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Author Topic: The Forced Listening Thread  (Read 274204 times)


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« Reply #50 on: 15 Feb 2005, 01:15 »

Well, with this you can just look at the first category to see if the person was "right" to review it.  IF you know they didn't like it, then don't get bummed when it winds up with a low score.  I have a feeling that my song is gonna get a REALLY low score unless Khar reviews it.


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« Reply #51 on: 15 Feb 2005, 06:17 »

Nah, that would be cheating. You get either the bitter indignation of someone giving NM a 1 or, if they actually like it, the sick pleasure of imparting certain facts...

Also, your rating system is subtle genius sir!
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
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« Reply #52 on: 15 Feb 2005, 21:16 »

Quote from: Malphas

My song:">Nokturnal Mortum - Kuyaviya

Wow, intense.
I'm not sure where to put this track, really. It comes in a little like a frenetic take on Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells.  About two minutes in, we get some over the top vocals. I can't quite make out the words, as they seem a little soft against the music. Like listening to a bone-thugs album, I could see this getting old, but it's not like anything I've heard. I know I'm not doing this track justice, but I have no idea where to put it or how to best describe it. I feel like I've been asked to describe a spiral staircase without using my hands. I'll just speak to how I liked it. I give it a 4/10.

My song?
Artist: Brad Track: Buttercup Album: Shame


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« Reply #53 on: 16 Feb 2005, 18:35 »

Dammit, I can never find any of these tracks anywhere on DC. I should have reviewed Nokturnal Mortum. At least I would have given it the score it deserves.
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« Reply #54 on: 17 Feb 2005, 00:26 »

Yeah, I haven't been able to find that one either.  Nokturnal Morutm had more hits on google than that band did.


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« Reply #55 on: 17 Feb 2005, 06:32 »

I've managed to find one hit on DC++, but nothing with open slots.

Still, wait and see.

Dammit, I want to force you p0s0rz to listen to some real mens (and womens!) music!!
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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« Reply #56 on: 17 Feb 2005, 15:38 »

KarBevNor, Malphas, I've sent you, or at least tried to send you PMs.


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« Reply #57 on: 17 Feb 2005, 19:17 »

Thanks for sending me the song shumacher!  Time to get this thread going again.

Brad - Buttercup

1. (10/20) Eh, it was alright.  I didn't particularly like the singer, but the rest was alright.  It was a nice "chillin'" song.
2. (15/20) I suppose it was good for its genre.  Wasn't really my thing, but it wasn't bad.
3. (7/20) It wasn't particularly impressive, because it was a slow paced song.
4. (8/20) Eh, they were alright.
5. (5/20) I hear stuff like this all the time, so I can't give it many unique points.

TOTAL:  45/100

My song:">Xasthur - Soul Abduction Ceremony

This is quite possibly one of the most frightening songs ever written.

Hector Gilbert

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« Reply #58 on: 17 Feb 2005, 21:03 »

Now this is a bizarre song.  The "wall of noise" guitar lines make it immediately recognisable as black metal, but the whole thing seems slowed down to give a kind of grand-scale effect as well as being touched up more than usual (the arrangements are much more detailed to what I'd expect from say early Bathory or the three black albums of Darkthrone).  There's quite a bit of repetition as I would expect, but the relatively elaborate delivery doesn't sit with me so well as a bit of harsh feedback on its own would have - at times it even borders on the pompous, affected rather than affecting.  Still, the noisy guitar "tune" has stayed in my head and there are a few notable points of transition in the song which are genuinely dramatic and allow me to genuinely enjoy the song.  It has grown on me a bit like Burzum's Filosofem, an atmospheric album which this reminded me of to some extent.  7/10

Love the transition at 6:00!

Celtic Frost - "Jewel Throne"


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« Reply #59 on: 19 Feb 2005, 07:51 »

Ok, Sorry, but I'm gonna cheat and grab this :p

Celtic Frost-Jewel Throne

A somewhat hard track to give a genre to, in some ways. It's proto-black metal, with a slight doomy edge, that would come out a lot more on their later albums, breaking down into total thrash at some points.

