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Author Topic: /Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?  (Read 29830 times)


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Ye'd think they expect us all to be insomniacs because of the crap they put on during the day or something. Really, though. Maybe everyone already knows about this phenomenon, but I just learned it last night. My parents went away for the weekend, and I was alone with my friends(there was /no/ tomfoolery, I promise), and then they left, and =shock= I was bored.

So, eleven at night, I turn on MuchMusic(Canadian version of MTV, for those of you who don't know), and what did I find?

Well, I'll tell ya. I found an interview with Doves. =nods positively= That never happens during the day. Then they did this coast to coast show, and the first song they put on was "Look Up" by Stars, a new favourite of mine.

Anyone got any clue why they do this, or had any other experience with this strange phenomenon? Oh yeah, by the by, this completely crap discussion came from the fact that I haven't slept in three days. ^^


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #1 on: 23 May 2005, 12:30 »

Becuase the daylight belongs to preteen girls.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #2 on: 23 May 2005, 12:42 »

=bows her head= I s'pose that would explain why they replayed the /same/ Britney Spears concert thing over and /over/ again the same day, during the daytime.



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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #3 on: 23 May 2005, 14:05 »

They never get away with playing the good stuff during the daytime.  Cause then they won't get $$$, of course.  Even on American digital cable with VH1 channels spanning every genre imaginable, they will still play the same terrible emo songs on repeat until about 10:30.  I did catch the Pixies playing Alison once though.  Good times.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #4 on: 23 May 2005, 16:00 »

I dunno, DirecTV has some pretty good freeview concerts on every once and a while.  They played the incubus (and many others) KROQ christmas show once, and lots of others.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #5 on: 23 May 2005, 16:11 »

Quote from: Aphi
=bows her head= I s'pose that would explain why they replayed the /same/ Britney Spears concert thing over and /over/ again the same day, during the daytime.


HAHAHA! I was watching that! Good ol' MuchMusic. I used to watch The Punk Show and I catch the Wedge ocassionally, when I'm home on a friday night. I really like that show, some cool shit on there.
I like the way you work it.

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Re: /Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at nig
« Reply #6 on: 23 May 2005, 18:45 »

Quote from: Aphi
So, eleven at night, I turn on MuchMusic(Canadian version of MTV, for those of you who don't know), and what did I find?

Well, I'll tell ya. I found an interview with Doves. =nods positively= That never happens during the day.

You should move to the UK then. You can't move for the buggers round here.
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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #7 on: 23 May 2005, 18:47 »

The Punk Show will never be the same for me now that George is gone.. he kept it from going 'emo' and it's slowly headed in that direction now..

I like Wedge,and Going Coastal when i remember to watch them.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #8 on: 23 May 2005, 19:08 »

Going Coastal always seems to come on as I'm about to try and sleep. The wedge is good too, when I see it.

The punk show hasn't been the same without George, though. I mean, I like having more videos played...but the only videos that get played are either the casualties or fall out boy. Or something equally as bad to each end of the spectrum.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #9 on: 23 May 2005, 19:52 »

I miss George to, and his wacky last name. But going coastal is just the show fo really obscure bands, and really obscure bands have to be pretty cool to make it onto tv, therefore, going coastal usually has good music.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #10 on: 23 May 2005, 20:00 »

Knucklehead were the best band to ever be shown on Going Coastal and The Punk Show, and they are not obscure. Most of the other bands are obscure by MuchMusic standards, but I don't really like them.
Of course, then there's the Casualties. God, I don't know why so many people like them.
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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #11 on: 23 May 2005, 20:15 »

The Wedge is tres ace, and I enjoy Going Costal. Never really bothered to watch The Punk Show.

I do, however, LOVE The New Music.

EDIT: And MuchMusic has a habit of playing good videos during the daytime; the problem is, where I live, daytime starts as I arrive at school and ends as I get home. I did see "Rebellion (Lies)" on there once, and one morning I saw Kaiser Chiefs, so that was pretty cool.
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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #12 on: 23 May 2005, 21:31 »

Quote from: bucky_2300
Knucklehead were the best band to ever be shown on Going Coastal and The Punk Show, and they are not obscure. Most of the other bands are obscure by MuchMusic standards, but I don't really like them.
Of course, then there's the Casualties. God, I don't know why so many people like them.


