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Author Topic: The Forced Listening Thread  (Read 274198 times)


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The Forced Listening Thread
« Reply #150 on: 26 Apr 2005, 13:20 »

Touche it seems. But yes fair enough point. That's what I get for playing a nice non Metal track.


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« Reply #151 on: 26 Apr 2005, 13:26 »

Quote from: Robbo
MilkmanDan really doesn't like real Folk it seems.

I guess not. The only folk I have ever enjoyed is The John Butler Trio. And they are doubtless alt-folk or nu-folk or glitch-folk or some stupid sub-genre like that. How do you like my 'real' breakcore?

65daysofstatic get 11, and it's not even their best song. <3 65DOS.
I'm glad you like Hajnal, It's probobly my favourite song of the year so far. I've been listening to it all the damn time since I bought the album a few months back. If you want to check out more Venetian Snares (it's he. Singular. He learnt the violin and trumpet for that album, and plays the piano. But mainly he's a laptop kid) I would get 'Rossz Csillag Allat Született', as it's all quite Hajnal like. His earlier releases replace all the violins/piano/melody with more drums and static noises. It's alot harder, faster and more unpleasant. Unpleasant in a good way, mind.


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« Reply #152 on: 26 Apr 2005, 13:31 »

Well, fair enough then.


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« Reply #153 on: 26 Apr 2005, 13:35 »

Minibosses anybody?  That's the theme from Castlevania 3.


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« Reply #154 on: 26 Apr 2005, 13:59 »

Quote from: MilkmanDan
65daysofstatic get 11, and it's not even their best song. <3 65DOS.

hehe - yeah, 65dos are brilliant, aren't they :)
ok - i'll gonna grab a few more tracks off rossz - i really like the mix between the violin and the noise segment.

As for minibosses:

Well the main riff is really sweet, and there is a slight variation in it everytime it resurfaces which is good. Also, the song avoids too much unecessary repetition. My only problem with it is that the slow parts is between the aforementioned riff are a little bland for my taste. The sound it kinda fades into towards the end doesn't really live up to the beginning, not bad, just nothing as good.

Still, solid stuff. 6/7 or so out of 10

Up next -

Sonic Youth - Unmade Bed

So I gave the cookies you made to Fawn and the kids, and they couldn't believe it. They were delicious. But I digress... Tremble, puny Earthlings! One day my race will destroy you all!


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« Reply #155 on: 15 May 2005, 16:33 »

Sonic Youth - Unmade Bed

soft, sort of poppy intro. Singer sounds somewhat bored, and keeps low, but still manages to crack up. The bits where the drums go a bit faster provide some welcome musical variation. At about 1:30 they decide to involve some guitar, and it gets a bit better. at about 2:30 they discover that it makes a squealing noise if you rub the pick up and down the string, and exploit said noise. That's about all that happens in this song, apart from dullness.

Can't be arsed to check the lyrics, as I'm nigh on certain that it's about exactly what it says it is. 2/10

Therion - To Mega Therion
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« Reply #156 on: 16 May 2005, 07:53 »

Therion - To Mega Therion.

The two words that immediately come to mind when you listen to this track are Rock and Opera. After the intro there's a short string part that leads into more operatic vocals over a riff that sounds like a stampede of horses. This song has pomp. It's the sort of song that if you read the premise of on paper you would think was the most stupid idea in the history of the world but listening to it it just works. At about 0:46 some shouting dude comes in for a short section and his voice is a bit annoying switching between shouty and crooning which could sound cool but ends up just pissing you off. Then there's a big instrumental with a lone voice coming in at one section. This sounds like the soundtrack to a some sort of biblical battle sequence. My first thought would be to compare it with Meatloaf with his a similarly operatic hard-rocking style. After the mammoth instrumental it goes back to the bit at the start again then another huge instro. I enjoyed this song. Once I'd sussed the style of song it was nothing if not predictable but still enjoyabkle even if it did drag on a bit long. 8/10

Johnny Cash - I've Been Everywhere

At the forum I do this we call dibs an then you have 1 hour to review the song before your dibs are forfeited.
Limber limp with a dry martini



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« Reply #157 on: 16 May 2005, 08:45 »

I've always thought Johnny Cash was pretty cool.

Musically, it's nothing splendid and certainly not profound, but who cares?

What can you say about Johnny Cash?  7/10 since he does have cooler songs.


