Why is that etymological fact something Hannelore happens to know off the top of her head?
It's been established that Claire and Aurelia are interested in this sort of thing, so I could see that response coming from them, or from an AI character who might just be looking it up on the fly, but I struggle to imagine Hannelore wanting to look up the etymology of those words.
Actually, I can understand that. Picking up totally random facts, then getting interested and digging further, is something I have always done too.
It doesn't have to be a particular interest or specialty of mine, it's just some fact that rears its head and attracts my attention. (My mind is sort of like a kitten pouncing on shadows)

I'm somewhat
worse now [
points accusingly at Internet]

- it means I don't have to go find an encyclopaedia anymore, it's all
right here.
My mother used to refer to it as my "garbage-can mind" - I prefer to call it being good at quizzes
It's one of the reasons I like Hannelore - though she
does take it to the extreme, probably because she has her OCD symptoms and is (apparently) something of a genius too.