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Author Topic: Next Gen Console screen caps  (Read 13997 times)


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Next Gen Console screen caps
« on: 07 Apr 2005, 18:59 »

I found some screen shots over at Worth playing for a game coming out for XBOX Next and PS3.

HOLY CRAP! is all I have to say.
I know for sure that my TV wont be able to take full advantage of the next consoles capabilities.

This ones for a game called Metronome.

sigh... I already know that when they come out I'll have as much free cash as I do now... zero!


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« Reply #1 on: 08 Apr 2005, 07:34 »

Eh.  TVs generally just don't support that kind of graphics, unless you churn out a good few thousand dollars on an LCD or plasma.  I'd like one, but uh...  More important things to worry about.  Besides, my computer churns out graphics that are better, and at a higher resolution.  Oh, and I get to use a keyboard and mouse.  :)


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« Reply #2 on: 08 Apr 2005, 07:57 »

Better than current consoles maybe, but its gonna take quite a bit right now to beat the next ones.  Especially if their going to be coming out with 3x 3ghz procs.  At least for now.  The equivalent PC is going to cost a load more than the console.

although you can buy an adapter to let you use PC keyboards and mice on XBOXs.  I need to pick up one myself...

Vertical Stripes

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« Reply #3 on: 08 Apr 2005, 08:40 »

That game makes me think of American McGee's Alice >_>  That's shiny.


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« Reply #4 on: 08 Apr 2005, 08:58 »

heh.  my friend just said the perspective looks like trying to play a game drunk.

Vertical Stripes

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« Reply #5 on: 08 Apr 2005, 09:05 »

Yummm ...


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« Reply #6 on: 10 Apr 2005, 09:04 »

Ahahaha this is such bullshit. I can't beleive people still eat this up, next gen games will not look this good. Doesn't anyone remember Project Reality? Nintendos next gen console which later became the Nintendo 64. If you remember, the screen shots they had to tease gamers way back in 1994 or so where amazing, like toy story cg almost, but did the 64 have those graphics? No, it was all a big tease, and this will be too, by the time next gen systems come out, people will forget that these early pics looked so much better.


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Next Gen Console screen caps
« Reply #7 on: 10 Apr 2005, 10:35 »

still, any game in which you can record your own fart and fire it at enemies sounds good to me
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Next Gen Console screen caps
« Reply #8 on: 10 Apr 2005, 11:18 »

I think it is entirely possible that next-gen games will look this good, atleast for PC, where you can set the graphic quality. There are some games out now that look almost this good, and could look much better if the modelers and key makers would take the time to actually get things right, instead of being rushed to completion. I think that my PS2 could run these graphics without much of a slowdown, and I'm positive that my Xbox could, as I've seen some of the other games out there that look almost as good as those screencaps, except for the character models. So It is entirely possible that the new generation of games will look atleast that good, if not better, if the programmers take the time to make them.
I see angels on Ariels in leather and chrome, Swooping down from heaven to carry me home.


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« Reply #9 on: 10 Apr 2005, 11:25 »

Half Life 2 and Doom 3 looked stupid amazing on my computer.  The only thing it has better than the next-gen Xbox/PS is RAM.  Otherwise, they demolish it.  So, things should like damn good.


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« Reply #10 on: 10 Apr 2005, 13:35 »

also: i don't know what the hell you guys are talking about,  that doesn't look all that impressive.


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« Reply #11 on: 10 Apr 2005, 13:37 »

I can't wait to see someone hack some linux on the next XBOX like they did with the first one!  A triple CPU 3ghz Linux box for way under equivalent PC price would be pretty snazzy to see running.

Especially if they can get the same level of application support as they do on current hacked xboxes.  XBox Media Center is a bit slow on current xboxes.


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« Reply #12 on: 10 Apr 2005, 15:11 »

The only thing that would keep the Xbox2 from being used as a desktop would be the lack of RAM.  256MB is not enough to run anything serious.

And yes est, those are some horrible shots.