I'm gonna nick Malphas' system:

1. (18/20) This song rocks!
2. (19/20) This song helped forge it's genre.
3. (16/20) Not the best, most definitely not the worst.
4. (15/20) Pretty good. A few understandable grammar flaws.
5. (19/20) The 'To Mega Therion' album was only ever copied.

so that's 87/100. Pretty much what it deserves!


Crotchduster-Let Me Into Starfish Land
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« Reply #60 on: 19 Feb 2005, 23:23 »

Crotchduster-Let Me Into Starfish Land

That was very odd. Cool keyboardy intro, and then a shitload of different sections and genre switchups, mostly different styles of metal, but also bits of pop and funk. And lots of very very very crude humor. Kinda like a cross between Anal Cunt and Mr. Bungle. I didn't really find it funny, but the music was pretty nicely fucked. Not something that would probably keep me coming back, though.

1. (08/20) Not my thing.
2. (13/20) If novelty-metal is a genre, then I guess it's pretty good.
3. (18/20) They obviously know what they're doing.
4. (02/20) Sorry, the humor didn't work for me.
5. (12/20) It has its precedents, but I haven't heard anything quite like it before.

TOTAL: 53/100

Magma - "Ork Alarm"


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« Reply #61 on: 20 Feb 2005, 20:31 »

Crotchduster definitely has to be experienced on an album level. I agree it's not for everyone. I personally love their slick combination of sub-Beavis and Butthead maturity and skilled multi-instrumentalism. Also, one of the members of the band is a dog. That just rocks.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
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[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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« Reply #62 on: 25 Feb 2005, 13:54 »

Alright, new rule.  You need to give a link to the FULL song when you reply.  I tried to find that magma song, but that was nearly impossible without having to pay.  Best I managed to find was a short 30 second excerpt from the song.  I sorta liked it from what I heard, but I can't give a good review of it.  I'll rereview this song if I can get a full version, until then, the score will be miserably low.

1. (10/20)  I might like this song if I had the full thing, but I can't really tell.
2. (05/20)  I had no idea what this was supposed to be.  Some guy talking in some other language, and this weird ass honking noise.
3. (03/20)  Did not sound impressive at all, then again, i'd need the full thing.
4. (02/20)  Honking doesn't really count as lyrics.
5. (10/20)  Yet again, i might score this higher if i had the whole thing.

TOTAL:  30/100

My song:">Sargeist - Sargeist">Lyrics


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« Reply #63 on: 25 Feb 2005, 14:13 »

Sargeist - Sargeist

The first 2 minutes of this song consist of the drummer playing the kick drum repeatedly quite quickly, rolling on the snare and hitting a bunch of cymbals, while the guitars play a slow and quite funny sounding line over the top, we also have some goblin-like vocals like the song I reviewed a while back, which all combines to lend the song a quite of surreal feel.
this is enhanced when the song changes into a more straight-ahead section, the drummer plays a normal beat and the whole thing sounds distinctly like a computer game soundtrack, an old computer game soundtrack that it, like on a Game Boy or something. Then the fast drum bit comes back in unnannounced, which actually caused me to laugh out loud. It's quite a jolty change from one section to the other.
Anywya, these two sections alternate a bit, then we get another section, slower again, yet it still shares the kind of ridiculous sound of the other sections, harmonically speaking this song is quite comical, I don't know what mode it's in but whichever it is, it's one not particular well suited to serious music. Then it's back to the drummy drummy bit for the last minute or so.
Overall, I presume this song is intended to be angry and scary or whatever, but it just sounds quite silly. 3/10, with possible bonus points if it does get used in a computer game soundtrack.

My choice: Billy Bragg (w/ Johnny Marr) - Walk Away Renée


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« Reply #64 on: 25 Feb 2005, 23:49 »

I didn't think that Magma song would be so hard to find! I was able to find it in p2p-land myself. Anyway,">here it is if you want to write a real review.


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« Reply #65 on: 26 Feb 2005, 04:35 »

Quote from: Malphas
Alright, new rule.  You need to give a link to the FULL song when you reply.

