so, i was reading through the "dream show" and "what was the last show" and i started thinking about the WORST show i had ever been too. had to have been this From autumn to ashes/atreyu show i went to.
first off, a disclaimer. i HATE atreyu. always have. every time i read some rant on tight panted, lip-ringed, assholes, i think of atreyu. their sound, their look, their attitude...bleah.
however, i kinda liked FATA. not "OMG THEY ROCK" like, but their first cd was alright, it had a few songs on it i dug, so i thought, "eh, why not".
i got there, and it cost $17 US to get in. that should have tipped me off, immediately. but no, i'm stupid and masochistic. i blame my mother.
so, we get there, and i'm just kinda waiting around, and the opening acts do their thing, which sucks. and then, FATA gets on. ok, i'm getting kinda stoked. until they start to play. dear lord, they're terrible. like, awful. they seem to have spent more time getting their hair done than they have practicing how to play their instruments. their lead singer sounds like a prepubescent, hungover frog. and then, halfway through their set, their lead singer says, and i quote, "yeah, i'm gonna have a smoke." and gets off stage. their drummer gets up and starts to sing.
what? NO. you do not get a SMOKE BREAK IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR SET. you do NOT get to leave for FIFTEEN MINUTES to drink beer and hit on the strippers you let backstage for free. you FUCKWIT.
as i left the venue, i passed a girl, who was singing along to all the songs, and crying. yeah.
so, whats the worst show you've ever been too? doesn't have to be a band you love, or hate. just a band that sucked, at least for one night.