie nights when I have not been working.  Last time I played i noticed the whole buying stuff with points which is sweet.

Ouch, I know what you mean.  Well two of my good friends like games, one of them is nerdy about it but the other (the two of them are also a couple by the way) friend will start to get restless and the she actually left the room after about 15 minutes when I brought GTA:  San Andreas over, as she is pretty moralistic and kept going TSK ever other five seconds.  

My brother and I were talking about blocking up streets in GTA as a good tactic when one wants to be ultra violent and the best ways to be "horrible."  In a grocery store.  I have trouble with "stuff one shouldn't talk about in public."


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The Punisher
« Reply #16 on: 27 Jan 2005, 13:34 »

I played it for about 30 minutes the first day, an hour the next, and then ALL WEEKEND LONG.  :)

Last night I was out with a three friend, one was even female!  And we were all talking about HL2, and how you can use the gravity gun to kill people with toilets.  Loudly.  Was nice fun.  But I have never overheard anybody talking about games.  That'd be nice to hear.

Me, I know what should and shouldn't be said in public.  I just choose to ignore it.


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The Punisher
« Reply #17 on: 27 Jan 2005, 13:55 »

That is my hope for the weekend as well.  I have the feeling of my brother's friend shows up Champions of Norath may eat up a bunch of time.  

Argh.  I want to play HL2 something fierce.  Just hearing about the gravity gun...I could have sworn I had heard that Valve was going to throw us primarily console players a bone with a not-as-nearly-good-as-the computer but-still- awesome Xbox release.  I don't hear too many people talking about games but I've managed to have people start conversations with me because of playing GBA SP on the bus.

Mostly the same here.  Ignore or forget.  I tend to cuss up a storm in public, I figure most people will figure I'm not actually gutting people with a chainsaw.

Till I get tackled by a bunch of cops out of the blue when someone kneejerks to overhearing me.  Heh.


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The Punisher
« Reply #18 on: 27 Jan 2005, 14:03 »

This weekend will be filled with coding, and possibly playing Stranger's Wrath.  That's a pretty nice game.  Funny, too.

HL2 for the Xbox?  I wouldn't be surprised, though Valve isn't the fastest when it comes to porting.  Could be that they outsource it to another shop entirely, which would add yet more time.

I started swearing in front of my parents, and realized that I'm too far gone; there's no hope for me returning to normalcy.  Or sanity.  But those things are overrated anyway.  Right?

Eh, I'm sort of big, so people generally don't really look me in the eye.  Especially if I haven't shaved for two or three days.  So, I could probably talk about most anything.  Or possibly do most anything.  And get away with it.  Unless the cops were actually there, of course.  (Though...)


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« Reply #19 on: 27 Jan 2005, 15:06 »

Oh Stranger's Wrath looks neat.  Fascinated by the critters for ammo system.

I could have sworn I read about HL2 being ported.  Blues News maybe but it was a grip of time ago.  It suprised the hell out of the GameStop employee when I brought it up and he was one of the more knowledgeable.  

Have you seen anything for The Call of Cthulu?  Bethesda is making it and I think it comes out next week for PC.  I remember hearing of an Xbox port but hopefully it comes to light soon-ish.  Though in the middle of the summer would be nice.  I wish they'd release games more at a steady rate instead of the damned winter massive release.

Heh, both my parents swear.  Not nearly as much as I do but the most funny thing I can remember is my mom calling my brother a son of a bitch.  Normal and sane are completly overrated and abstract.  

I've been told i'm intimidating.  That I tend to have a crazy look.  I also have been compared to a hobo alot when I don't shave and dress as I like, for comfort.  Last time I went trick or treating when I was 18 I was in my normal attire.  I had several people ask if I was a hobo/bum/tramp/etc.


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The Punisher
« Reply #20 on: 27 Jan 2005, 18:40 »

Nothing better than having some ammo that you have loaded in your crossbow mouthing off to you.  Made me howl with laughter.

HL2 will be ported, so will CS:S.  There's no reason NOT to.  More money to be made.  And since the single-player story was so rich, I think it'll make a good port.  Controls may not be so much fun, but hey, that's what you get.

I've heard a lot about Cthulhu - Dark Corners of the Earth.  Q1 2005 release, though I haven't heard specifically when.  Funny thing is that the sequel (Beyond the Mountains of Madness) has already be talked about.  And another one, Shadow of the Comet, though I'm not sure if that's the third in the series, or what.  Haven't found any specific dates for anything, though I'd imagine soon.  Official website ( hasn't mentioned anything yet, though.

Me, I'm waiting for Jade Empire, and Star Wars - Republic Commando.  That should be awesome fun.  I also wouldn't mind giving a shot to Project: Snowblind.

Now that I think about it, I should just sit down and play Stranger's Wrath and Mercenaries.  Those were good stuff.  Mech Assault 2, not so much...

Oooh, Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords.  A good space game?  Here's to hoping.  (PC game, though.)

Oh, my parents used to swear.  But as they got older, they stopped.  And I started.  Seriously.  There have been times where I swear five times in a sentence with seven words.  It's a skill, I tell you.

I've been told that I'm big, scary, intimidating, etc, but I just don't see it.  I think I'm a big furry bear, nothing more.  But apparently I have a very forbidding scowl on my face at all times.  Weird.