"plight of the living dead" is a nice video, I always crank up the TV's volume when that one comes on.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #13 on: 24 May 2005, 10:07 »

The Punk Show will never be the same for me now that George is gone.. he kept it from going 'emo' and it's slowly headed in that direction now..

Ah, I shall miss Mr. Stroumboulopoulos(yes, I CAN spell it!) forever. 'course, th en again, he /has/ been the cause of my sudden interest in the news, him being there and all. =sniffles forlornly= Much will never be the same without him.

On a happier note, though, I /did/ catch Going Coastal Saturday night, but I was tired, so I only watched the first song-- "Look Up" by Stars! ^^ Yay.[/quote]


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #14 on: 24 May 2005, 19:03 »

Much Music does play good songs during the day sometimes... it's not all My Chemical Romance, Ashlee Simpson, and various rap assholes...

They're quite fond of The Arcade Fire all of a sudden (thumbs up), and hold no compunctions against playing stuff like Sloan, Alexisonfire (<3), Hot Hot Heat, Metric and even the occasional DFA1979 vid... you just have to sift through all the shit to find the good stuff :P

Although, sad as I am to admit, I wish they'd play No Transitory less... muey overplayed, methinks... I wish they'd make a vid for Control, Get Fighted, or Side Walk When She Walks... ... ... or better yet, White Devil, which prolly wouldn't fly given the profanity and subject matter, even though Much doesn't bleep out "fucking change" in Waterwings or "FUCKK YOU!" in Pulmonary Archery... I guess it's just that the casual Alexis fans can't quite make out what Georgie is yelling :P

But all ramblings aside, there's good music sometimes, you just have to bide your time


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #15 on: 24 May 2005, 19:41 »

I remember when MuchMore had a total hardon for Sloan, it was right before they released the abysmal "Action Pact"


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #16 on: 24 May 2005, 19:45 »

Ha, I had access to MuchMusic for about 3 days when I went on a visit in Canada... about dropped everything because "Water wings" came on and I was so excited.

Here, the best video I've seen of late has been the Arcade Fire. Oddly, played a lot, even in the normal afternoon/evening hours. Not a complaint from me in any way... just odd.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #17 on: 24 May 2005, 20:12 »

Aw man, Johnny C's totally right! The New Music = choice. Man, I wish I had a VCR, I'd tape The Wedge and TNM.  

George is great. I had/have (I catch his show on CBC quite frequently) such repect for him. His immense knowledge of both music and current affairs was so awesome to see on a station known by it's views for spewing imitation MTV prgramming and shows about how much money celebrities have. Yah, as you can see, I've got a bit of a crush on him, haha.
I like the way you work it.


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Re: /Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at nig
« Reply #18 on: 24 May 2005, 20:20 »

Quote from: Aphi
So, eleven at night, I turn on MuchMusic(Canadian version of MTV, for those of you who don't know)....

I thought MuchMusic changed its name to FUSE...  I'm from texas, USA... and I remember having that channel and then it changed.  I am wrong?  Are they two completely different entities?  Just curious...  I prefer watching FUSE over MTV.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #19 on: 24 May 2005, 21:27 »

I actually really dislike that new arcade fire song that's been playing lately, No Transitroy is a bit screamy for my tastes but I still enjoy it.

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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #20 on: 24 May 2005, 21:48 »

1) The Hour is teh SEX. I saw the first episode and almost crapped myself because I didn't expect, well, GEORGE! And it was awesome.

2) I think MuchMusic has a USA-version, kind of like MTV-Canada. And it could well have changed its name to FUSE.

3) MuchMore still had its hardon for Sloan after Action Pact's release; remember "Rest Of My Life?" They try not to.

4) I've seen less Metric than I have DFA1979 on MuchMusic, although I kind of wish it weren't the case; mayhaps cut out Ashlee Synchson?

I think the discussion of MuchMusic merits its own thread, and I think I'll start one. I will, however, ask this of the current thread: to our neighbours south of the 49th parallel who watch music television, do you notice the same sort of trend? Good music AFTER dark?
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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #21 on: 25 May 2005, 06:11 »

Quote from: Johnny C
I think MuchMusic has a USA-version, kind of like MTV-Canada. And it could well have changed its name to FUSE.

