Living in the world of the metal undergound, as it were, My estimation of a bands hugeness is so much less than most other peoples. For example, how many of you here have heard of Marduk, Carpathian Forest or Immortal? I would have said all those were massive, I mean, hell Nattefrost of CF can even make a living off his music alone! But of course, this is no note of what a tiny, tiny, miniscule drop in the ocean a lot of what I listen to makes: Even the hugest of the huge modern metal bands like Nightwish and Children of Bodom are only recognised half the time by people who are actually into the music or the subculture in some way. The other things I listen to can often be even more obscure.
What it really means is though, simply through my own tastes, I don't really have to worry about my favourite bands 'getting huge'. I doubt I'm ever going to wake up one morning to see Forefather or Korpiklaani plastered over the front of NME or Kerrang!, unless I've died and gone to metal heaven.