The Sandman is probably my favourite graphic novel ever, so I’ve been awaiting this with both excitement and trepidation ever since I’ve saw the first announcements. I’m enjoying it thus far. The casting is pretty spot-on IMO, even how Patton Oswalt’s voice kinda grates, that makes him even *more* perfect as a talking raven, for example. The story thus far seems pretty well-adapted (and in some ways, updated. since everything that follows may be a potential spoiler, it’s marked as such)
Edit: I just hope that it doesn’t have the same sort of production problems that plagued American Gods.
Edit again: Finished the first series, and am quite happy with it. I just hope that as it continues, they don’t excise or too heavily abridge the side-stories that really made the graphic novel what it was. Two of my friends who are amongst the most difficult to please fans of things also think that it’s quite good.
I had hoped that the John Constantine from the TV series was used here, because he did a stellar job, but maybe there were licensing or availibility issues involved. Jenna Coleman played the part well, but wasn’t scruffy or dickish enough IMO, although those were issues caused by those behind the camera. Also not sure how I feel about the expanded role of The Corinthian, but it is pretty well done, and seems like something almost necessary for television, such as the “big bad” of the first series.