Here's mine.  I figured I'd post one that'd get quite a reaction.

Slave Whipping Blasphemy - Abraham Lincoln, I Fucking Hate You

(second song down)

SWB is incredible!  True slave whipping black metal at its finest!  This is actually a couple of friends of mine.  It's their "side project" band.  Here are the lyrics, make sure to read along to the song.

Piss on Abe!
Desecrate his grave
While he DIES!!!

Abraham Lincoln
loved niggers so...
he wanted their cocks
in his asshole!

Abraham Lincoln,
you stupid asshole

Hail to John Wilkes Booth
for shooting
his niggčr-loving

(not equal)

EDIT:  Had to change something in the lyrics since the autofilter got it.  Also had to change the link.


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« Reply #158 on: 16 May 2005, 09:13 »

1. A review is supposed to give you some idea of what the song is like.
2. That SWB song is retarded.
Limber limp with a dry martini


a pack of wolves

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« Reply #159 on: 16 May 2005, 09:27 »

Musically, this song's uninspired. You could easily go and find hundreds of bands peddling death/black metal, play them next to these guys and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Since this is (presumably) a comedy band I'm guessing they didn't spend much time on it. The vocals were alright though. As for the lyrics... eh. Not funny, not shocking, all been done a thousand times before and it was tiresome then. So, 2/10 and it's just the vocals raising it above a 1.

Executive Distraction Tasks - Purposely Falling Out of Shoes
Quote from: De_El
Next time, on QC Forums: someone embarrassingly reveals that they are a homophobe! Stay tuned to find out who!


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« Reply #160 on: 16 May 2005, 09:31 »

Quote from: a pack of wolves
all been done a thousand times before

SWB is the only true slave whipping black metal band!

Hail Slave Whipping Blasphemy!

Praeserpium Machinarum

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« Reply #161 on: 17 May 2005, 05:30 »

Executive Distraction Tasks - Purposely Falling Out of Shoes

I don't know what to say actually, it's comic in a stereotypical screamo way, but doesn't have anything going for them other than that. I wouldn't even call this music, what is the point?
the music(what there is) is okay I guess, but the "vocal" begs to be laughed at and loathed.

I give it 1/10, and I think I am being nice.

Entakt - Vi Ville Synge Verden en Opsang(a danish demo band)

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« Reply #162 on: 17 May 2005, 06:08 »

Entakt - Vi Ville Synge Verden en Opsang

They've created some nicely chilling passages here, but for me it falls down with the more overblown parts where the guitars swell up. It's electronic pop, but on the dark side except for those sections which call Muse to my mind. However, they might work better if I understood the language since the right lyrics on a track like this would change it significantly.

I was wondering what people would make of EDT. In answer to the question, I guess the point is that if you like music at the more extreme end of the spectrum (in this case technical grind) then your reaction is probably pretty different to what it would be if you don't.

V For Vendetta - Math Rock Is Not A Four Letter Word. It's Two Four Letter Words
Quote from: De_El
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« Reply #163 on: 17 May 2005, 06:28 »

Well, I liked the EDT track at least. It was some good great and I did like the nice mixed up tech bits. How anyone could think it was screamo is beyond me. Vocals are good harsh grind screams, not the best but they work.

I hate the "I wouldn't call this music" reaction...I'm sorry but no amount of simple distortion and tuning will ever stop something like that from being music. All it takes is some training of your ear. EDIT: To hear under the distortion ground growls that is is just words and music still. Think of as learning the basics of another language or something. Not that anyone really has any reason to, just so they can say they "trained their ear" but still dont like it.

Praeserpium Machinarum

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« Reply #164 on: 18 May 2005, 09:31 »

it was more the screaming rather than the music, namely that it was so short and seemed to be expedition out into playing(I assume) complex guitar and screaming out of key, it may be snobbish of me but I don't consider that music.


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« Reply #165 on: 18 May 2005, 09:39 »

It was Grindcore....having a long Grindcore song would go against the very ideas of the genre and would be pointless.

Like I said, distortion and heaviness doesn't stop anything from being music. Still playing instruments and using vocals. Yes I personally see it as snobbish and it's views like that which draw such reactions from Extreme music fans. If a Grindcore band go up and played Flight of the Bumblebee in their usual style, it would be music wouldnt it?

And screaming out of key? Sounds fine to me...but then I EDIT: had to make and effort to train me ear for things other than just clean sung and spoekn word. Because a lot of what I listen to is filled with growls, screams and various other distorted vocals.