That is true. They still say they're "all about the music videos", but they won't stop playing that "search for a new VJ" show.

The only time I really watch videos on TV anymore is when Subterranean is on MTV2 Sunday nights. I also like to watch The Dive (that other indie rock show) and Next Big Thing on Fuse, coincidentally right after Subterranean.

I actually first saw the Futureheads on Next Big Thing with their First Day video, and the rest is history. I'm kind of glad I wasn't introduced to them with that new version of the Decent Days and Nights video, which won't seem to stop playing.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #22 on: 25 May 2005, 06:12 »

that probably depends on what stations you have...but for me, sorta.  mtv never plays music at all, and vh1 gets slightly better after dark.

(slightly off topic, but seeing the title of this thread, i thought it was gonna be about late night talk shows and how some of them always seem to have good bands.  conan o brien has hosted some pretty sweet bands, as far as i've seen.)
say something funny.  like sloppy joe.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #23 on: 25 May 2005, 06:21 »

I agree, Conan O'Brien usually manages to get good bands on, even with the occasional giving-in to more commercial acts. I mean, they even got one of Guided By Voices' (first time I'd seen them or heard of them -- they were pretty good. I remember going "WOW, THAT GUY IS OLD." and then looking it up on the internet and finding out that well, he is) last performances in. Maybe it has something to do with having Max Weinberg being Musical Director?

I remember back when I had Direct TV, and MuchMusic was on, and it was good. It was good because they played fairly decent stuff while MTV and MTV2 gave each other handjobs by playing the same video within 10 minutes of each other. "I JUST SAW THIS, ARGHHHH." But it seems that the US version, FUSE is quickly heading on its way down the crappy video channel path. Dedicate Live is to blame, obviously. What a bad idea that was.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #24 on: 25 May 2005, 06:23 »

Quote from: sliptape
But it seems that the US version, FUSE is quickly heading on its way down the crappy video channel path. Dedicate Live is to blame, obviously. What a bad idea that was.


That and Video IQ have ruined videos on Fuse for me.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #25 on: 25 May 2005, 06:31 »

Quote from: californaya


You forgot the inside jokes, death threats, affectionate yet laughable nicknames. But yeah, "PLZAIR!FUSEROXORS!" and it's ilk depress me. I'd say it's the bad grammar and spelling, but then again I'm almost sure I've misspelled something, here.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #26 on: 25 May 2005, 07:09 »

The only music channel I have is 'The Hits'.

Feckin' terrestrial digital.
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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #27 on: 25 May 2005, 07:53 »

In Australia we've got a great late-night music show on free-to-air called "Rage".  It runs on the weekend and goes pretty much all night - from midnight (ish) to around 9:00 the next morning.  On Fridays it's just new releases and then the top 50, but on Saturday nights they get in a band that's touring the country at the moment - either a local band or an international one - and that band gets to guest-programme the show for the night, so they play all of their favourite songs and/or videos, and then at the end all of that band's videos get played.  It's a pretty cool idea, and the show has a huge catalogue of videos.  "The Majesty of Rock" by Spinal Tap pops up with pleasing regularity!

Because it's on the national (public) broadcaster, it's also completely ad-free.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #28 on: 25 May 2005, 08:31 »

You guys can whine all you want but at least you HAVE music channels.  Muchmusic and mtv2 or whatever playing good songs late at night is better than no songs on tv ever.  Yes.  I'm bitter and poor.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #29 on: 25 May 2005, 09:22 »

Quote from: Johnny C

3) MuchMore still had its hardon for Sloan after Action Pact's release; remember "Rest Of My Life?" They try not to.

I'm talking about when they were playing nothing but "If It Feels Good, Do It", "Everything You've Done Wrong", and "The Other Man. Then they would follow it up with around 15 minutes of the Rheostatics, which made me happy.

Then came the Nickleback.
And Celine Dion.
And all the other Canadian music that makes my ears bleed.

Quote from: passthebottle

You guys can whine all you want but at least you HAVE music channels. Muchmusic and mtv2 or whatever playing good songs late at night is better than no songs on tv ever. Yes. I'm bitter and poor.

