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Author Topic: The Forced Listening Thread  (Read 268439 times)


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The Forced Listening Thread
« on: 09 Feb 2005, 13:26 »

An idea stolen from another forum.

Basically the idea is this: At the end of this post I will put a song. the next person after me will listen to this song via the magic of p2p technology, legal download, mp3 shopping, whatever floats your boat, and give it a rating out of 10. Having given this rating, they will suggest a track of their own. The next person who wants to take part in the game will listen to their suggestion, review, and suggest their own, and so forth. The purpose is to help people discover new bands by forcing your musical taste brutally on to others and then having indignant arguments when they give your favourite song ever 2/10.

Don't suggest a track without reviewing the last track suggested.

My first track is:

Sigh-Requiem - Nostalgia
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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« Reply #1 on: 09 Feb 2005, 13:29 »

Aren't you meant to give a choice of, say, 5 songs? That's how we ran it on this other forum I was on. Anyway, I call this one if I can find it


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« Reply #2 on: 09 Feb 2005, 13:37 »

Well, we could. I've seen versions where you suggested three as well. I prefer the one choice thing though tbh. Gives people less of a chance to keep within their comfort zones.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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« Reply #3 on: 09 Feb 2005, 14:10 »

Okay, here we go

Sigh - Requiem Nostalgia

This song starts out with a synthesised orchestra, playing a rather uninteresting slow tempo kind of thing. It sounds not entirely unlike a low-budget movie soundtrack. This goes on for a one and a half minutes without really doing much, then it pauses for a second, and the band comes in, sounding mostly the same as the introduction except with a troll-like creature communicating in what I take to be a language too primitive to be recognised by human ears over the top. Present at various parts through the rest of the song are some strange squelching noises which are kin of at odds with the overall orchestral procession of doom ambiance. The song appears to have three main parts, one with troll-noises, another with flutes and jack-in-the-box type sounds, and one with an operatic singer a la Rammstein. After the first flute/jack-in-the-box section, the troll vocals and the squelching noises interact to create an effect similar to when Ford and Arthur first get picked up by the Heart of Gold in the BBC radio play; think "Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it!". Anyway, more of the same, then what might pass as a guitar breakdown, it involves guitars playing a 5-note riff, about 15 times. Then comes the guitar solo, which is just your typical rock 'n' roll guitar solo, completely changing the mood of the song to one of commercial radio airtime. Anyway, that stops, more troll/squelching etc., then it all stops, with the last 30 seconds being occupied by more jack-in-the-box noises over someone playing a classical piano piece that I recognise but can't quite put my finger on the name of. Maybe Strauss.
Overall, well, it was kinda strange, but at times I feel it was unremarkable, and at others I feel it was trying too hard. It was kinda like Rammstein, but not. 3/10

Okay, my selection: Miles Davis - Buzzard Song (from Porgy & Bess)


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« Reply #4 on: 09 Feb 2005, 14:44 »




I call your song. I sincerely hope I don't like it.

If I can't run forever, luke!

(Also, I seriously have to question where the HELL you got Rammstein from at all. And it's the Minute Waltz.)
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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« Reply #5 on: 09 Feb 2005, 14:57 »

Just the strings and opera vocals, really. I know it wasn't that much like Rammstein, but then it wasn't much like anything else I'd heard

Johnny C

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« Reply #6 on: 09 Feb 2005, 15:13 »


The last forum I saw this on was not a good one for it. Nothing but terrible black metal (and I do not mean "black metal is terrible," I mean "I enjoy some but this was all poor"). And ska. I suggested Interpol's "PDA" and everyone was all "WHAT IS THIS CRAZINESS." So considering QC's general musical tolerance this ought to be interesting.
[02:12] yuniorpocalypse: let's talk about girls
[02:12] Thug In Kitchen: nooo


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« Reply #7 on: 09 Feb 2005, 15:17 »

Alright lets go with something here then.

