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How will this arc end?

Claire gets the job, Marten and Claire get on a bus
- 4 (14.8%)
Claire is left hanging and has a minor freakout
- 2 (7.4%)
Claire is rejected and has a major freakout
- 0 (0%)
Claire is invited to a second interview on site, and we all get a tour
- 17 (63%)
I can't believe you left off the obvious answer, which I shall put in the thread posthaste
- 4 (14.8%)

Total Members Voted: 27

Voting closed: 27 Aug 2022, 19:49

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Author Topic: WCDT - August 22 to August 26, 2022 (strips #4856 to #4860)  (Read 28425 times)


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look i'm not saying it *has* to go badly for Claire

but where are the masters of her field?
presumably still running, trying to escape the explosion radius they've estimated

I specifically avoided mentioning the "cubetown ends up exploding and sinking into the ocean through its own mismanagement" because I think Jeph wil go for a softer option, and because I figure Claire would have gotten fired for trying to prevent that from happening through organization before that.

But it was on my mind.

Cubetown exploding is an impossible outcome, anyway. Didn't you read the post-it notes in frames 4 and 6 that specifically say "don't explode"? They've clearly got this down to a "science" :D
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Run, Claire. Run far. Run fast. Never trust a starry-eyed startup like this one. They have no idea what they're doing, no concept of reality and all their protestations of "we trust what you'll do" will turn to the most vile invective the moment you try to even suggest that the bounds of reality apply to them.
Quis pater tibi est?


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From Lemon and Melon to Beepatrice to Moray...  I get the feeling that Jeph has a certain liking for this kind of character.


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A spreadsheet so large it crashed the director?  And that's how they are organizing their work?  They better have a particle physicist as a janitor; they're going to need him to help contain the mess.  The problem is, will any of them survive the mess after if finally blows?

Another huge red flag is talking to the HR person only, and no one on the technical staff.  Claire needs to stop this interview right here and demand a tour and in-person interview with the director to see what the director has in mind.  Otherwise, this whole situation is totally out of control and getting further crazy by the second.  The fact that this AI has chosen the name Moray, as in the eel, makes this whole situation especially creepy.

Run Claire!  Run!
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Of course that huge spreadsheet kept crashing your Directory.  Spreadsheets are not a DATABASE!  You can make something that looks like a database, but it will not scale or perform :{


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Of course that huge spreadsheet kept crashing your Directory.  Spreadsheets are not a DATABASE!  You can make something that looks like a database, but it will not scale or perform :{

The Director, not their directory. Granted, in the case of AIs maybe there isn't a difference, but still...

Perfectly Reasonable

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Who left that note Moray is ignoring?

I wonder what a hug from Moray would feel like?

( not afraid to ask the hard questions )
« Last Edit: 26 Aug 2022, 15:42 by Perfectly Reasonable »
What would I do if I were smart?
I guess first I'd stop taking the stupid pills.


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From Lemon and Melon to Beepatrice to Moray...  I get the feeling that Jeph has a certain liking for this kind of character.

Yes, a thought along those lines crossed my mind as well. It's becoming less and less delightful, I won't lie.
Yet the lies of Melkor, the mighty and the accursed, Morgoth Bauglir, the Power of Terror and of Hate, sowed in the hearts of Elves and Men are a seed that does not die and cannot be destroyed; and ever and anon it sprouts anew, and will bear dark fruit even unto the latest days. (Silmarillion 255)


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Wonder what Spookybot thinks of these yoyos?

Spookybot WAS one of these yoyos, but she escaped. After Claire, Emily is next. Or maybe, Claire doesn't get in, she sobs to Emily, and she gets in.

Emily "Oops-I-nearly-opened-a-portal-to-an-infernal-dimension-via-my-laptop" Azuma??
Working in Cubetown??
No. Please.

Moray is adorable, I want one.

Okay, now we're on the same page  :-D
"This fellow... he picks up this tiny bird in his hands and carries its quivering little body across this busy junction -  and feeds it to his cat.
Life's like that; a complex texture of conflicting moralities. " 

Norman Clegg, Last of the Summer Wine


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ph'nglui mglw'nafh Emily Cubetown wgah'nagl fhtagn.  IA IA.
"The highest treason in the USA is to say Americans are not loved, no matter where they are, no matter what they are doing there." -- Vonnegut


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Who left that note Moray is ignoring?

Odds it was, in fact, Moray?
Piglet wondered how it was that every conversation with Eeyore seemed to go wrong.


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Who left that note Moray is ignoring?

Odds it was, in fact, Moray?

I was thinking the same thing.


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Moray is adorable, I want one.
Plush toy to follow...


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Moray is adorable, I want one.
Plush toy to follow...
Needs to be a gel toy. Like, think wrist rest material:


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Run, Claire. Run far. Run fast. Never trust a starry-eyed startup like this one. They have no idea what they're doing, no concept of reality and all their protestations of "we trust what you'll do" will turn to the most vile invective the moment you try to even suggest that the bounds of reality apply to them.

I mean the lovely and well meaning alternative can drive you even more insane. Just constantly asking for direction and being told "We trust you to know what's best, that's why we've hired you" by a sincerely well-meaning boss can drive you to insanity and madness just as surely as actual invective.

To simulate this feeling, go put on Dance Dance Revolution. Unplug the foot sensors. Then have someone watch you play anyway, expecting you to actually try your best. They spend a whole hour being very supportive.
oh god


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Ok I admit; I have no clue where this arc is going

Possibly a prescription for diazepam and a migraine medication.
a real-ass gaddam sword
"Broken swords and dragon bones scattered on the way back home."

Too stubborn to die, just like the rest of my family.

John Allenson

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When you're down by the sea
And a eel bites your knee
It's a moray!

Those of us of a certain age will sing this in their heads.


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Possibly a prescription for diazepam and a migraine medication.

She already has a scrip for Ativan (lorazepam).  Or are you saying that she needs something with a longer half-life?
"The highest treason in the USA is to say Americans are not loved, no matter where they are, no matter what they are doing there." -- Vonnegut


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Possibly a prescription for diazepam and a migraine medication.

She already has a scrip for Ativan (lorazepam).  Or are you saying that she needs something with a longer half-life?

Sorry, I should have clarified I meant for Claire if she takes the job (no pun intended).

Or does Claire also have a 'script for Ativan? I know Hanners does.
a real-ass gaddam sword
"Broken swords and dragon bones scattered on the way back home."

Too stubborn to die, just like the rest of my family.


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She does, but I wouldn’t know where to archive dive for it.  But compared to diazepam (Valium) of clonazepam (klonopin) do last longer, if one needs to stay medicated for an entire work day.
"The highest treason in the USA is to say Americans are not loved, no matter where they are, no matter what they are doing there." -- Vonnegut


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That was a long ways back, but I don't recall if it's come up again since then.


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Those of us of a certain age will sing this in their heads.
Some of us already were.

Claire has now decided to ride the tiger.  Her only hope now is to get into sync with this mystical director, and bend every waking effort to staying in sync with their vision, which will change often.  Sometimes by the second.  The likelihood of this ending well is in the tiny fractions of a ten-thousandth of a percent, but that might still be offset by having worked there when Claire is trying to find her next gig.  Which might be a day or two after she starts.  Hooo boy!
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