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Author Topic: Jerk it out-The ceasars  (Read 15158 times)

lone sniper

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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« on: 03 Apr 2005, 16:15 »

I was watching TV and the I-pod Shuffle commercial came on and the song casught my ear and immeditally went to google(google=your god ,worship it)

That song ROCKS

some of thier other songs arent bad either


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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #1 on: 03 Apr 2005, 18:35 »

Yeah it's catchy as hell. They have a bit too much of a smashmouth feel, though.


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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #2 on: 03 Apr 2005, 19:02 »

Jerk It Out sounds like The Killers mashed up with Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet. I love the song, though. :D


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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #3 on: 03 Apr 2005, 19:06 »

They're a pretty nifty band. I'd go see 'em live.
Quote from: Eris
Man, Friday night and I'm drawing tacos to post on the internet. I need another drink.


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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #4 on: 03 Apr 2005, 23:44 »

agreed, forte. this song was on the SSX3 soundtrack, and I totally fell in love with it then, but I had all kinds of trouble finding it. I'm really glad to see it getting bigger, now.


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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #5 on: 04 Apr 2005, 00:02 »

The Ipod Shuffle blows.  You at least want a screen if your going to pay that kind of money and there are several competitors which not only offer a screen but also have more capacity and support more formats.  Apple loves to try to exclude nonproprietry formats in order to lock you in to having to buy from them.  Sure, people have come up with hacks to allow you to trick your Apple hardware into playing other formats but periodically Apple changes things so those hacks won't work any more.

It's much better to buy one of the dozens of other brands on sale since they cost less and won't try to screw you.


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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #6 on: 04 Apr 2005, 01:46 »

^we're taking about the song, theres an ipod thread somewhere....

aaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, i really like the song too, heard it on the ssx3 soundtrack a while ago

Guy Smiley

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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #7 on: 04 Apr 2005, 06:17 »

You know, you gotta give Apple some credit.  What other company's ads could revive a song from like two years ago that almost no one remembered and turn it into a huge hit based only on their ads?


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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #8 on: 04 Apr 2005, 06:32 »

I love their CD.
download "Let's Go Parking Baby"... another very good song by them :)


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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #9 on: 04 Apr 2005, 07:00 »

That song rules, I have a complex that makes me listen to it...... constantly...... I blame my ex for liking it

Jason Sigala

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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #10 on: 04 Apr 2005, 07:03 »

I'm extremely partial to the song, "From the Bughouse".


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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #11 on: 04 Apr 2005, 08:26 »

Jerk it out totally has 'summer anthem' potential.


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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #12 on: 04 Apr 2005, 09:54 »

Quote from: Oerdin
The Ipod Shuffle blows.  You at least want a screen if your going to pay that kind of money and there are several competitors which not only offer a screen but also have more capacity and support more formats.  Apple loves to try to exclude nonproprietry formats in order to lock you in to having to buy from them.  Sure, people have come up with hacks to allow you to trick your Apple hardware into playing other formats but periodically Apple changes things so those hacks won't work any more.

It's much better to buy one of the dozens of other brands on sale since they cost less and won't try to screw you.

I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but I'd have to disagree. If anyone could link the ipod thread, that'd be great seeing as I'm too lazy to search around.
I just think that the screen is unnessecary if you put songs you like on the ipod, and it is being mainly pushed for things like jogging or any type of exercising (ie. activities that don't require checking a screen). I also use it like a personal radio station since we don't have any really great radio stations here in Nort' Dakota.
Except 105.9 Radio Free Fargo *cough* (not whoring my station... especially not 6-7 on Saturdays and Sundays when I may or may not be the dj).... in the Fargo/Moorhead area.

And more so, the song was great. I had to go out and buy an album (39 Minutes of Bliss) and enjoyed it a lot.

lone sniper

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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #13 on: 05 Apr 2005, 17:31 »

what exactly IS an I-Pod shuffle? Does it just make you have no control over the song it chooses? if thats the case why in seven hells would you want one?i mean you could just buy a 20gig I-pod for less and have control over what your listening to

Like what if your sister hijacked your pod and you had to listen to 500 different EMO songs in a row

i think id just smashi t into little pieces

with a sledghammer

then go listen to my stone age 20$ CD player with the cd that has Jerk it out over and over again(i have the same syndrom

wow i got really off-topic there lucky i didnt start talking about communist...

by the way commies make no sense im maen whoever thought it up sould be asamed i mean it looked good on paper but he really SHOULD have factored in human greed.

anywa im going to stop now before i gtet onto feminists nazis and goths...


