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Author Topic: The unofficial "Coolest moments" thread.  (Read 26456 times)


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« Reply #50 on: 28 Mar 2005, 03:15 »

In Americas Army (awesome game...and FREE, though a big download), holding off five people alone from the top of a tower after the rest of my team had died.
The sad thing about tennis is that no matter how good you get, you'll never be as good as a wall.


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« Reply #51 on: 28 Mar 2005, 03:25 »

Playing CS for the first time (the original CS) in a ten computer Lan bar.
On vertigo, i was a T and my brother and his best friend were CT's. As they walked down the ramp, Bam! with a Deagle. One bullet two heads.

UT. Playing Last man standing, on morpheus, with the amped up shock rifles. with only one life. Everyone jumped into the air and using the shock rifle shot three guys in mid air, killed another straight after landing and nailed the last guy who fell from above me.

UT. Playing CTF for five hours on that "Two Base" level on the asteroid and getting at least 200 monsterkills in a row, with the sniper rifle.

UT. Using the Razor Jack, shooting four blades into the wall and decapitating myself.
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« Reply #52 on: 28 Mar 2005, 16:02 »

Halo 2. I told my friends about the glitch in coagulation, hid in some trees and when they went to find it I sniped them. It was the most fun. EVAR. That, and I was right next to my friend and I sniped her and she started shooting from instinct and her character fell and he was still shooting so it looked like he went into convulsions. Then his face was in the wall.


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« Reply #53 on: 28 Mar 2005, 23:05 »

In a cs game I fell off a ledge in a map (sorry I don't remember what map it was) armed only with the sig.  One mag later I ended up killing the entire Ct force.

In The Specialists I was armed with the M60 in lobby, which is a death trap for people who move slowly, I ended up making it to "Specialist."  I never forgot what one guy said "How the hell did someone with an M60 make it to specialist."  That run ended when I ran out of ammo but found a grenade.  Ironically it was my own grenade that killed me.
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« Reply #54 on: 29 Mar 2005, 16:52 »

GTA: San Andreas - I'm doing a mission in San Fierro, driving a motorbike, and find myself at the top of the hill, driving down on the other side...

Anyone who knows that area of the map knows that it's basically a series of flat levels with steep slopes between them (much like in San Francisco). I'm on a fast bike, moving so fast that I go flying straight off the edge of one of the flat levels, completely bypass the slope, fly right over four or five cars, land at the bottom of the hill, and execute a PERFECT handbrake turn around the corner and away.



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« Reply #55 on: 29 Mar 2005, 19:06 »

Half of the cutscenes in DMC3 are in my top 10 coolest videogame moments of all time.  Some of the stuff they did was amazing, and it only gets better when you unlock the movie of the Japanese actors motion capturing for the scenes.

The opening scene of Final fantasy VIII is up there too, since it was such a jump forward compared to anything that had been seen before.  

The opera house scene in FFVI will always have a place in my memory too.  

More recently, capturing the Ace of Clubs alive in Mercenaries was amazingly fulfilling.  a great, and very difficult, mission.


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« Reply #56 on: 29 Mar 2005, 19:53 »

Best moments ever?
1)A random bit of the campain in Dawn of War, having a Dreadnaught beat up a squad of eldar, and with the finishing blow, throughing about 4 of them through the window of a wrecked cathedral.

2) The "TIMMY" bit in Giants: Citizen Kabuto

3) The Collosus being blown up in Freespace 2.

4) Evertime I kill somebody in HL2: DM by throwing their plasma grenade back at them :)


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« Reply #57 on: 31 Mar 2005, 16:45 »

Is there an official coolest moments thread?


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« Reply #58 on: 31 Mar 2005, 19:24 »

Well, seeing as I'm not a mod or admin of any description, I couldn't very well call it the official one, now could I?

Oh, I was playing a DoW skirmish last night - my space marines, the Storm Falcons, Versus Chaos - the Disciples of Brax'ar. It's towards the end of the battle, both sides have a relic apiece, but I'm holding a massive chunk of the map, and am really putting the squeeze on the other side's relic, when the AI summons the bloodthirster onto the field right in the middle of my force.

