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Author Topic: guitar pedals  (Read 13230 times)


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guitar pedals
« on: 17 May 2005, 13:03 »

apparently if you drop a gibson it will probably break on the third drop...but it takes a fender ten or more drops before it smashes...apparently this is due to the neck shape...i.e gibson headstock hits the ground first whereas a fender body takes the brunt of the question is this...

rock, paper, or sissors?

nah not really just wondering about guitar pedals and preamps...i've been playing guitar for a while (and can do bar chords...WOOOP WOOOP) anyway just was wondering about the different pedal effects???... as i'm confused by them... but also whether a preamp would be better than a pedal????

feel free to answer the rock, paper or sissors question too...


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« Reply #1 on: 17 May 2005, 13:09 »

Well, i have a rather sexy ZOOM707 mk2.

Its very nice indeed and has never exploded onstage. So I say, go pedal!


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« Reply #2 on: 17 May 2005, 18:20 »



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« Reply #3 on: 17 May 2005, 19:59 »

Well, if you just wanna know the it is:

Distortion Pedal: This kinda pedal creates a heavy sound, kinda' like metal or grunge. Just gives you that crazy deep crashy sound...its hard to explain.

'Wah-Wah' Pedal: Makes those funky noises that sound like 'Wah' or 'Wohh'. Thats even harder to explain, and a bit more difficult to use.

Tube Overdrive: Makes the sound output equal to that of an oldschool tube amp.

Chorus: Adds a little extra backround effect to the sound.

Delay: Can change the time period for the sound radiation.

Equalizer: Just controls the power and such of the effected sounds, doesnt make a sound itself.

Thats pretty much all I can think of right now because those are all the types I own/use. Theres a ton more, though. EXPERIMENT!


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« Reply #4 on: 17 May 2005, 20:53 »

Preamps are for pussies. REAL men use effect pedals. And not those girly-man Danelectro pedals either. Boss pedals. Those things are built like tanks. Except for wah, where real men use Jim Dunlop Crybaby wahs. No multi-effects units either. Real men use them, but my personal preference is to get really high-quality effects in single-pedal form, instead of medium-high sounds from an all-inclusive board. That, and I hate digital effects. Analog all the way.

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El Opium

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« Reply #5 on: 17 May 2005, 21:14 »

Hammer! sorry couldn't resist ;-)


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« Reply #6 on: 17 May 2005, 22:07 »

Quote from: bucky_2300
Preamps are for pussies. REAL men use effect pedals. And not those girly-man Danelectro pedals either. Boss pedals. Those things are built like tanks. Except for wah, where real men use Jim Dunlop Crybaby wahs.

Oh my god.  Frickin' soulmates, man.

I've got me:
Boss CS-3 Compression/Sustain
Boss DD-3 Digital Delay
Boss CE-5 Chorus Ensemble
Boss FZ-2 Hyper Fuzz
Dunlop Crybaby (Standard version)
When Kleiner showed me the sky-line of New York, I told him that man is like the coral insect---designed to build vast, beautiful, mineral things for the moonlight to delight in after he is dead. - H.P. Lovecraft

Tartar Martyr

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« Reply #7 on: 18 May 2005, 00:00 »

You can do a lot of fun things with effects pedals.  You can spend as much or as little as you want on them.  If you are not careful, they can become an addiction.  They are definitely better than a pussy pre-amp, unless you buy some crap dano-mini or other low end trash.  

My collection includes the following:

zvex fuzz factory
zvex Machine
zvex trem probe
Electro-Harmonix Electric Mistress
Moog Ring mod
Boss DM-3 Analog Delay
Boss DD-20 delay modeler
DOD fx90 analog delay

I have been rolling over various pedals for awhile.  My preferance of pedals evolves, just like my preferance of music.  With the current chain I can forge a huge variety of sounds, from basic guitar rock tones to interstellar combat sounds.  Sometimes I just want some balls out in your face rock, other times I don't want my guitar to sound like a guitar.  This set up works perfectly for that.

I don't know what you are looking for in effects, but if you just want a nice gritty fuzz/overdrive I would recommend an American manufactured Big Muff Pi made by Electro-harmonix.


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« Reply #8 on: 18 May 2005, 06:30 »

Real men use Big Muffs.

If you're not sure about which effects you'd be interested in, I'd reccomend getting your hands on a multi-fx pedal. The effects aren't as good as you'd get from a dedicated stompbox, but you get a load of them to play around with, and by the time you've decide which ones you like you'll have saved up more money to buy the real things.

I liked my Zoom505II back when I was super-beginner, but I personally reccomend the Boss ME-50 if you can afford it. It's got a great variety of effects and has the best interface of any multifx pedal I've ever used. Lots of knobs to turn and no confusing LED cycling! Yay!