Artist: Daphne Loves Derby
Title: Midnight Highway


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« Reply #8 on: 09 Feb 2005, 15:18 »

Hey! Hey! One at a time please children. And anyway, to suggest a song you have to review a song first.


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« Reply #9 on: 09 Feb 2005, 15:21 »

fine fine.

That means that it's your turn.


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« Reply #10 on: 09 Feb 2005, 15:25 »

I suggested Miles Davis - Buzzard Song, Khar called it. Although if he doesn't post his review within [pre-designated time limit] then it's open for anyone. The time limit was an hour on the last one of these I did, but I think it'd be a little unfair to enforce it this time round.


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« Reply #11 on: 09 Feb 2005, 15:39 »

Ugh, how the hell do you give Sigh a 3?  3!??!  Yeah it's friggin weird as hell, but at least it's interesting.  I would've given it at least a 9.  But anyways, sorry Khar, i'm gonna beat you to the punch.

Alright, so I downloaded the Buzzard song, and no more than 2 seconds into it,  it screams "Jazz".  Now I may be a bit biased on this one, because I hate jazz.  It all sounds the same for me, that is, droning and uninteresting.  I'd never be able to distinguish one artist from another, and this song is no exception.  However, Jazz is a fairly difficult genre to play, so I'm gonna give them an A for effort, but a 0 for me liking the song.  So, the average is a 5/10.  

My song is Mercyful Fate - A Dangerous Meeting


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« Reply #12 on: 09 Feb 2005, 15:46 »

I want my money back!



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« Reply #13 on: 09 Feb 2005, 16:11 »

Heh, I couldn't find a good download on the damned thing anywhere.

I'll opt out on Mercyful Fate. I have too much love for King Diamond. Besides, doing it for a song/band you know is sort of cheating.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted


Hector Gilbert

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« Reply #14 on: 09 Feb 2005, 16:42 »

Quote from: Malphas
My song is Mercyful Fate - A Dangerous Meeting

I call this one.  In fact, I've just heard it for the first time...  I'm downloading all of Don't Break The Oath now.

I'll hear it a couple more times before passing judgement on it.


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« Reply #15 on: 10 Feb 2005, 21:12 »

zOmg, no more calling songs.  This thread will go way too slow.

Hector Gilbert

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« Reply #16 on: 11 Feb 2005, 12:17 »

I agree that this thread should be sped up a little, even though I've been the slowcoach here!  Anyway...

The verses don't have all that much going for them I have to admit, just a rather standard riff and King Diamond's crazy "acquired taste" vocals.  This sound seems rather dated in comparison to other metal classics of 1984 such as the songs on Metallica's Ride The Lightning and Celtic Frost's Morbid Tales.  However after a few listens this has grown on me a bit, the solos are lovely and there's a great tempo change at around 3:38 or so.  The lyrics surprised/impressed me a bit considering the OTT vocals (the latter of which reminded me at times of some of the prog-operas I've sat through).  Six out of ten!

Throbbing Gristle - "Very Friendly"

Keith Decent

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« Reply #17 on: 11 Feb 2005, 12:41 »

Throbbing Gristle - "Very Friendly"

I'll take this one....

be right back

EDIT: I can't seem to find it, I'll hold off for another one. Don't want to hold anything up.  Someone else take this one.


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« Reply #18 on: 11 Feb 2005, 17:36 »

Throbbing Gristle-Very Friendly

An interesting song. I'm not personally a fan of slow industrial much, but this was okay. It created a good atmosphere and kept providing constant development and variation that kept my interest pretty well. Good sampling and what-not. Too slow for my liking though, as said before: the beginning section was far too much drawn out, and built up in such a way that I kept expecting an increase of speed and brutality that was unfortunately never delivered. The ending also came ona  bit arbitrarily: the song felt like it had little actual structure, seeming to morph somewhat into an amorphous blob of sound. Whilst this may be the things very genius to some, I cannot say it really grabs me.