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The Punisher
« Reply #21 on: 28 Jan 2005, 12:10 »

Okay I will most difenetly have to check it out.  A game that is full of humor is really refreshing.  

That's a good point, when there is money to be had it makes perfect sense.  I'm glad to have been hearing about FPS with a good single-player story mode.  That was a weak point I thought with both Halo games.  I couldn't make any sort of connection with the master chief and It got to the point where it kind of made me reckless about survival.   I'm also kind of weird like this for the most part.

I'm pretty excited about Cthulhu.  Playing a realistic Lovecraftian game may be like voluntarily being ground up into sausauge.  Tasty human snacks for eldritch gods.  I'm really curious about the whole madness system, it sounds great but then again, so did Wolverines Revenge.

Jade Empire is going to be incredible.  I'd bet money on that.  Republic Commando seems really awesome from the demo on KotoR 2.  A really simple yet effective squad system will be great, maybe down right awesome if they manage to make team mate AI not stupid as pile of dog shit.  

How is Mercenaries?  I'm down right tempted by that game.  I like Mech Assult 2 but (as with a lot of games I find the bee's knees) there is alot to it I'd have done different.  Again I'm frustrated by my lack of Live because Conquest mode sounds like it has some potential.

I wouldn't know, I need a PC.  Got a spare?  Heh.

5/7 is pretty impressive!  I tend to not notice when I swear.  I also forget that some people are grossed out by nose picking.  I mean I don't eat boogers and I flick them into a garbage can or ground if outside.  Blowing your nose just doesn't cut it sometimes.

I thought all Canadians where part bear and part lumberjack ;)  I know what you mean though, i've been told the intimidating, scary, big, etc. before and it is shocking to me.  But I guess I have a crazy eye and don't really smile all that much, even when I'm in a good mood.


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The Punisher
« Reply #22 on: 29 Jan 2005, 08:32 »

I played Mercenaries for a few hours last night.  Mmm.  Blowing up buildings is a LOT of fun.  Really nice selection of weapons vehicles.  Story isn't much, I can see it getting boring after a while, but for now...  I'll put a few more hours into it.

I've been waiting for Jade Empire for an eterntiy.  I actually pre-ordered it last...  July.  (And I did KotoR2 at the same time.)  I've heard awesome things about it, and in the latest reviews, they just can't stop raving about how awesome it is.

Side note: I wonder what happened to Black and White 2?

Spare PC?  Sadly, no.  They've all been turned into servers by this point.  Mmm, computers as a heating system...

I was working up in the far, far north on a contract a while ago.  Turns out that you can stop caring about what people thing about you, and have 'pick and flick' wars.  In the office.

I'm not a real Canadian, I'm an immigrant.  :)


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« Reply #23 on: 29 Jan 2005, 17:21 »

I am a sucker for blowing things up.  I heard it has potential to grow old after awhile.  It might be worth it because of not playing all the time and playing of other games might stretch out one's interest span in it.

Jade Empire Limited Edition Microsoft 04/12/05 NA
Jade Empire Microsoft 04/26/05 NA

I might pre-order it while I have some spare cash I can put down on it.  I can imagine how awesome it is.  Martial Arts games are really starting to get a lot more depth.

I don't know, I haven't even played the first one.

I was joking.  I'm thinking I'll save up for one, or maybe I'll get a beefy tax return.

That's awesome.  I work with some pretty staunchy old dudes.  

That's cool.  Hey how hard is it to immigrate?

Heh, slightly on topic but I've only made it to the zoo on Punisher.


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The Punisher
« Reply #24 on: 30 Jan 2005, 09:20 »

Turns out that they have more then one map.  New places to blow up, yay!

I generally just wander in and pick things up, or they float in digitally.  But certain things, you just have to order.  WoW LE, Halo 2 LE, HL2 LE, Jade Empire LE...  Mmm.  :)

The guy who does Black and White is the guy that did Fable.  At least, I think so.  My sugar-addled brain may be putting 2+2 together, and getting 13.

Mmm, beefy tax return.  I should check into that.  I need a new bike.  :)

Oh, when we were up north (3 of us, our company) we worked with stodgy people.  We just ceased caring.  After all, we were on an island, in the arctic, in a town of 5000 reachable only by plane, with no roads out of town.

I'm actually not sure, I was 6 at the time, and my parents did all of the work.  My dad came first, then brougth the rest of us over.  Now, guess where from.  :P

The zoo?  Ooh, you can play more!  Sunday == lazy day of Xbox game playing!


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The Punisher
« Reply #25 on: 30 Jan 2005, 13:19 »

Get off my server?


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The Punisher
« Reply #26 on: 30 Jan 2005, 22:51 »

Yay for new places to blow up.

I really want to play WoW.  Here is to hoping for beefy tax returns.

I think you're right about the connection between Fable and Black and White.  Then again I am pretty out of it.  Heh.

I'm pretty tempted to.  I'm thinking of looking into study abroad eventually and going to maybe some place in B.C.  Maybe.  I'm not sure.

The funeral home starts off awesome but I managed to get stuck last night.


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The Punisher
« Reply #27 on: 30 Jan 2005, 23:42 »

Peter Molyneux did indeed do both Fable and Black and White and I abhor him.

Worst man in the world for hyping up his own games then letting them fall miserably short of his praise.
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