eh, it could be invasive, but she seems more flattered than anything, in the main in this context. and why shouldn't she be?
i get the main demographic that's gonna participate on a forum discussion of this comic aren't, like, used to this sort of thing i suppose, but there's plenty of people that like to feel sexy and appreciated. context matters a whole helluva lot, for example public catcalling can be obnoxious (most guys who attempt it are really bad at it), but like... it can be harmless. and fit into the vibe of the performance she's putting on.
i mod for a vtuber, and i've had to step in a couple times when someone started crossing boundaries in chat that she wasn't comfortable with, from people that honestly seemed fairly well-meaning just too enthusiastic for the most part. but she gets to set what those are. it's her space to perform in, to play with her actual friends and her fans in.
i'm not saying you can't set those boundaries tighter for yourself. i do! just i want to encourage examining those on the regular. i had, and still have, a lot of baggage that causes me to needlessly, uselessly, often harmfully constrict myself. (gasp, a queer person having self-repression issues, i know who'd have thought). and i don't want you to hurt yourselves the same way i hurt myself. make different mistakes!