Trying to drop a regular satelite on people doesnt work. At all.
Absolutely. Not. Ever.
1. It burns up into the atmosphere
2. The remains, if any, will spread over a wide area
3. You cannot control where exaxtly the remains will hit
4. Also communications satelites are usually in geostationary orbit, 36,000 kilometers above the surface, taking exactly 24 hours for one orbit and thus staying in place over whatever country placed the satelite there. Up there there are simply not enough remains of an atmosphere to slow the satelite down and the satelite wont be able to create enough acceleration to drop to earth at all. Decomissioned communication satelites are placed in a parking orbit, not dropped back to earth.
The infamous rod of thungsten, emerging from a space station in the "safe" area, i.e. still much below the Van Allen belt, about 300 km above the surface, thrown with sufficient acceleration (the most efficient way is to throw it backwards), mentioned in this comic before would work. Though even that thungsten rod of course would require some acceleration ability on its own to target a very specific point on the planets surface, for even minimal movements up high in the atmosphere (caused by the winds up there) of course causes huge differences in what point on the surface will be hit in the end.