Give me things I can tweak and I'm happy...

EDIT: Oh, and ROCK. Nothing beats that.

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« Reply #9 on: 18 May 2005, 07:03 »

i'd use a big muff, if i had the money to buy one. but i don't, so i bought a danelectro pedal. well.. it hasn't arrived yet, so i can't say anything about it. looks funny though.


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« Reply #10 on: 18 May 2005, 09:26 »

Remember that good amp distortion usually pawns pedal distortion. A foot switch and a nice amp is ALWAYS a better investment than a fancy pedal.

~ Basim


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« Reply #11 on: 18 May 2005, 10:45 »

lol thanks for all your input...i say rock or paper depending on my its still as clear as mud...but'll look at boss pedals...or the dunlop crybaby...anyway at least this saves me from heading down to my local music store and being fobbed off with shit because all the wankers there know how to play is least they could have staff who play guitar to run the guitar section


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« Reply #12 on: 18 May 2005, 10:49 »

i'm not saying i want hendrix to staff it...or robert plant behind the till...but someone who knows what medium guage acoustic strings are...or what a plectrum is...


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« Reply #13 on: 18 May 2005, 11:57 »

It would be good to have an idea what kind of sound you want the pedal to create, and what you want to be able to do with it.

As for me, I'm steadily increasing my range of Boss pedals, I have:
PS-5 Pitch Shifter (it's not all that great and I ought to get a Whammy)
DD-6 Digital Delay
BF-3 Flanger
TR-2 Tremelo, for fun!


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« Reply #14 on: 18 May 2005, 12:09 »

pedals. stamping on 'em while you play looks cool as fuck.



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« Reply #15 on: 18 May 2005, 12:33 »

If your looking for sound quality, a high-end pre-amp is best.

for diddly little sound effects, you want pedels.


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« Reply #16 on: 18 May 2005, 13:06 »

REAL men achieve guitar effects by setting the instrument on fire and playing it with their genitals.
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[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
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« Reply #17 on: 18 May 2005, 13:23 »

^ I did that. I wouldn't reccomend it.

However,  what I would reccomend is turning the amp volume all the way up, putting a cable on your tongue, and getting some good sweep with the wah pedal. Sounds pretty cool.
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« Reply #18 on: 18 May 2005, 15:11 »

As a guitar (and effects) nerd, I feel obliged to step in here.  Boss effects are sturdily built and sell very well, but they are hardly the best.  The hating on Dano minis is especially ridiculous.  They're probably the best bang for the buck pedals out there.  Period.  Try the Tuna Melt, PB&J and French Toast if you doubt me.

As for pedals vs. a good amp, they're completely different beasts.  A good tube amp's overdrive will be smoother and richer than a distortion or overdrive pedal.  But put an overdrive in front of that amp, and you'll push it into some of the best lead tones possible.  And, of course, no pre-amp can give you delay, chorus, flanging, or other crazy effects.  Which segues nicely into:

Different Types of Effects and Their Uses

Overdrive, Distortion, Fuzz

These are all lumped together because they all do the same basic job- clip the signal, giving you a "distorted" sound of some sort.  All together, they're by FAR the most common type of effect.  But they're all used differently.  Overdrives give a volume boost and some light grit to your tone that's perfect for pushing an amp into a sustaining, saturated lead tone.  Distortion pedals give more dirt, and are good for heavier sounds.  Fuzz is a bit harder to explain, but the name does a good job.  It's a very distorted sound, without all the "heaviness" you get from lots of normal distortion.  Lots of fun.

Time-Based Effects
Ever said anything in a raquetball court?  Or shouted in a bathroom?  You know how the sound takes a second to fade out?  That's reverb.  Good for adding some warmth and smoothing out your tone.  Delay, on the other hand, adds to the original signal a copy of it, delayed some.  The amount of time the signal is delayed and the number of repeats depend on your settings.  Very short delays are often used like reverb, and longer delays can make sweet echoes.  See half of U2's back catalog for good examples of echo use.

This is probably the braodest category, and possibly the least common, so I'll be pretty brief with each kind.  Tremolo (not to be confused with a guitar's tremolo bar) modulates the volume of your signal.  Much more common with electric organ than electric guitar, but don't let that stop you.  Vibrato modulates the pitch of your signal.  True pitch-shifting vibrato pedals are hard to find, alas, but they're out there.  Phasers and flangers both are complicated to explain technically, so I won't.  To get an idea of what they sound like, sing a note and open and close your mouth as you hold the note.

EQ pedals boost or cut different frequencies within your signal.  Good for shaping your overall tone, or to switch on a boost to volume and midrange frequencies to help solos stand out of the mix.  Wah pedals are a variable midrange boost, and the foot pedal controls what frequencies get boosted.  THE classic example of wah use is Voodoo Child, by Hendrix.

