Another topic is the implications of AI body size. As originally introduced as anthropcs Pintsize, Momo and Winslow were basically sentient pets, economically dependant on what were sometimes at least called their owners. Although possibly an anthropc might have had an independant earning potential,by and large it didn't happen. Arguably there was a tendency to morph into children, although there was no sense of the owner/parent having a educational/upbringing role.
However when they got full size bodies, even though there's no indication of any change in intellectual capacity, we have a move to an effective adult. No longer pets, there's an apparent expectation to become economically active. Pintsize the anthropc/pet would surely change residence with Marten's guitar, amp etc. Clearly Marten has no such expectation of Pintsize the quasi adult and is treating him as just another housemate.
Adult humans who don't have full size bodies would doubtless have something to say about this.