Burninated Peasant

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« Reply #13 on: 10 Apr 2005, 16:53 »

Yeah, the new Unreal engine is ridiculous. Unfortunately, my PC is about 3 or 4 years old, so as far as new software is concerned, it might as well be a paperweight. :(

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« Reply #14 on: 10 Apr 2005, 17:44 »

I can't see shit-all in the first link.
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Vertical Stripes

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« Reply #15 on: 10 Apr 2005, 22:48 »

Quote from: bev
Ahahaha this is such bullshit. I can't beleive people still eat this up, next gen games will not look this good. Doesn't anyone remember Project Reality? Nintendos next gen console which later became the Nintendo 64. If you remember, the screen shots they had to tease gamers way back in 1994 or so where amazing, like toy story cg almost, but did the 64 have those graphics? No, it was all a big tease, and this will be too, by the time next gen systems come out, people will forget that these early pics looked so much better.

First off, you have to keep in mind that the Nintendo 64 was capable of much better graphics than a lot of the games ever dared to live up to.  It was just the developers who were lazy.

Second, errr, those graphics aren't that much of a jump forward.  There are a lot of games today that can have cinematics that good, if not actual gameplay.  So it's actually really, really easy to believe that next gen consoles will look that fantastic.


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« Reply #16 on: 10 Apr 2005, 23:30 »

I'm in the interesting stoyline and enjoyable game play boat.

My favorite graphics and games came out in the early 90s, so eye candy isn't a big seller for me. Graphics now are interesting, and work really well in simulators like Gran Turismo where realistic images enhance the experience, but I still prefer sprites and plot to polygons and eye candy.


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« Reply #17 on: 11 Apr 2005, 00:22 »

call me picky, but i prefer eyecandy and a decent storyline :D


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« Reply #18 on: 11 Apr 2005, 13:37 »

What about the Elder Scrolls IV screenshots?!

  With the information released about the consoles, I'm positive that they ("Xenon" at least) will be able to handle graphics just like these.  Games coming out soon on PC have just as good graphics.  Personally, I'm looking forwards to Age of Empires 3.  If they reworked the gameplay a little like they stated they did, then it should be fun.  A physics engine that lets a building be destroyed uniquely each time is good enough for me to enjoy. :P

These are IN-GAME screenshots:

Gorgeous, eh?


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« Reply #19 on: 11 Apr 2005, 13:48 »

My main thing is now that I'm po, Getting a console now and then is a lot cheaper than constantly upgrading my PC to keep up with the games.

Like right now, I'd have to buy a whole new system, which will not be cheap since we'd be talking 6800 graphics at least.  And no matter what I put into it, I'd have to replace all of it in a year to keep up with the games.

So lets not go down the PC versus Console arguments.  PC's will always have better graphics after the console comes out, but consoles will always be the better route if you can't shell out $1500 every year.

The point was, thats some nice graphics... For a console.
compare apples to apples.
and keep the oranges out of them apples.

oh yeah... Elder Scrolls does look pretty tasty. :)


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« Reply #20 on: 11 Apr 2005, 21:55 »

Oh I'm quite confindent that PC games can leap forward to this standard of graphics, it's consoles that wont, at least not for a while. Xbox and PS2 games look like PC did years before their release, and even newer TV's just aren't capapble of delivering a picture as nice as those screen caps show becuase you're looking at them on a moniter. Those unreal 3 engine graphics look unbeleiable, and I mean that I don't beleive they can do it on any PC. Nobodys computer will run that for a long time and any machine that will be able to will cost a shitload of money. Next Gen indeed cause only our kids will see these graphics...


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« Reply #21 on: 12 Apr 2005, 06:06 »

I wish I had the money for a plasma TV... or maybe just some monitor adaptors for my consoles. :P

Of course the next gen game I'm most interested in has far from superior graphics!
Animal Crossing for the Game Cube Revolution is supposed to allow city hopping on WiFi to anywhere around the world!  Not just to the second memory card!  :D

and Animal crossing DS of course :)

on my PC, WoW and NWN will keep me happy for quite a long time.


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« Reply #22 on: 12 Apr 2005, 07:51 »

age of empires 3 looks so amazing! i can't wait!
...really polite and kind of squishy...


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« Reply #23 on: 12 Apr 2005, 22:48 »

I'm sticking with battlefield 1942, nothing can ever take my baby away from me!