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« Reply #166 on: 18 May 2005, 10:22 »

Dear Robbo,
Is there any chance you could stop being a smug prick for like 5 minutes? I'm just wondering if it is actually possible. Try not whining about how indie kids are pathetic pop-loving sheep who are too 'lazy' to like your music for maybe 3 posts in row. Seriously, give it a shot. While you're at it, how's about not acting like you're a victim of some great 'indie conspiracy' because you like metal. No-one cares. Get over it.



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« Reply #167 on: 18 May 2005, 10:44 »

Sorry, I'll go and edit my posts, the deal the rest of your comments.

It's not an issue with people not liking what I like


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« Reply #168 on: 18 May 2005, 11:08 »

oh boy, I'm so gonna pounce into this thread soon. It's just too good to miss.


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« Reply #169 on: 18 May 2005, 11:10 »

Dear Robbo,
Thanks alot!



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« Reply #170 on: 18 May 2005, 11:11 »

There is still other snobbery at large here...
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
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« Reply #171 on: 18 May 2005, 11:14 »

Well, it's not like this forum is lacking musical snobbery in the first place is it, this thread just gives it somewhere to live.


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« Reply #172 on: 18 May 2005, 11:22 »

Right, that's seems to be my crappy choice of words removed when commenting on ear training to listen to non-standard vocals. Though you dont look to happy with that start as you're still writing like a letter.

I've said Indie kids like their pop, yes. Mainly because of comments from here, that say things like seeing such and such bands live turn that person into a big fuzzy ball of pop goodness or whatever.

And it's more like mainstream conspiracy. About stereotype of Metal and such things just being complete noise. So I challenge such things, just not in the best way mostly. But this is the internet and it's rarely used as a fine tool.

I've heard a lot of Indie because one of my best friends is VP and Treasurer of my Uni's Indie Socity. So he plays me a lot of stuff and I have views on it. And I express them on here at times. Like I said, just not the in the best way all the time.


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« Reply #173 on: 18 May 2005, 11:51 »

No, I was actually sincere the second time. I just did the letter thing because I was on a roll. Or something. Yeah.
Now then, back on topic, anyone?

a pack of wolves

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« Reply #174 on: 18 May 2005, 17:32 »

Quote from: a pack of wolves
V For Vendetta - Math Rock Is Not A Four Letter Word. It's Two Four Letter Words

And the topic in question would be someone listening to this and reviewing it. Go on, it's not uber-tech grind like last time.
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« Reply #175 on: 18 May 2005, 18:26 »

Annoying drumming most of the way through. Guitar was okay though, if a bit uninteresting. What I could hear of the very faint singing...okay, but a bit waily and weak for my tastes. Kinda got a bit faster and more rocking towards the end, but didn't deliver anything like what it's title promised. Also, it carried on that out-of-synch math thing which I loathe all the way through.


Now let's mix it up with some old-school gloom and doom.

Amorphis - Black Winter Day

People just simply don't MAKE shit like 'Tales From the Thousand Lakes' nowadays.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
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La Creme

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« Reply #176 on: 18 May 2005, 18:36 »

V For Vendetta - Math Rock Is Not A Four Letter Word. It's Two Four Letter Words

I'm not big on math-rock. But it's liveable. The drums and bass were just too danged subdued the whole way through til the end. And the little speedup at the end was kinda unnecesary; the vocal interludes were equally unnecesary. But anyways. On the plus, they guitar riff was ok, and the band played pretty tight. It made me think of Pinback, only with less peddle-age and more notes. But all things considered:

6.5 / 10

My Song: Paradigm Shift
by Liquid Tension Experiment

I reccomend this one to anyone who likes prog. They push prog to some ca-razy extremes. Tony Levin, John Petrucci, Jordan Rudess, and Mike Portnoy. It's pretty much just Dream Theatre rocking a hell of a lot more.

<Edit> Sorry Khar, didn't see the postalone.


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« Reply #177 on: 18 May 2005, 18:41 »

Eh, just review mine and your recommendation can stand. I won't put up any objections to the hard-rocking prog goodness of LTE.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
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La Creme

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« Reply #178 on: 18 May 2005, 18:58 »

OK Khar. Yours is not half bad. And I am picky as shit about my metal.

