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Author Topic: The Avalanches  (Read 11317 times)

fox infrared

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The Avalanches
« on: 06 May 2005, 00:41 »

was reading jeph's updated recommended listening and was reminded of how great the avalanches "Frontier Psychiatrist" video was. has anyone else seen it? worth checking out if you havent, if theres a crazier or more random music video than this, i've yet to see it


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The Avalanches
« Reply #1 on: 06 May 2005, 07:17 »


I have that album ('Since I Don't Have You' I think) at home somewhere.

The video, indeed, does rule.

'Psychosymatic, that boy needs therapy! Lie down on the couch; what does that mean? You're a nut, you're crazy as a coconut!'


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The Avalanches
« Reply #2 on: 06 May 2005, 08:48 »

That video makes me laugh every time. It makes the emo video or whatever that follows it on the music channel look even more pathetic.

I.. I felt strangely hypnotised...

fox infrared

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The Avalanches
« Reply #3 on: 06 May 2005, 09:07 »

grab a KAZOO!!! lets have a TUUUUNNEEE!!!! and when I count 3...
hahahaha!!! rock


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The Avalanches
« Reply #4 on: 06 May 2005, 12:08 »

I promised my girlfriend I'd give up the Violin...


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The Avalanches
« Reply #5 on: 06 May 2005, 12:09 »

That video is indeed, ace. That hypnotist guy looks so smarmy that he rules!


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The Avalanches
« Reply #6 on: 07 May 2005, 06:30 »

The Avalanches rock!  Since I Left You was one of my favorite albums from 2001.  Geez, has it really been 4 years since that album was released?  Damn, they need some new material.  Anyway, back on topic.  Frontier Psychiatrist is one of those songs you hear once and will never forget it.  First off, its a damn good song.  Second, the content & lyrics are just so...damn original.  The rest of the album is great too.  I mean, listen to all the samples they used!  I recall reading somewhere that the album has like 800 samples!  That's friggin outrageous man!  And they sample Madonna, which is cool in itself.  I'm curious as to how they pull off the songs live? Anyone see them?  Anyway, here's looking forward to their next release.



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The Avalanches
« Reply #7 on: 07 May 2005, 23:48 »

how are they besides that one song?


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« Reply #8 on: 08 May 2005, 05:15 »

Just as good, probably better.
One day ends and another begins and we're never none the wiser.

Hector Gilbert

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The Avalanches
« Reply #9 on: 08 May 2005, 06:18 »

Quote from: Jamoky
how are they besides that one song?

Their album Since I Left You is one of my favourites of all-time.  So much more than just a party album, it is a wonderfully cohesive trip through the moods, quirks and feelings of a perfect summer.


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The Avalanches
« Reply #10 on: 08 May 2005, 13:57 »

Have you heard the illegal version of that album? It's got all the samples they were refused access to, like Bob Dylan. It's tres interesting.

Are there any plans for a new album?


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The Avalanches
« Reply #11 on: 08 May 2005, 17:38 »

Illegal??? (thats right, bold and italics) version of the album!?!?
Wow.  I mean it is a fantastic album to begin with, I can only imagine what would be added with more.

There's a lot of, um, skepticisim when it comes to samples.  Especially samples of popular songs (exhibit A: Puff Daddy/P. Diddy/Sean Combs) that are used as a base to make a "new" song popular.  The Avalanches taken sampling to a new level.  This album reminds me a lot of the Beasties Paul's Boutique.  PB is an album that, for all intensive purposes, was a commercial let down.  It has grown to cult significance in how they employed samples to create a work of art.  Since I Left You is another example of how samples can be used for the greater good.  I mean, as I noted earlier, they do sample Madonna.  But in the context off the song and themes of the album, it works.  

Thats another thing about the album.  Its like a symphony.  There are themes the permeate throughout the album.  Aside from Frontier Psychiatrist, its hard to listen to other songs out of the context of the album as a whole.  It is much more satisfying to sit and listen and enjoy the album straight through.

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