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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #14 on: 06 Apr 2005, 19:16 »

You do have control over what songs you play. You have your choice between an ordered list (IE: The order you uploaded the songs into the ipod) or a shuffled list (IE: It jumps around at random).
Poor naming choice on part of Mac.
As far as your sister anecdote... whazza? I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter what type of ipod you have if your sister were to hijack it.

And communism is actually a good idea. The idea behind communism is to slowly lessen the need of the government until it isn't needed and then you reach anarchy, or "the perfect state of nature"....
Just so you know.
The communism we now associate with dictators or tyrants is not how it was intended to be. There aren't even supposed to be leaders in a communist state. They go under the guise of communism but are really more facist (EG Lenin).

And that's your social studies lesson for today.


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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #15 on: 07 Apr 2005, 03:30 »

Yeah that's great. I'm sure Jerk it Out is one long communist metaphor, thus making your mind-blowing offtopicness relevant. Or not.
So shut the hell up.
Ipod shuffle too.
Oerdin is a ipod troll and needs to chill.
DrkTd is the troll who follows the troll and needs to chill.
Go find the 'Computers & Video Games' section and continue your entirely doomed attempts to influence each other's views there.

And that's that.

The song is indeed very catchy, and not a little cool. I can't say it tempts me to rush out and buy the album, or even rush home and download the album, but its pretty good. I predict a radio/mtv rinse campaign and it quickly becoming annoying. But then I'm a pessimist.


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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #16 on: 07 Apr 2005, 07:15 »

Quote from: lone sniper
what exactly IS an I-Pod shuffle? Does it just make you have no control over the song it chooses? if thats the case why in seven hells would you want one?i mean you could just buy a 20gig I-pod for less and have control over what your listening to

Like what if your sister hijacked your pod and you had to listen to 500 different EMO songs in a row

The iPod Shuffle can be set to either loaded entirely manual mode or fully automatic.  Either you micro manage your songs so you know exactly what is on it. or it will choose either from you library or from a specific playlist enough songs to fill it, at random. This is not an entirely random process though, songs with higher playcout and higher ratings get chosen more frequently. So it is more akin to iTunes Party Suffle feature.  
The iPod shuffle also has one interesting option, you can enable it to only load songs at 128AAC.  This does not mean it will only choose songs of that bitrate and format but say you have an album or two at lossless compression or very high mp3 bitrates, these songs will, when added to the shuffle will be added as 128AAC files to make sure you keep a large number of songs on your shuffle while leaving the orginal files on your computer alone. Its handy.


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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #17 on: 07 Apr 2005, 10:06 »

but the fact remains, the song is 2 years old.  it is a pretty good song, but "summer-anthem" potential or whatever is pretty crazy to talk about.  if they didn't get popular when the hives were hitting it big they really don't have much of a chance now.  they missed the boat and/or american audiences only need to like one band from sweden.


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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #18 on: 09 Apr 2005, 05:05 »

Yeah, I don't understand the whole Ceaser's explosion, I saw them in a new bands thing, which was odd. The album's pretty good for a sort of poppy good time style. 'I wanna smoke crack, cos you're never coming back'


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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #19 on: 09 Apr 2005, 08:23 »

I love you, Milkman Dan.

In other news, I haven't seen the advert, or heard the song.



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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #20 on: 09 Apr 2005, 08:51 »

Quote from: daviesmatt

But they're so cute!

[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #21 on: 09 Apr 2005, 09:59 »

Yes, but then they turn nasty, and then everyone cries.

Ever been bitten by a Troll?

Rabid fuckers.


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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #22 on: 12 Apr 2005, 11:53 »


Praeserpium Machinarum

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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #23 on: 12 Apr 2005, 12:00 »

I heard Candycane by them once, and it was catchy as hell, though I forgot how to spell it and never picked up on it :(


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Jerk it out-The ceasars
« Reply #24 on: 14 Apr 2005, 06:41 »

my girlfriend loves them.
she knew them from her time in sweden when they were called caesars palace.
she heard the song on the ad and did a tiny dance.
and they are smashmouthy, by swedish so they are cooler.
smashmouth were in rat race with john lovitz! oh so cool
did you schillinger from oz is the voice of one of the m&ms?
so to conclude i dont really like that song.
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