That penalises people who have no webspace, and limits the track choices you can make.

How about giving three options, if it's entirely necessary?
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
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« Reply #66 on: 26 Feb 2005, 11:36 »

Billy Bragg (w/ Johnny Marr) - Walk Away Renée

This was an interesting listen because although I didn't particularly like the song, it got me interested in this band.  It started out rather hopeful, with basically a single acoustic guitar.... Then the dude starts talking. I wouldn't have minded it if I enjoyed the story he was telling. The guitar was pretty, but nothing I haven't heard before. But like I said, it got me more interested in the musicians somehow.

My song:
From Black to Blue
Band: Yo La Tengo
Album: And then nothing turned itself inside out

...mind if I put down two? This one's optional, no need to review it. Just another good song from a good band.

The Ballad of Red Buckets
Band: Yo La Tengo
Album: Electr-O-Pura


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« Reply #67 on: 28 Feb 2005, 09:26 »

I'm not usually a huge Yo La Tengo fan - I guess I shouldn't start this out that way because I still don't really like From Black to Blue. I think it relies too heavily on styled production methods (which are not that great) and is left, musically, with a sort of hack-job melody that feels to me as if very few choices were made in the writing of the song and it was done just for the sake of being done. This sounds like another cinematic piece of music which seems to be a growing trend (pop music leaning more towards atmospheric music) which is something which I take a stance on being somewhere between indifference and mild annoyance. This is not a bad song, it is will put together and carries a good deal of professionalism... I just find it to be boring and uninspired.


My contribution is:

Artist: Los Craneos
Song: Kacharpari
Album: Flute Music of the Andes

(wait for the drum solo)

You can find it here.

Praeserpium Machinarum

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« Reply #68 on: 04 Mar 2005, 05:47 »

I have to admit I don't listen that much to (peruvian?) flute music, but I think its good, I guess I have a little weakness for pan flute. If I should take a guess, its pretty generic, but I am not sure. Another positive thing is that though it is pan flute, its not George-Zamfir-pan-flutesque. In other words its cool pan flute:)


My suggestion:

Skambankt-Me Sa Nei!

then click on "Lydklipp" and download it.

negative creep

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« Reply #69 on: 04 Mar 2005, 10:09 »

Quote from: Praeserpium Machinarum
Skambankt-Me Sa Nei!

i just downloaded it and i kind of like it although i don't understand a word. but it's a nice song and i'll give it 7.5/10

my suggestion: "blanket" by jonas

Praeserpium Machinarum

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« Reply #70 on: 04 Mar 2005, 10:42 »

They are singing in a norwegian dialect called jærsk, and I am as clueless as you, besides something about loving explosions ;)  You might or might not know the lead singer Terje Vinterstø, who is also a member of a pretty famous band in Scandinavia called Kaizers Orchestra.


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« Reply #71 on: 04 Mar 2005, 11:12 »

Quote from: negative creep
my suggestion: "blanket" by jonas

i can't find this song anywhere. any help? email? AIM?


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« Reply #72 on: 04 Mar 2005, 21:29 »

I guess no one's ever gonna review my pick... *sob sob*

Johnny C

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« Reply #73 on: 04 Mar 2005, 22:32 »

Okay, so the track sounded kind of similar to what would happen if you plugged an NES into a speaker and broadcast an RPG's soundtrack while backing it up with a string section.

1) (10/20) It got kinda dull near the middle, but otherwise good.
2) (17/20) Uh... I think I can venture a "Yes."
3) (15/20) Weird guitar solo. Awesome strings.
4) (05/20) I could not hear him anyway, except his crazy laugh.
5) (19/20) I have never heard anything like this in my life.

So this track gets 66/100 from me.

I suggest "Someone Else's Arms" by Mae. Thank goodness for purevolume.
[02:12] yuniorpocalypse: let's talk about girls
[02:12] Thug In Kitchen: nooo

Praeserpium Machinarum

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« Reply #74 on: 06 Mar 2005, 01:04 »

I instantly thought Jimmy Eat World when I heard the start, that is not automatically bad(I like some of Futures) but it was noted. Overall it is in the genre as Jimmy Eat World, a sort of emo powerpop, and it is an okay track, but a bit generic..


