Poor Evan. But... I've been doing security work for the past 20 years at this point so maybe poor Evan is just a character I'm going to have some serious soft spots for to begin with. I've guarded holes in parking lots, fine art, narcotics, bioengineering labs and libraries at this point in my life. Cubtetown reminds me of a certain pharmaceutical lab I worked for many ages ago. Very big, rather (in)famous, and had more money than they knew what to do with at the time. I was CEO/HR protection and yes, bug sweeps were common. No, not the creepy crawlies... Well yes we had guys for that too, but espionage bugs were a huge deal. And you'd be shocked at the creativeness of some of them.
Yes, we had manned 24 hour security, yes it should have stopped bugs from getting in in the first place, but that's the name of the game in a lot of Security. Redundancy. Having 1 check for one thing is good, but if you want it to be fool proof (because someone's always inventing a better fool?) stack layers on it as long as each layer is a useful coherrent portion of a plan. Stack crappy layers and it'll always be crappy... I digress
Now... Situation where Evans in the room and Claire and Marten walk in? Poor Evan should have had a backup at the door or the prox ID card or whatever security feature used to the room should have been disabled until the security sweep is done. For all intents and purposes, while everyone at Cubetown so far might like Claire, they have no idea who she is. She might be a corporate agent or rival using the interview as a pretense for all they know.
Heck that was one of my favorite role's whenever I was tasked with Security audits. If I wasn't trying to break in disguised as a maintenance guy, UPS driver, 1-800 flower delivery guy (dating myself with that one lol) it was coming in as a new hire. They usually brought out the best pastries and coffee for them and you'd be surprised at some of the areas that "you're not supposed to see this, but it's so cool that we have to show you anyway" that people want to show you because they're either impressed by it themselves or proud of it because it's their work or they have pride int he company for it.
I'm gonna have to enter corporate shill mode here sadly but: It might be Claire's assigned room, but the room still belongs to Cubetown and for a Security Professional, the safety and integrity of the company/property/building etc is paramount over a visitor/potential new hire. And if there's a delay that can't be skipped and it's inherent to policy, sorry, you're going to have to wait and we apologize for the inconvenience. It's the drawback of large corporations and it's something a lot of people don't like to hear sadly:
"You are our guest but these are our rules and procedures. These will be done as per our policy. We apologize for any delay it will cause, but these will cause a delay and they be carried out even if you don't like it"
To be fair to Claire, something like that should have been explained. Evan should have explained what was going on, why, and what to do instead of hiding on the balcony. Properly explaining things and jumping the line between sorry, but not sorry enough to violate our own guidelines is 101 in the industry and I'd expect no less from any security officer anywhere be it at a parking lot guarding a hole all the way to a Fortune 10 company. But, again Cubetown, wacky hijinks, people who may not be the best fit for a role but make up for it in spunk and I'm just looking at it waaaaay to seriously due to my connection to it.
ok, ok shutting up now