The Downs: The drums. Boring. Sorry. And, unfortunately, I'm not much of a fan of deep bellowing as "singing". But hey, whatever floats your metal-canoe (or longship, because vicking are the kings of the long hair and the rock). There was also not nearly enough lead stuff. That guitar player gave me the impression that he could have whipped out some seriously wonderful solo-age, but he didn't. The synth was also a little lacking (but that's my pickiest thing in metal as an ELP whore).

The ups: For definately, that chorus rocked. Well, they only sang it once, so its not really a chorus. The part where he sings at a normal people octave. The intro was sorta like a Helloweeny thing. I liked that. The guitar riff that played at the begining and a couple other times throughout was catchy. Not incredible, but went with the music, so whatev.

All things considered: 7.5 / 10

And because I feel entitled to one song per review I do:

Iron Man
by The Bad Plus

This cover will blow your mind, whoever. The Bad Plus are certainly the best thing in power-jazz. Ever. I'm seeing them at the begining of June, and every time I think about it, my knobbly bits tingle. The Plus also do clever little covers of "Velouria" and "Smells Like Teen Spirit", which i found out is the name of a deoderant. Smells like brand name deoderant. That song would've been a billion times better if it had been called "Smells Like Old Spice Classic".


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« Reply #179 on: 18 May 2005, 19:06 »

'Tales From the Thousand Lakes' is closer to their first album, which was pure doom. Closer to your taste might be the album directly after that, 'Elegy'. All the later albums get progressively more progressive, but Elegy, I feel, probably has the perfect mix: doom metal roars contrast against lengthy passages of really quite accomplished clean singing, mixed up with acoustic guitars and synths and wrapped round minute long solos.

Imo, however, Tales... is still a great album. If for nothing but the insanely out-of-place, growlarific cover of 'Light my Fire' at the end.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
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La Creme

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« Reply #180 on: 18 May 2005, 19:33 »

Reviews anyone?

AHHHH god. The agony. I'm listening to ELP and my mom just started singing "Take  a Pebble". She has decent musical taste, but goddam, does she HAVE to sing?

P.S. I'll check out "Elegy". Goddam. Just started today, but this is clearly the world's greatest forum ever.


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« Reply #181 on: 18 May 2005, 21:15 »

ok, this is my first time posting so be gentle with me.

The Bad Plus - Iron Man

this is quite possibly the best cover i've heard this month. the intro sounds like what "Flight of the Bumblebee" would sound like if that guy from "Shine" played it in the middle of a meth binge. it was interesting but i kept wondering where it was going. then, Da Dum Da Da Dum, the frantic piano glides behind the forceful chords in an atonal scurry (is that the word i want? atonal? it's like a twelve tone stravinsky kind of thing). i like the Bad Plus' sense of pacing, especially the little breaks they kept taking.
overall, it's refreshing to hear someone take a song as old as this (it's going on 40) and pack it full of new ideas. i'll probably get stoned by the smug crowd for this but i would recommend the cardigans' cover. it's not as adventurous but more chill.

i choose
artist: John Coltrane
song: Venus
album: Interstellar Space

La Creme

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« Reply #182 on: 18 May 2005, 22:31 »

Just cause the Cardigans suck major ass doesn't mean the Bad Plus can't cover them proper style. Is this your first time hearing them? Aren't they just the best thing in power-jazz ever? My dad thinks they're the "Jimi Hendrix experience" of jazz. As in, their ability to make that much noise (and GOOD noise) with just three people is awesome. If you liked them, definately get all their stuff. It's all as good or better. I love the part where they make Iron Man happy in the middle. Like, where it switches to that major key. Rock and Jazz have a child and its name is The Bad Plus.

P.s. I will try to find your coltrane song, but i think i just have the classics: A Love Supreme, Blue Train, and Giant Steps (Syeeda's Song Flute is likely my favorite jazz tune. I figured out that entire fucking sax solo on the bonus track version on guitar. I always lose little bits though. Coltrane is the man. The Fucking Man.)

P.S.S. I'm not exactly the oldest of members either, so hey, we're all good here.

a pack of wolves

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The Forced Listening Thread
« Reply #183 on: 19 May 2005, 04:56 »

Quote from: KharBevNor
Annoying drumming most of the way through. Guitar was okay though, if a bit uninteresting. What I could hear of the very faint singing...okay, but a bit waily and weak for my tastes. Kinda got a bit faster and more rocking towards the end, but didn't deliver anything like what it's title promised. Also, it carried on that out-of-synch math thing which I loathe all the way through.