What can I say? I'm a Ministry fan.

And now for my choice:

Skyclad-The Disenchanted Forest
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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« Reply #19 on: 11 Feb 2005, 17:41 »

Marks out of 10?


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« Reply #20 on: 11 Feb 2005, 17:51 »


[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted


Keith Decent

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« Reply #21 on: 11 Feb 2005, 19:18 »

Skyclad-The Disenchanted Forest

this one i did find, I'll do it

Keith Decent

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« Reply #22 on: 11 Feb 2005, 19:29 »

Skyclad - The disenchanted forest

The first few bars or so of this track, bird sounds, ye olde guitar, and Gaelic chanting had me wondering what I had gotten myself into.  It's kind of nuts, a mix of heavy metal and irish folk music.  It made me laugh on more than one occasion, whether or not that was the intent.  It's definitely an original song, with a pulsating rhythm.  The lyrics match the music exactly, which may or may not be a good thing.  It's a tight song, and defintely far outside my normal comfort zone.  The solo is definitely cool.

The breakdown reminded me bigtime of old school Nintendo music, in it's adventurousness and hyperactive melodies.  It must have been taken right out of a video game circa 1993.  I felt like I was in a boss fight halfway through the song.  

Throughout most of it, especially the last couple of minutes, I felt someone was screaming excerpts from Lord of the Rings at me, with all of the lyrics about the thirsty earth and battlefields and whatnot.

All in all, it was a trip of a song. It definitely brought me to another place, with the story telling lyrics and inventive mixture of genres.  I'm just not sure it was someplace I wanted to go.  It didn't sit right with my tastes, but it wasn't totally without merit. However, I don't think I'll ever listen to it again.

I'll have to give it a 6/10.  However, that's just because we're supposed to be personal about it. It could've been under 7 minutes, though.

My suggestion is...

World/Inferno Friendship Society - "All The World is a Stage (Dive)"

whoever gets this one is in for it. Best, band, ever.


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« Reply #23 on: 11 Feb 2005, 20:11 »

I registered just to do this.
Ok, so "All The World Is A Stage (Dive)"

this reminds me a bit of the fiery furnaces. it's almost carnival music. with a hint of jello biafra-esque punk. it starts off nicely, like something you could listen to with your grandmother in the room. then he starts singing. i have this thing for bad singing voices, so i kinda like it. i think i might love this band. i need more.
around a minute, 28 sec he makes the most awesome little noise.
just for that, it gets a 9/10.

my suggestion:
ohGr: Pore


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« Reply #24 on: 11 Feb 2005, 20:24 »

Heh. That comfort zone thing has always been Skyclad's main problem. They're massive in Eastern Europe and the Balkans (and when I say massive I don't mean underground massive, I mean outselling Iron Maiden), but in english-speaking countries there always seems something against them.

In my opinion, it's musical genius. Pure and simple. Fusing two such disparate genres as thrash metal and traditional British folk music together into such an astoundingly slick mix (Finntroll is the only other folk metal band that manages to make the genre sound so natural) is good enough, but compounded on that you have Martin Walkyier, a man who writes probably the best lyrics this side of anything. Skyclad are pure style. And they make you want to dance, headbang and air-guitar at the same time. What could be better?

Anyway, World/Inferno Friendship Society-All the World is a Stage (Dive)

Hrmmm.This song sounded like a cross between Johnny Cash and a blues orchestra. In a bad way, if that's possible. I dunno, I didn't really like this song at all. Their technical skills must be commended, but the overall tone irked me, and the constant changes of tempo didn't give me any chance to sink down into it. The singer didn't drop a single word either, which is pretty good of him.

I've still got to give it a 5.5/10. Sorry.