My suggestion:

Kashmir-Surfing the Warm Industry

you can find it here:


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« Reply #75 on: 19 Mar 2005, 18:08 »

A bit generic, imo. Vocals and lyrics were ok0ish, 'wooOooOOoOOOOoOoooOOo' space rock synths in the background didn't really fit so well. Sounded quite emo when it speeded up, which is just a sound I don't like, but the distorted guitar section was cool, and the song got quite some better after that. Though the chorus was a down-side. The singer thankfully fails at trying to sound like Tom Yorke (If he'd succeeded it would have been much much worse).


Three suggestions. This week, it's when underground metal and electronica COLLIDE!

Ewigkeit-Strange Volk
...And Oceans-Of Devilish Tongues
Contrastic-Liars Are Winners
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« Reply #76 on: 21 Mar 2005, 20:19 »

I was able to find ...And Oceans - Of Devilish Tongues
So I'll do that.
Hah, so.. it starts off like it's going to be worth listening to. Then this bad-sounding guitar starts up and then some SCREAMINGRAWRRAWRDISTORTEDVOICE lyrics start and it just goes to hell. I can be ok with this type of music. I can love this kind of music. This is just not doing it for me. At 2:47, this little technoy beat starts that I dig. Then some hot drums. Just for about 30 seconds, though. Then comes the growling. Wtf. Then, just when you think it's over... No! More! And it sounds exactly the same as before. I had to google the lyrics. There was no way I was understanding a word of that. Relatively hard to find, but once I found them I wasn't surprised really. Typical angsty shit.
"Forever people suffer in silence
Always and forever drifting to dark waters"
yeah yeah. ok.
thankfully War Pigs came on after this was over. god bless winamp.
god, i'm being mean today :)


Andrew Bird - Nervous Tic Motion of the Head to the Left


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« Reply #77 on: 21 Mar 2005, 23:49 »

A.M.G.O.D. (Allotropic Metamorphic Genesis of Dimorphism) is not an angsty album. You people seemingly just can't do post-black.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
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« Reply #78 on: 22 Mar 2005, 11:27 »

Quote from: ev0lve
Andrew Bird - Nervous Tic Motion of the Head to the Left

This seems like a fairly typical sort of delicate art-pop....not a bad thing in my book. Nothing new here, but it's melodic and the production is full of cute little touches. The lyrics are standard obscure indie fare in the REM tradition—it's possible that they mean something, but I don't really care. They don't detract from the music, at least. Mr. Bird sounds distinctly like Isaac Brock in spots, but that's neither here nor there.

If there's one real complaint I could level at this (and the genre in general), it's that it meanders somewhat; he's clearly not too concerned with keeping up any particular sense of momentum. Still, it's a fine listen.


Rotary Connection - "I Am the Black Gold of the Sun"


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« Reply #79 on: 01 Apr 2005, 09:46 »

Rotary Connection - "I Am the Black Gold of the Sun"

Let's just come straight out here and say that I did not like this song at all. I can give it a 4/10, because these people can onviously sing, play instruments etc. Despite not liking the genre/style, I would say this song's problem was that it had far too much the air of background music. It just sort of sat there in the background not doing very much at all really.

This week is the many voices of Dan Swano week! You can choose between:

Dan Swano-Creating Illusions (Proggy Death Metal)
Edge of Sanity-Sacrificed (Goth Rock)
Nightingale-Forever and Ever (Prog Rock)
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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« Reply #80 on: 01 Apr 2005, 11:36 »

you can use to allow us access to your mp3s of these without having your own webspace.
this would be remarkably helpful.


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« Reply #81 on: 01 Apr 2005, 11:39 »

Or I could use Someone has to claim them first and choose one though, I'm not just going to email them to everyone on the board at random.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
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« Reply #82 on: 01 Apr 2005, 11:49 »

Um. You can post a link.