What do you mean it didn't do what the title promised? It's math as hell! I was kind of hoping someone else but you would review it, what with your aversion to all things mathy, but it didn't fare too well when someone else had a go anyway... Ah well, I think I'm yet to submit something which gets a genuinely good review.
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« Reply #184 on: 19 May 2005, 05:26 »

I had a listen as well and I wasn't impressed. It felt like half the song was missing. There was the softer and build bits, but it didnt reach any high point or conclusion. Just didnt actually seem mathy to me... hmmmm.

Hey, none of my stuff has been that well recived either really. Oh well, keep throwing stuff out there.


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« Reply #185 on: 19 May 2005, 09:22 »

Quote from: a pack of wolves

What do you mean it didn't do what the title promised? It's math as hell! I was kind of hoping someone else but you would review it, what with your aversion to all things mathy, but it didn't fare too well when someone else had a go anyway... Ah well, I think I'm yet to submit something which gets a genuinely good review.

What with all the 'two four letter words' thing I was expecting if not the removal of my face, then at least a light scrape to the nose.

Also, can people PLEASE include the song?, it's not too hard.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
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La Creme

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« Reply #186 on: 19 May 2005, 20:52 »

Well this ceratinly died...

Anyone gonna review Paradigm Shift? Helluva song...

Anyways, these are loads of fun, so c'mon alls-ya and let's get this train wreck a rollin'.

If nobody wants to do Paradigm Shift, I propose another tune for the indy fans in the.. audience? Ensemble? Room? Whatever...

Life of Leisure
by Steadman (I know most of their stuff is only meh... but this song is pretty bitchin')


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« Reply #187 on: 20 May 2005, 01:01 »

La Creme: You are about 7,000,000,000 times more likely to have people listen to your songs if you go to, and 'send' an MP3 (not any wierd formats) of the song to yourself or some madeup email address. Then get the long ass URL and post it hear. Voila, anyone can listen to it, for free.


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« Reply #188 on: 20 May 2005, 01:03 »

Meh, just to there's not a thread hanging, I'll review the LTE song. Even though I'm a massive prog fan anyway.

Because no one else time it WILL be Three Minute Warning or an expended live Dream Threater jam/solo session.

Liquid Tension Experiment - Paradigm Shift

I lthink this was great start to LTE one, with the quick flying start before it starts to get all funky. The 2 minute mark just sounds lovely where it all slows down and the slow squeeling guitar is great as as it builds and shifts over the the keyboards as well. The bass has funky hum to it which just adds to the song. LTE has their own sound and it's not Dream Theater, which makes the project worth it and the experimental/recorded in one take jam route makes it all the better. About 5:15 sees a nice slow bass line and slow guitar coming in over it later. And the guitar just climbs to another beautiful emoted solo that picks up into a fast shread for a few moments. The milddle eastern sort of style tone over another keyboard solo at about 7:20 is a good mix as well. Before shifting back to that original slow ish paced jam section that links the whole song up. Into another build up before racing ahead just like the opening.

Not even my fav LTE song, but it's great. 9/10
Maybe slightly pointless, but now the thread isn't gonna get tangled.

Quote from: La Creme
Life of Leisure by Steadman

If that still stands from La Creme, get on it people.

La Creme

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« Reply #189 on: 22 May 2005, 11:47 »

I'm just posting this to get this thread back to the top of the list. Because these are loads of fun. And I'm sorry. I can't figure out how to do that friggin' send site thing.

a pack of wolves

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« Reply #190 on: 22 May 2005, 12:08 »

It's really easy. Go to and enter an email address, your own or a made up one would probably work fine as well, then browse for the file you'd like to send on your computer. Then when it says the file has been sent follow the link to the page where it says the file can be downloaded from and cut and paste the address to here. It'll stay up for a few days and allow a small number of downloads. If you still can't work it, then only submit songs that can be downloaded from band websites or places like epitonic and provide a link.

I just searched soulseek for Steadman and only got about five files, none of which were that song and people can't review it if they can't get a copy.
Quote from: De_El
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« Reply #191 on: 23 May 2005, 06:40 »

I'd really like this to progress again so seeing as no one seems to be able to get a hold of the song I'll put one up to get this rolling again.

I thought I'd subject some people to an old classic - metal style.