You aren't missing much. Most of these channels are pulling an MTV and playing more TV shows than music nowadays.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #30 on: 25 May 2005, 10:53 »

The only place to find good music on TV anymore is on The OC.

For serious.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #31 on: 25 May 2005, 13:15 »

Quote from: Jeridus
Sloan, Alexisonfire (<3), Hot Hot Heat, Metric and even the occasional DFA1979 vid...

METRIC? Okay, I am like a Metric WHORE, and I've never, never, /never/ seen Metric on I looking at the wrong times or something? =smacks her head against the wall= I want to see Metric vids!!!!!!

FUSE? Never heard o' it, not that that's saying much, seein' as I rarely watch any television other than Much.

=pokes George Stroumboulopoulos's photo= You, sir, make the news /hawt/, complete with a clichèd misspelling of 'hot'. Good job. You are teh roxxorz.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #32 on: 25 May 2005, 15:42 »

They used to play Metric a SHITLOAD on the Wedge, almost every episode. Man, I should really stay in on Fridays more often. I always miss What Not To Wear and The Wedge. Fuck drinking, this friday, its me, my bottle of whiskey and my tv!
I like the way you work it.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #33 on: 25 May 2005, 16:30 »

You mean like 120 Minutes and stuff like that?


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #34 on: 25 May 2005, 16:44 »

I have to agree with you guys about FUSE going the way of MTV lately.  I mostly watch when Power Fuse is on or Steve's Untitled Rock Show... as for better music at night.... I don't know about that one.  There's that show All Nighter but it doesn't necessarily air good videos.  The FUSE VJ shows are getting on my nerves...

I try to catch Subterranean once in a while.  And yes!! sliptape, I also noticed that MTV and MTV2 would play the same videos... sometimes within seconds of eachother!


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #35 on: 25 May 2005, 17:04 »

Quote from: Spencer
The only place to find good music on TV anymore is on The OC.

For serious.

The truth! It is!

Also, being a poor, non MTV2 person, I find that whenever I do get to watch it, it tends to be in long bursts, and after about 2 hours you can predict the rotation of the videos and be sick of a song/band by the time the morning comes.

I just watch the videos I want to see on
That way, I don't have to put up with Gwensta Fani or any of the other stuff that clogs up the airtime.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #36 on: 25 May 2005, 18:36 »

Quote from: BMF
I actually really dislike that new arcade fire song that's been playing lately, No Transitroy is a bit screamy for my tastes but I still enjoy it.

No transitory screamy?! WAYYYYYY too much Dallas for it to be screamy... have you heard the old CD at all... like Waterwings, or Pulmonary, or even Counterparts and Number Them? That's the screaming I've come to so greatly admire of Alexisonfire

And another thing

Quote from: Aphi

Quote from: Jeridus

Sloan, Alexisonfire (<3), Hot Hot Heat, Metric and even the occasional DFA1979 vid... .

METRIC? Okay, I am like a Metric WHORE, and I've never, never, /never/ seen Metric on I looking at the wrong times or something? =smacks her head against the wall= I want to see Metric vids!!!!!! .

serious?! Hrm... well, I work nights (like 1 PM to 10 PM), so I'm usually up early watching the telly (like from 6 AM to noon), and I know they USED TO play hella lot metric... less now, but whatever... my point stands :P


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #37 on: 25 May 2005, 18:37 »

I miss 120 minutes. I wish i could rattle off as many cool factoids like Matt Pinfield.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #38 on: 25 May 2005, 19:28 »

Quote from: KharBevNor
The only music channel I have is 'The Hits'.

Feckin' terrestrial digital.

Consider yourself lucky. Your missing this.
but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #39 on: 25 May 2005, 19:45 »

if you're looking for good music on tv, you're looking in all the wrong places.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #40 on: 25 May 2005, 20:41 »

Quote from: Revenge_Therapist
I miss 120 minutes. I wish i could rattle off as many cool factoids like Matt Pinfield.

haha - he was pretty awesome.  anyone know what he's up to now?  still at MTV?


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #41 on: 25 May 2005, 21:40 »

Quote from: Aphi
The Punk Show will never be the same for me now that George is gone.. he kept it from going 'emo' and it's slowly headed in that direction now..

