I finally beat it. Took me two weeks - a record length for beating a game. Of course, I had school and homework in the way so it probably would have only taken me one week, but its still a record. My record shortest time was Jak 3 with only one day to beat it, but I admit that Kya: Dark Lineage, was a bit tougher than the others. With Spyro-ish graphics and really cool landscapes, it kept me occupied imagination-wise. The Plot's a bit cliche, the battle gameplay is mildly farmiliar but new enough to be origional. The coolest thing is the freefall shafts - something I have only seen once, back with the old Playstation game Wild 9 (which I have and still love). Quite a challenging game, not to mention frustrating at some points. It's for PS2, and I had never heard of it until my dad bought it for me. It's only ten bucks, so if you want to play a fun challenging game for a cheap price, Kya: Dark Lineage is definately a must.