Okay, hopefully this'll work. I had to kind of rig a way to post my art…
This is a sketch I did for some racer friends in WA state in '03, that eventually became their team shirt… it was the first pen/ink work I'd done since probably '94. I was so rusty at it it took more than a week to get to inking.

This is the source photo they gave me to use. I hate copying a pic verbatim, from an ancient childhood accusation that I traced my drawings, so everyone is SD, and switched around somehow.

My payment is a guided tour of WA state, by sportbike, on my visit in May. Not a bad trade.

This was the pinnacle of an argument on another forum on the new Pontiac GTO, where I basically had to sketch out what I meant so the opposition could see my argument. It was drawn in about 15 minutes, so please be kind! Dig the retro graph paper, the only paper handy at the time.

I'd love to start a webcomic, but I have some personal problems to sort out first. Maybe then.