Edit: Damn, too slow.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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« Reply #25 on: 11 Feb 2005, 20:27 »

Well I just downloaded this so I may as well say what I thought

World Inferno Friendship Society - All The World is a Stage (Dive)

Reminded me very much of 'Monkeys' by the Mad Caddies except without the virtuoso jazz trumpet playing, although with better lyrics, and it's maybe slightly more original. I don't think the singer's voice is bad at all, in fact I think it's quite good, and it's overall a very fun energetic song, although slightly lacking the awesome-factor of the Caddies' trumpet-trombone-banjo combination. So, a good song, only let down by the fact I've heard a similar song that is more awesome. 8/10

And I don't even get to suggest a song, surely the only reason for doing this...


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« Reply #26 on: 11 Feb 2005, 20:39 »


OOooh. Electrogasmic. I'm crap at genres for electronic music. My senses tell me Acid or Gabber but I really do have no idea. My opinion in this song distilled:
Frantic 'the machine is breaking down' electrobeats-Good
Tongue-twister singing-Bad


Now, for a track by my favourite band to be formed in the naughties.

3 Inches of Blood-Deadly Sinners.

WARNING: Unless you constantly make a \m/ metal salute to your speakers during pretty much all of this song, Satan WILL kill a kitten.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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« Reply #27 on: 11 Feb 2005, 20:47 »

3 Inches Of Blood - Deadly Sinners

Okay, this song starts off with some serious riffology, that whole 80's speed metal thing (or something), then we get some silly high-pitched vocals singing silly things about blood and "enemies of metal" (I think), more riffin' and high-pitchin', a bit of soloin', then more of the same, then "take one last look before you die...die..die...die", then back into the same stuff again. Yep, that's about it. Overall, firstly I thought people had stopped making music like this ages ago, and it was very repetitive and didn't go anywhere for the duration of the song, not to mention it's a genre of music I have no love for whatsoever, but on the other hand, there is something kinda cool about this style, my favourite german punk-rock band, Wizo, play some stuff like this except better, so I did enjoy it on a certain level. So minus several million for originality, but 11/10 for ROCK! Overall, 4.5/10.

My suggestion: Leonard Cohen - Famous Blue Raincoat


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« Reply #28 on: 11 Feb 2005, 20:59 »



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« Reply #29 on: 11 Feb 2005, 21:06 »

Heh, people did stop making stuff like that.

Then 3IoB came along and started rocking it old school. crazy scream vocals, and songs about pirates, orcs, barbarian warriors and all that good stuff.

I'll leave off this for a bit, I feel like I'm hogging it somehow.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted


Tago Mago

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« Reply #30 on: 11 Feb 2005, 22:35 »

Does it count as forced listening if I've already heard it before? I feel like I may be cheating here. At any rate, Famous Blue Raincoat is a beautiful song. Leonard Cohen's lyrics are always so romantic and full of fear and longing. I wish I could write that well. Though, to be honest, I didn't like Beautiful Losers very much at all.


My choice: Brian Eno - I'll Come Running


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« Reply #31 on: 11 Feb 2005, 22:59 »

Brian Eno - I'll come running

Uh...I really have no idea what to say to this.  Within the first 5 seconds or so it immediately said "The Beatles".  You can really tell who infleuenced this guy, even in his vocal style.  I haven't really taken a look at the lyrics, but apparently, he feels the need to tie someone's shoe in a hurry.  

This -really- is not my style of music, I've never been a big fan of the Beatles, nor anyone who sounds like them, so my rating is fairly biased.


My suggestion is:  Dream Evil - No Way

If you have trouble finding this, just lemme know, I'll send it to you on MSN or AIM or something.

Keith Decent

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« Reply #32 on: 12 Feb 2005, 00:22 »

Reply to the World/Inferno stuff...

If you want to know more, you can always check their website,

The singer, Jack Terricloth, is actually a very good singer, this song doesn't showcase his talents very well.  If you want more steady rhythms and cathier songwriting, get their song "tattos fade," or "secret Service."  If you want even crazier, then get "I Wouldn't want to live in a world without grudges," or "Great Pumpkin."

These guys have a great follwing here in NYC, cause their live show is a blast, and their annual halloween show, called Hallowmas, is amazing.