This in itself is no huge concern - it's facing off, solo, against eight tactical squads, a terminator squad, both commanders, four apothecaries, four dreadnoughts, two predators and a Land Raider. It goes down pretty quickly.

the nice thing is, my Force Commander gets the killing blow in - which triggers this fantastic animation sequence, where he ducks under the 'thirster's legs, runs up it's back, and smacks it in the back of the head twice with that honking great hammer of his. The 'Thirster, stunned, falls on it's face, the FC rides it's head down, jumps off, turns around, and delivers this massive overhead swing straight into the fucker's brain pain that mashes it's head. The 'thirster twitches, and then goes still, before dissolving.

I just sat there and gawped through the whole sequence.

The other really cool sequence is in a one-on-one fight between the Bloodthirster and the Avatar of Khain. Assuming both start off on full HP, the 'thirster will usually win, and the victory animation is really sweet. they fence, axe versus sword, and the Avatar turns to do this huge double-handed swing, which the 'thirster ducks, stands up, and decapitates the Avatar with a neat swing of his axe. The Avatar just collapses in a pile of ash and the 'Thirster turns around to hunt his next prey

I love that game.


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« Reply #59 on: 01 Apr 2005, 10:44 »

Either when Dante lifts himself of Alastar after being impaled by it in Devil May Cry or getting a boss Heart Container in any Legend of Zelda game, you feel like you earned it, yet you want more!


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« Reply #60 on: 01 Apr 2005, 11:07 »

Half-Life 2: The ending sequence remains to be the best I've ever played.  Very well done.  Very professional.  I remember freaking shit because he was literally like 2 feet away from hitting the warp thing and getting away.  I shot the last orb into the warp thingy, and screamed "YES!"  Followed closely later by "HOLY SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK."  Then:  "That was awesome."

 The entire second disc.  It was pure bliss.  When Mike in the helicopter is following you, laying waste to everything around you as things explode in a beauty I have never seen on a console.  All at a steady 30FPS.  It was just great.  Those entire sequences were a close second to the best directed.

Tekken 5:  The fucking cheapest piece of shit last boss ever.  It feels like you just won AT LIFE everytime you beat him.  Seriously, the game ranks my character at an "Viturouso" or "Master" rank.  I cannot beat this guy in one try.  I completely own everyone before him, but I cannot beat this guy without using continues.  He has two unblockable moves than he can use together to kill you within seconds.  One:  a stun move that stuns you for about 3 seconds.  A huge amount of time in fighting games.  Two:  a fireball move that is not only unblockable, but impossible to interrupt.  You can dodge it, but the chances of him firing TWO IN A FUCKING ROW WHILE FOLLOWING YOUR MOVEMENTS is pretty high.

Christ, I'll shut up now.


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« Reply #61 on: 01 Apr 2005, 12:27 »

I beleive I also forgot to mention the overly stereotyped and uverused, but never the less utterly utterly cool bit in FFVII with Sephiroth walking through the fire. :D


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« Reply #62 on: 01 Apr 2005, 13:52 »

Anytime you spot a movie/game reference in TimeSplitters 3
All the cutscenes in DMC3, but especially the one where we get an inkling of how kickass the demon schoolgirl bazooka chick is, when she annihilates a roomful of baddies  while looking like she's OD'ed on Prince of Persia


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« Reply #63 on: 03 Apr 2005, 11:40 »

for me, it has to be the ending to advance wars 2.
3 am in the morning... after over 6 months of warfare, and FINALLY seeing those damn credits roll up, only to be told "congratulations, youve unlocked hard mode!"
a close second is the scene in wind waker, just after you put the 3 pearls in the hands ofthose statues, and watch the tower come up out of the sea... pure class.

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« Reply #64 on: 03 Apr 2005, 11:43 »


The coolest moments ever are getting Tetrises in Tetris. The feeling of eliminating the most lines possible at the same time is awesome.

No, I'm not kidding.
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« Reply #65 on: 03 Apr 2005, 13:51 »

-- getting 4000+ points on Urban Tumbleweed in Amplitude.
-- the smokestack bit and Dog in Half-life 2
-- the boss fights in Metal Gear Solid
-- hitting 800m in Katamari Damacy
-- pulling a perfect lap in Burnout 3
-- first time checking out my PSP

There are probably more, but those come to mind.

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« Reply #66 on: 04 Apr 2005, 01:31 »

Man, maybe I'm just nerdy...

Final Fantasy X - the side-quest in the place where you get the three sisters aeon (don't remember what they are called, or what the place is called anymore, I know it is just off of the Calm Lands). You had to race a chocobo to a certain place and get a time of 0.0.

Took SO many tries, but I was so fucking triumphant when I pulled it off.