Here's "Jekyll & Hyde" as told by Iced Earth.

Praeserpium Machinarum

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« Reply #192 on: 23 May 2005, 08:10 »

Iced Earth - Jekyll & Hyde

Now I must admit I do not like symphonic metal ala Within Temptation, which I think this sounds a bit like. And sadly this confirms why I don't like it. The vocals tries to be dramatic but fails and thus sound a bit ridiculous. I think the drums sound weird(like in nearly every metal song I have heard), hollow in a way, which is not good. The guitars seems to be recycled riffs from the 80's(which makes sense if it is from the 80's), overall I think this track is boring and melodramatic, but alas I have never been into metal.


Low - Dinosaur Act(from Things We Lost in the Fire)

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« Reply #193 on: 23 May 2005, 08:38 »

low - dinosaur act

i've never heard of thet band before, but this song kind of touched me. i like the singers voice.and i like the entire song in an emotional and irrational way.


my song: union youth - sweet song

not my favourite song by union youth, but the only one available for download.


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The Forced Listening Thread
« Reply #194 on: 23 May 2005, 09:06 »

I would argue that the vocalist gets across the torment within the Jekyll's soul with great accuracy, though admittedly I haven't had much luck in convincing people of this. Anyway,

Union Youth - Sweet Song

It's a pretty repetitive song, but I know many good songs that are. However, it sounds as if half way through (possibly in order to detract from the repetitiveness) someone tried to wash their mouth out with soap and an electric screw driver. I also think that the guitars aren't played very well (but maybe I'm just not a fan of the style).I think the singer is about average, I would guess he isn't great at keeping a note.


Queensryche - Queen of the Reich

La Creme

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« Reply #195 on: 23 May 2005, 17:46 »

Queensryche - Queen of the Reich

Opens with a boring, repetitive guitar riff, shortly followed by an unnecessary DOUBLE metal scream. Singing is echoey, and too quiet, and so stereo-typically hair-metally that i was, by the end of the song, on the verge of going online, finding a picture of a mullet, printing it, and lighting it on fire. The only redeaming feature was the harmonics on the geeee-tar in the middle. But I'm just a sucker for harmonized guitar, so yeah.

Sorry mang, hair metal is just not my burger.
2.5 / 10

For a change of pace from the usual endless torrent of metal and indy-pop placed on this site:
by Fishbone

Why is A.d.d. ska so damned fun? Because it taps into each and every one of our inner-ridalin childs. And it makes you burn the spahgetti...


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The Forced Listening Thread
« Reply #196 on: 23 May 2005, 18:50 »

It appears that your link has expired :-( I didn't manage to find it on P2P either. (This particular song).
You might perhaps wish to renew the link...?

La Creme

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The Forced Listening Thread
« Reply #197 on: 23 May 2005, 19:23 »

This time, the link should work. If not, it's likely because my computer is a peice of shit. Remember when Dell used to make white computers? That's what mine is. Running '98. Fuck this computer.


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The Forced Listening Thread
« Reply #198 on: 23 May 2005, 20:11 »

Alcoholic by Fishbone

OK. Nice one. No virtuosity or Caruso level singing but that's not the intent. As I understand it, this is meant to be fun, which it is. The lyrics are somewhat cool and the whole style of playing well coresponds to a bit ironic and non-serious approach in this song. Better playing or singing would actually ruin the effect, imho.

So treated "objectively" it's a well done song of its nature.

As for me, songs of this nature don't work for me that much. I am little bit more into "virstuoso playing".

So 7.5/10 it is if I ignore my own taste, 6/10 if I deduct something for "not my type of music".

My song would be:

O.S.I. - When You're Ready

If all searching fails, try this:


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The Forced Listening Thread
« Reply #199 on: 24 May 2005, 17:55 »

O.S.I. - When You're Ready

When it first started I was reminded of "Broken" - Seether ft Amy Lee. I actually thought this was a nice start, very promising. From there it gradually progressed until they added whirly sort of sounds, etc that actually ruined my enjoyment of the song - I can think of at least one song off the top of my head that I actually gave up listening to because they ended with a similar effect that gave me a headache. However, I can see the appeal in the song, it's pretty unique to me so I'm gonna give it:

7/10, which took me quite a few listens to finally decide upon.

Anyway, a british band next, I enjoyed this song and a few others they came up with.

InMe - Faster The Chase
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