Ah, I shall miss Mr. Stroumboulopoulos(yes, I CAN spell it!)

This is very true about Much.  George gave a decidedly credible slant to what seems to be an increasing slide into endless reapeats of Nick & Jessica and MTV Cribs.

I do appreciate the fact that they do show like the Wedge, Loud, and the Punk Show, but even on these programs they tend to stick to a pretty standard run of videos that get played quite a bit.  They do have an occaisonal oddity pop up every now and then, but it's pretty strictly what's more or less currently in fashion with the crowd they're appealing to.  Can't say I honestly blame them for doing that but I just wish that there was a bit more variety.  I had Loud as a station for a while and it suffered in very much the same way the half hour show is very much like radio around these parts, with a playlist that repeats every hour or so.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #42 on: 25 May 2005, 21:46 »

Quote from: Spencer
The only place to find good music on TV anymore is on The OC.

For serious.

The only time I didnt pour bleach in my ears after the OC was when they once played some Blind Melon at the beginning of an episode


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #43 on: 26 May 2005, 00:47 »

Quote from: Kai
Consider yourself lucky.

Have you seen 'The Hits'?

Oh dear sweet fuck.

At least it galvanised me into getting my little sister to like good music.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #44 on: 26 May 2005, 08:07 »

Quote from: redredkroovy
Quote from: Revenge_Therapist
I miss 120 minutes. I wish i could rattle off as many cool factoids like Matt Pinfield.

haha - he was pretty awesome.  anyone know what he's up to now?  still at MTV?

Pinfield is the Senior Director of A&R and Artist Development for Columbia Records and also recently signed a deal with Sirius Satelitte Radio to do a weekly show.

And yeah, 120 minutes was pretty alright, but it could never hold a candle to Kennedy era Alternative Nation. <3 kennedy. I used to watch Alt Nation every day just to see the video for "Seether" by Verucca Salt because that was the only time they played it.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #45 on: 26 May 2005, 13:40 »

There's a version of 120 Minutes in England but it's on at 1 a.m. It's pretty much the only thing on music TV which doesn't have annoying scrolling text messages too.


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #46 on: 27 May 2005, 08:14 »


Pinfield is the Senior Director of A&R and Artist Development for Columbia Records and also recently signed a deal with Sirius Satelitte Radio to do a weekly show.

And yeah, 120 minutes was pretty alright, but it could never hold a candle to Kennedy era Alternative Nation. <3 kennedy. I used to watch Alt Nation every day just to see the video for "Seether" by Verucca Salt because that was the only time they played it.

Completely off topic (sorry) . That is a 'dope' avatar.  My Spooky squeak toy's lost all the white paint on his tummy due to repeated squeakings. :([/quote]


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #47 on: 27 May 2005, 08:19 »

Quote from: Inlander
In Australia we've got a great late-night music show on free-to-air called "Rage".  It runs on the weekend and goes pretty much all night - from midnight (ish) to around 9:00 the next morning.  On Fridays it's just new releases and then the top 50, but on Saturday nights they get in a band that's touring the country at the moment - either a local band or an international one - and that band gets to guest-programme the show for the night, so they play all of their favourite songs and/or videos, and then at the end all of that band's videos get played.  It's a pretty cool idea, and the show has a huge catalogue of videos.  "The Majesty of Rock" by Spinal Tap pops up with pleasing regularity!

Because it's on the national (public) broadcaster, it's also completely ad-free.

nothing like coming home from the hideous pop ive had blasted at me all night in the clubs to sweet sweet RAGE and i sit there and feel all the pain and hatred from repetitive top 40 wash away as my drunken ass dozes off on the couch


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/Why/ is it that all the good music is on TV late at night?
« Reply #48 on: 27 May 2005, 08:24 »

Quote from: passthebottle

Completely off topic (sorry) . That is a 'dope' avatar.  My Spooky squeak toy's lost all the white paint on his tummy due to repeated squeakings. :(

That avatar is an actual picture of my actual Spoky squeak toy ^^ It's just been photochopped and otherwise digitally manipulated to become one mighty and awesome avatar. I've been using it for years as my avatar on all the message boards Im on. Dunno why it took me so long to set it on this forum.
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