Some of the comments in last week's thread reminded me of a theory that I've held for quite a while now but haven't seen discussed anywhere yet. This seems to be an opportune time to put it out there and see what other people think of it.
In my opinion, Pintsize has been shifting over time to being Claire's companion AI instead of Marten's. (By "over time" I mean since Claire started staying over at Marten's regularly, before she moved in). In support of my theory:
1) The dynamic between Claire and Pintsize
Eg. Today's comic, Claire approach to Pintsize's attempts to troll her (the birdseed incident, the wolf urine sticky note), the support Pintsize provided when Claire was freaking out about her exams, Claire cuddling Pintsize when she was anxious that she had messed up with Marten. (Actually I think we've seen Claire cuddling Pintsize twice in the past.)
I feel like Claire and Pintsize's dynamic resembles Marigold & Momo dynamic way more than Marten & Pintsize's dynamic ever did. Not that there's just one way to be a companion AI, but some similarities struck me.
2) Do you remember when we learned ages ago that Marten shouldn't have been assigned Pintsize as his companion AI? Take a look at that mini arc again: says in 2336 that being scared of Gordon would have thrown off the biometrics and Marten shouldn't have been assigned Pintsize as his companion.
Marten is not really an anxious person in my opinion. Sometimes he gets anxious in response to something (eg Gordon on his head) but most of the time he's pretty equanimous. Claire on the other hand does have a tendency towards anxiety which we see fairly often. For that matter, "has no chill" has been one of the defining characteristics of all the Augustuses since their introduction. I think Claire clearly comes across as someone who has worked on her anxiety a lot and manages it quite well most of the time, but it's still there in lots of ways. (Speaking as someone who's been there - in my experience, you don't really stop being an anxious person, you just get a lot better at managing it).
So Marten, who is normally a pretty equanimous person, was assigned a companion AI at least partially based on biometrics taken at a time when he was extremely anxious. Now years later, Marten has girlfriend who has a tendency towards anxiety and she seems to get along with Pintsize much better than he ever did.
Coincidence? I think not.
The part I can't explain so well is that Dora has anxiety issues too. Though I do see Dora's issues as somewhat different to Claire's. In my opinion Dora's issues seem to mostly be around control and trusting people. Whereas I don't think Claire seems to have a lot of trouble trusting individuals, her anxiety is more generalised.
From a meta perspective, we didn't get the reveal of Marten being inaccurately assigned Pintsize until quite a while after he and Dora had broken up. So it probably wasn't until that point that Jeph gave any thought to what sort of person Pintsize might actually be a good companion for. This, of course, assumes the shift I think I've been seeing is deliberate on Jeph's part - it could just be that I saw a pattern where there wasn't meant to be one. But I have been thinking that it might be a deliberate writing choice and I'm definitely going to take the current comic as further confirmation! I mean - can you imagine Pintsize having this vulnerable conversation with Marten? I can't.

Because of this theory, I don't see Pintsize ever leaving the Marten/Claire household. But if they ever end up doing a long distance relationship for some reason, I think Pintsize would probably go with Claire rather than Marten. Say if Claire got offered a 3 or 6 month contract position to cover someone going on sabbatical/maternity leave/etc and it's on the other side of the country. (I don't know if this happens much in the US, but it's not that uncommon here. One of the public libraries I used to work at advertised a position like this once & I've seen other organisations advertising "maternity leave contract" positions in the past too. Since they're not permanent contracts, most people already in the field wouldn't bother applying, so they can be a good way for a newbie to get some experience, maybe even a foot in the door.)