I can only describe one small portion of the night, at the end, where Jack led everyone out of the club (by everyone i mean upwards of 150 people plus about 30 members of a marching band) and in a parade down the street in Brooklyn at 2 am singing the chorus of Great Pumpkin.  amazing.

Sorry, but I think that alot of people could really like them.

ps this thread is great, I was excited to be a part, as I'm always looking for new music.

Praeserpium Machinarum

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« Reply #33 on: 12 Feb 2005, 02:54 »

I`ll give a go but that dream evil stuff pretty darn hard to find..


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« Reply #34 on: 12 Feb 2005, 13:52 »

Not hard to find now:">Click here to get it

Only one person get this, because it's hosted on my webspace, which has severe bandwidth limits.  :(

mAlice aforeThought

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« Reply #35 on: 12 Feb 2005, 14:17 »

i was goïng to get it, but a password request popped up!


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« Reply #36 on: 12 Feb 2005, 15:25 »

Sorry about that, I forgot to make it public.  Try now.


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« Reply #37 on: 12 Feb 2005, 16:35 »

Bauhaus - In the Night


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« Reply #38 on: 12 Feb 2005, 17:26 »

Quote from: DeathrockZombie
Bauhaus - In the Night

Despite the greatness of the track you have proposed, I must point out the rules.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted


mAlice aforeThought

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« Reply #39 on: 12 Feb 2005, 21:13 »

malphas:  downloading now.  i'll have a full report, um, whenever.

Johnny C

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« Reply #40 on: 12 Feb 2005, 21:24 »

Quote from: Malphas
Brian Eno - I'll come running

You hurt me.
[02:12] yuniorpocalypse: let's talk about girls
[02:12] Thug In Kitchen: nooo

mAlice aforeThought

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« Reply #41 on: 13 Feb 2005, 02:25 »

in response to Dream Evil : no way

first, it's growing on me.  first time i listened to it, i was all bleh about it.  second time, i liked it a little better.  now i'm listening to it for the third time, and, well, it's not at all bad.  not really my thing, but certainly not bad, either.
my main problem was the vocals.  they seem very basick metal--which is to be expected, but i've never really gotten along with that vocal style (i'd been hoping forsomething more growly).  i loved the drums, and the rhythm overall was much fun.  the lyrics seemed kind ov pointless (making musick about making musick has always struck me as tailchasing), but i'm a total rhythmwhore, so whenever i started getting bleh about the lyrics or the voice, my attention would snap back to the drums, and i'd be a happy kitty again.
overall:  6/10

may i suggest:  the Vinegar Works : pink [demo], or if suggesting our own work is a Very Bad Thing to Do, then i recommend Chemlab : pink, ov which mine is a cover.

Praeserpium Machinarum

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« Reply #42 on: 13 Feb 2005, 03:06 »

hell I don`t care, but I am to be brutally honest...

The Vinegar Works-pink

It start a bit slow, but then comes this bouncing sound and a voice begin to say ner-intelligible words over it. It streaks me as weird, and a bit directionless, but then again I am probably not the right audience for this sort of music, too dronelike for my taste. 3/10

I suggest Beck new single Hell Yes, which should be reasonably easy to find.


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« Reply #43 on: 13 Feb 2005, 17:21 »

Beck - "Hell Yes"

Um..decent, I guess. Bouncy start/stop groove, but the song is pretty much hookless. There're all sorts of samples and things thrown in but nothing really happens, and it gets old fast.


Gentle Giant - "Knots"


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« Reply #44 on: 13 Feb 2005, 21:38 »

Gentle Giant - Knots

this is like they might be giants meets a barbershop quartet. the first time i heard Gentle Giant i was searching for the Santana song "Winning" and i got their track called "Winning" instead. it was awful. this is about "Knots", though, which i actually find enjoyable. it took me a while to even hear real words, there's a "row row row your boat" aspect to it. and oh my god was
that a xylophone? <3


and it's staying on my playlist. (:


Ani Difranco - Trickle Down


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« Reply #45 on: 13 Feb 2005, 21:46 »

Heh. I like "Winning" but most people seem to hate it. It's from their 1977 'sellout' album The Missing Piece.
"Knots" is a classic, though. I think of it as the psychologically disturbed answer to "Good Vibrations".