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« Reply #24 on: 14 Apr 2005, 10:56 »

Quote from: bev
Xbox and PS2 games look like PC did years before their release, and even newer TV's just aren't capapble of delivering a picture as nice as those screen caps show becuase you're looking at them on a moniter. Those unreal 3 engine graphics look unbeleiable, and I mean that I don't beleive they can do it on any PC. Nobodys computer will run that for a long time and any machine that will be able to will cost a shitload of money. Next Gen indeed cause only our kids will see these graphics...

  High definition TVs have more pixels per square inch than your computer monitor does.   One of the high-definition picture formats is composed of 1080 active lines, and each line is composed of 1920 active pixels. Therefore, each frame has over 2 million (1080x1920=2,073,600) color pixels creating the image. Today's typical analog television is roughly equivalent to 480 active lines, with each line holding about 440 pixels. So, each frame has a little over 200,000 color pixels in use creating the image compared with the 2 million.  

   The monitor on the other hand, depending on what you bought can support much above the 2 million PPI(pixels per inch).  However, hardly any games require anything near 1600x1200=1,920,000 because most monitors can't handle it.

   While it's true that most people will have to update their computers to run the new engine, a lot of people's cpus will still be fast enough to.  Right now I have an 128 MB ATI Radeon 9800 Pro with a 3gHz processor and 1GB or ram.  I guarentee I'd be able to run anything they can throw at me if I feed my cpu another gig of RAM.  If you've ever run Everquest 2 or Lineage 2 even, at max resolution with the graphics at max it looks similar to the new engine.  Not quite there, but similar.  While my graphics card will cut it for now, 512MB graphics cards are just now starting to hit the market.


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« Reply #25 on: 14 Apr 2005, 12:02 »

bummer!  I just found out that of all the consoles, Lego StarWars will not be on the Game Cube!  WTF?! is with that?  Lets take a kids oriented game, and put it on consoles best known for hard core RPGs and Hard Core FPS's, but not on the one console that caters heavily to kids?


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« Reply #26 on: 14 Apr 2005, 20:17 »

Gamecube does not cater for little kids. Nintendo has been selling video games to the same audience since the 8 bit system came out. You buy the 8 bit system, you buy the cube 20 years later, you are 20 years older and most of the games have aged to maturity.

Anywho, imagine how awesome TETRIS will look with these graphics. It'll be amazing, and hopefully the best tetris game EVER.


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« Reply #27 on: 15 Apr 2005, 10:42 »

Screenshots already?

Devkits for the XBox 360 and PS3 were *JUST* sent out to developers, like a few weeks ago... and they weren't complete.

The XBox dev kit was a bare-bones deal, with very limited accessibility... mostly designed to give the developers an early idea of what it probably will be capable of.  How are they developing on it already?

As for the PS3... it was the complete devkit, sans video-processor... so how are they developing on it already?

No no no... this just doesn't add-up at all!  



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« Reply #28 on: 15 Apr 2005, 10:49 »

Even if they really could look that good and even if they could really have been made by now, not happening.

Because EA will have brought every other games company by then and we'll just walk into EA stories and buy a whie box with the word "Game" on the front. And it'll suck.


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« Reply #29 on: 15 Apr 2005, 10:59 »

Ummm... Robbo... I certainly hope you're not serious.

If you are... read up on 'corporate monopolization'.  Google it.  

The scenario you described is - literally - illegal.

Burninated Peasant

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« Reply #30 on: 15 Apr 2005, 16:13 »

Quote from: Robbo
...we'll just walk into EA stories and buy a whie box with the word "Game" on the front. And it'll suck.

To be fair, they;ll release a new one each year: "Game 2006", "Game 2007"... :)


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« Reply #31 on: 15 Apr 2005, 18:47 »

Then they will cater to "urban consumers" by making Game Street.
but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.

Burninated Peasant

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« Reply #32 on: 15 Apr 2005, 21:46 »

In a surprise move today, Electronic Arts, after acquiring exclusive licenses with every major sports league, made this announcement:

EA Spokesman: "So, yeah, we decided that since we now have a stranglehold on sports software and we don't have to worry about any possible competition, we would just take the common elements from all the sports genres and boil them down to their basics to make a single game to appeal to everyone. I now present: HOT POTATO 2007!" :D

As I was writing that, it occured to me how cool it would be to have an official Calvinball game. There would have to be some sort of intuitive menu interface so that you could create new rules on the fly. I.e., "I'm allowed to go out of bounds because my shoelace is untied!"
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