Comic, and yikes. As the perpetual magic user player in D&D, I never liked barbarians, but at least they usually could be manipulated.
Playing one after playing a few sorcerers and rogues was pretty different.
I never have, maybe one of these days. My last Pathfinder character was a witch who was both the group’s main healer, buffer, and sole source of effective crowd-control. My current Mutants and Masterminds character is a disembodied intelligence, so melee combat is out of the question unless inhabiting a corpse.
The only D&D characters I’ve ever played that weren’t pure casters were a mulitclass fighter/mage(necromancer in all but name) that abused the fuck out of a spell points system, and a fighter/priest who had the granted power of casting haste on the party without the ageing drawback (2nd ed rules), which, since it gave double attacks, was broken.