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« Reply #46 on: 13 Feb 2005, 21:50 »

Damn, too slow again.

My review:

The track starts off with a rather nice vocal part, before lapsing off into a subtly annoying keyboard section, then returning to the signing  before adding drums and keys, in a sort of avant-garde fashion. The breaks here seem somehow too jarry for my taste though, feeling more like several tracks have been molded together than an unexpected but somehow natural progression. Still, it's not too bad. The vocal harmony parts are definitely it's best feature. However, avant-garde isn't something I'm too big a fan of, with a few notable exceptions (Sigh, Crotchduster, Maudlin of the Well/Kayo Dot) and as I can honestly say I'll NEVER listen to it again, I'll give it a


Now I'll have to find that other song. Be thankful though, by the time I come to choose my song on that one my mood will have changed, and you'll be saved having to review a Deathgrind/Jazz/Power Ballad/Rap-Rock/Synth song about the joys of sodomy (Crotchduster-Let me Into Starfish Land)
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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« Reply #47 on: 14 Feb 2005, 16:26 »

Ani Difranco - Trickle Down

This track has a nice ambient guitar backing, with some slighty distorted vocals over the top, however after a while the tremelo effect on the guitar begins to get a bit annoying, as do the vocals. The song just consists of a bunch of verses so it's also quite repetitive, and while it has an interesting ambience, overall it's just not all that great. 7/10

Next: Thursday - Jet Black New Year


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« Reply #48 on: 14 Feb 2005, 23:39 »

Well, I dunno what to say about this.  I'm gonna start a new grading system for this, because I feel bad giving peoples' favorite songs scores like 3/10 or around there.  I score that low, because I don't give anything above a 5 unless I like it.  Now onto the song:

Thursday - Jet Black New Year

Well, after the first time through, I decided I didn't really like it.  Then again, I have weird tastes.  The song sounds like some sort pop punk/emo hybrid, which really isn't my genre of expertise.  I'm not to fond of the kinda whiney/screamy vocal style that's starting to become popular.  However, this track wasn't exactly terrrible.  It has a sort of catchy style that will probably launch the band into semi-popularity.  Now for a new grading system I'll be using for this thread, and I hope other people use it too.

1. Did you like the song?  
2. Was this particular song good for its respective genre?
3. Musicianship
4. Lyrics
5. Uniqueness?

Each category gets a score out of 20 points.  Add them up to get a score out of 100.  Here's my grades for this song:

1.  (05/20) I didn't really like this song very much.
2.  (17/20) Not really my genre, so I guess it was okay.
3.  (13/20) The musicianship was fairly simple, but it wasn't exactly bad.
4.  (05/20) The lyrics weren't really clever at all.
5.  (05/20) I hear this sort of stuff on MTV all the time.

TOTAL:  45/100

My song:">Nokturnal Mortum - Kuyaviya


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The Forced Listening Thread
« Reply #49 on: 15 Feb 2005, 00:38 »

Pop punk? Eh? I would say some sort of metalcore/emo hybrid, this was recorded after the band kinda went mad from touring so much, one member describing it as the sound of a fight between the band members, except fighting with their instruments, which is why it's such a crazy mix of styles, you have the deftones-like intro and guitar riff, but a minute into the song you have the most emo vocal harmonies you've ever heard (if you listen to the song you'll know exactly which bit). As for uniqueness, I haven't really heard anything like this, but I suppose it depends on in how much detail you listen to it. I like the new scoring system, but I don't know if I'll use it, I quite like to be arbitrary sometimes.
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