And that is a basic overview of guitar effects.  There's a whole crapload that can still be said about them- my best advice is to start with a multi-effects unit and then start playing around with different pedals.  Don't discount any pedals, no matter how random or cheap- they all have their own sounds and features, and you never know which is right for you.

La Creme

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Pedals to the no competition-th power.
« Reply #19 on: 18 May 2005, 17:56 »

bucky_2300 wrote:
Preamps are for pussies. REAL men use effect pedals. And not those girly-man Danelectro pedals either. Boss pedals. Those things are built like tanks. Except for wah, where real men use Jim Dunlop Crybaby wahs.

Oh my god. Frickin' soulmates, man.

Soulmates times a bunch more. My first pedal was a crybaby. Then a BOSS DD-6 (If you're getting a delay pedal, get this. It is insane.). I pawned a shitty little Danelectro off my friend at a jazz camp. They are horrid. Absolute shit. That chorus peddle made the guitar sound like a dead baby crying (which isn't even really possible, but still, it makes it sound like crap).
Later on down the line, I got a BOSS Phaser (checking type) PH-3. And maybe a week ago, I got an  OC-3, which also kinda sucks, but I'ma go turn it back in for a AW-whatever or a Bass Synth pedal. My bass playing is kinda the worst thing ever, so i figure the synth-crazy effects'll cover that up nicely.

Pedals, man... go with pedals.


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« Reply #20 on: 18 May 2005, 22:49 »

The Dano PB&J sounds better than the DD-6.  Lacks all the crazy features, but the basic delay sounds better.  And costs about $100 less.

For serious, don't knock the whole line just because they're made of plastic and a few of them suck.  Most sound not bad at all, and a few are amazing.  Just don't STOMP on them, and you're set.

Boss makes damn solid pedals, yes.  But for the price you generally end up paying, there are often better options (with a few notable exceptions).  And if price isn't a concern, there are always better options.

La Creme

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guitar pedals
« Reply #21 on: 18 May 2005, 22:53 »

Sorry, Indie Rock Pete (amen to that, brutha). I just really hate this pedal. And I'm kind of a sucker for a diversity of options on my pedals. That's why I'm returning my OC-3. All the effects sound exactly the same. Is there a cheap little Danelectro octave or harmonizer? That would qualify them as livable.

P.S. Danelectro designed the "guitarilin", so even though I loathe the shitty chorus pedal I am stuck with, they do get props. Props for a guitar with a bajillion frets.


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Re: Pedals to the no competition-th power.
« Reply #22 on: 18 May 2005, 22:57 »

Quote from: La Creme
My bass playing is kinda the worst thing ever, so i figure the synth-crazy effects'll cover that up nicely.

Wrong.  MY bass playing is technically the worst thing ever, so bad that I don't even feel comfortable adding effects for fear of seeming pretentious.

Actually, I just like clean bass, although I am beginning to look into some distortion pedals.

La Creme

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« Reply #23 on: 18 May 2005, 23:02 »

Ok, we'll agree that we both suck then... All I can really do is pretend to slap, do the "Cold Duck Time" bassline, and play rockabilly backup. And all of it is just from my ability to play guitar (also not epic, but livable) so my right hand technique is a testicle-desecrating llama turd.

Tartar Martyr

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« Reply #24 on: 19 May 2005, 01:17 »

I was thinking about getting a French Toast a month or two ago.  Then friends kept telling me about how theirs were breaking (they don't abuse their stuff, some stuff is just shit).  Then I started thinking about why I wanted it, and realized that I could not buy it and sell my Sovtek Big Muff (one of the big green ones from the early 90's), save up $50 more bucks and buy the sweetest fuzz pedal ever made.  The Zvex Fuzz Factory.

Seriously though, the only reason I have ever messed with Dano minis is to make hell noise, never for something that would add to my tone in a positive way.  Most of them that I have tried sound like total ass, and they are too easy to break.  They aren't bad if you want to spend $20 on a pedal... but as with most things, you get what you pay for (this isn't always the case, there are some higher priced pedals that are shit).  You just have to play with stuff and figure out what you like.


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« Reply #25 on: 19 May 2005, 01:25 »

edit-( summed up as stupid question)

Tartar Martyr

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« Reply #26 on: 19 May 2005, 01:35 »

Buy from somewhere else, their customer service is shit.  But they have a good deal of sound demos on their site.


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« Reply #27 on: 19 May 2005, 01:47 »

Hmm, guess I did not look very well.  Thanks.


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« Reply #28 on: 19 May 2005, 13:24 »

Fuzz Factories are teh sex.  As soon as I have the money (and the other stuff I want more), I'm getting one SO HARD.

Shame about your buddies' French Toasts.  Mine is holding up great, though.
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