Also, in FFX-2, beating the Via Infinito.
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« Reply #67 on: 04 Apr 2005, 02:52 »

heh... my final time on that Chocobo race was about minus thirty seconds. on me eighteenth attempt.

The VF is taking me a while, though. I'm yet to get past the third Grand Cloister, or defeat a great drake. Presently training in Zanarkand to max out the party's level (already got ALL abilities on all dresspheres bar the mascots)

sims 2: one of my sims changes the baby's nappy just after the father walks in. He screamed. it was sooo funny.


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« Reply #68 on: 04 Apr 2005, 03:29 »

DMC3, from the (I'm guessing first of many, this is a Capcom game after all) fight with Vergil to being eaten by the Leviathan/Dragon thing.
Specific highpoints include:
That bit where V catches the bullets, flings them back at Dante, who cuts them all in half.
The whole trip down the side of the tower, shooting the demons as he goes.
Actions speak louder than words, especially if you have a giant moon laser.

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« Reply #69 on: 04 Apr 2005, 04:09 »

HL2 DM: On overwatch killing some guy that was camping with crossbow ontop of the roof by launching a monitor at him hahaha he was pissed.

Also Killing a sniper in halo 2 by useing the rocket/sword glitch, ooo and the scarab gun is damn cool


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« Reply #70 on: 04 Apr 2005, 11:22 »

Quote from: Neo_Fallen
HL2 DM: On overwatch killing some guy that was camping with crossbow ontop of the roof by launching a monitor at him hahaha he was pissed.

Oh yeah. Gravity-gunning somebody to death is so way cool.


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« Reply #71 on: 04 Apr 2005, 14:36 »

The first time I played Perimeter and realised there was life in the RTS genre still :)
Freedom Force: spending 20 minutes creating a hero then mopping the floor with my 3 mates who all cheated and used double the amount of points allowed
Dawn of War: Any point where you get the HQ units into combat and watch the animations play out. Also any time where your allies are about to be overrun and you drop your entire infantry force in to assist.
HL2DM: being the first to recky-recky the new Steamlab map, and so having control of all the SLAM units for that game in a later match.
Any time on CS:Source where you find the guy who's being camping with the SIG550/GSG1 auto sniper rifle for 5 rounds straight, and knife the little bastard :D

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« Reply #72 on: 04 Apr 2005, 22:35 »

To beat a great drake, just put all your girls in berserker dressphere, cast berserk, and let the carnage roll. To beat any/all of the bosses, put Catnip on a gunner, bring their HP down to yellow, and then use Trigger Happy. This tactic is pretty much the tactic to use in the Via Infinito unless you want to make it absolutely ridiculously hard.
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« Reply #73 on: 05 Apr 2005, 16:00 »

Quote from: I Am Not Amused
To beat a great drake, just put all your girls in berserker dressphere, cast berserk, and let the carnage roll. To beat any/all of the bosses, put Catnip on a gunner, bring their HP down to yellow, and then use Trigger Happy. This tactic is pretty much the tactic to use in the Via Infinito unless you want to make it absolutely ridiculously hard.

I knew that. I just didn't when I first face that thing. Haven't actually bothered to tackle it again since then. I'm on Save Game + now, and what I've mostly been doing is hanging around Zanarkand with a lure bracer and all three of them using "Lady luck" so as to hit level 99 ASAP. After that, I'm going to "Episode complete" the whole of chapter 5, max out the Mascot abilities, and THEN finish the rest of the VI.

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« Reply #74 on: 05 Apr 2005, 17:49 »

I beat VI on my first game, at about level 60 something.

Catnip + Trigger Happy = Victory, pretty much.

It gets ridiculous past Cloister 80. After that, every enemy you get into a random encounter with is one of the cloister bosses. I ended up just running away from most of the battles, then, until I got to level 100.

Last VI battle is so hard, that I almost wet myself when I finally beat it.
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« Reply #75 on: 05 Apr 2005, 18:12 »

ok i was in Delta Halo on Halo 2 with Co-op in legendary i was driving the warthog and i was crusin. then i flew over that cliff near were the bridge is right i landed on a grunt while my friend in the gunner seat killed a ghost the passanger marine killed the second one while we were flippin though the air then we landed and i fishtaled and atnother ghost went off the edge the marin fired another rocket hurting the other ghost and senting it flipping over our heads were my friend hit it dead.

best moment ever
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