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« Reply #83 on: 01 Apr 2005, 12:02 »

do those actually work as regular download links?
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« Reply #84 on: 01 Apr 2005, 12:05 »



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« Reply #85 on: 01 Apr 2005, 12:50 »

Cool, I just assumed they worked like dropload.

Now I can send awesome obscure stuff.

This is Ewigkeit - Ea 2000:Out For the Count
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
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[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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« Reply #86 on: 01 Apr 2005, 12:52 »

Quote from: YouSentIt

File Transfer: Invalid Link
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« Reply #87 on: 01 Apr 2005, 12:54 »

[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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« Reply #88 on: 01 Apr 2005, 12:56 »

That one seems to work, though, I cant see the difference.


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« Reply #89 on: 01 Apr 2005, 12:58 »

[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted


Praeserpium Machinarum

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« Reply #90 on: 01 Apr 2005, 23:21 »

I got it to work..

Ewigkeit - Ea 2000:Out For the Count

First of all the recording sounds a bit odd, hollow might be a good name for it. The drums are as far as I can hear from a drummachine, sounds very artificial, and the "vocals" are horrible in my opinion. Though perhaps that's the idea? The guitar works is fine enough,  but overall, our tastes clashes again KharBevNor, I just can't stand this song.


my suggestion:
Under Byen-Legesag


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« Reply #91 on: 02 Apr 2005, 02:54 »

It's probably not so awesome unless you really like the original version by Burzum. I actually cracked up when he went "Oh Varg, you're really scaring me now!". As for the quality, it's a one-man project run from a home studio, so...yeah.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
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« Reply #92 on: 05 Apr 2005, 23:13 »

8/10 I will decide hard for me to be decisive in things like this.  First vocals sounded odd mixed with the music being either right or left speaker, but then I realized that was just since I had headphones on.  It went somewhere but too often I am wishing a song would go somewhere more than it does, but then I learn to live with it later and love the song, think that may be the same with this one.  I judge music a lot on whether I would buy the cd and if there was a cd full of songs of the same quality of this and it was not a million dollars, I think I would buy it.

Here for you next person.  Band-Pornopop Song-Centre (since some people like to put band first, others the song)

a pack of wolves

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« Reply #93 on: 06 Apr 2005, 08:41 »

At first the music reminded me a little of something from 'Good Morning Spider' by Sparklehorse, but without so much charm. My main problem was that I just didn't find the vocals to have that much feeling to them, and I really disliked the drum sound. It does however get a few points for the nicely sinister background noises that show up about three minutes in, I might have liked it more if they'd been used throughout. So I'll go for 4/10

My suggestion: Wolves! (of Greece) - For The Greater Good
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Praeserpium Machinarum

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« Reply #94 on: 06 Apr 2005, 11:53 »

Under Byen is a danish band and has made two albums called Kyst and Det er Mig der Holder Træerne Sammen, they are available in Europe as far as I know, the second one anyway. They are truly fantastic and every song on Det er Mig der Holder Træerne Sammen, where Legesag comes from, is amazing ;)


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« Reply #95 on: 06 Apr 2005, 15:07 »

My impressions were that this was a pretty good song that was trying its best to get me to dislike it. The playing ranged from being good to being just annoying, especially the bits where a sort of half-riff would just repeat over and over. The vocals were annoying all the time however, so there's some consistency. Ending was too abrupt, intro was a bit odd. Fairly decent musicicanship, I'll give that 4/10.

Now, one of the few tracks that is, imo, literally perfect:

Ancient Rites-(Ode to) Ancient Europa
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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« Reply #96 on: 06 Apr 2005, 16:27 »

Thanks for the info but ug, imports and our crappy US dollar


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« Reply #97 on: 12 Apr 2005, 10:32 »


If the download doesn't work anymore PM me.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted


Praeserpium Machinarum

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« Reply #98 on: 12 Apr 2005, 12:01 »

I would give it a go but you deserve someone who's not biased :)


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« Reply #99 on: 12 Apr 2005, 21:30 »

It is impossible to be biased against Ancient Rites! All those biased against Ancient Rites shall be slain by the mighty warriors of Europa!
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted

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