oh oh ohhhhhh, you're talking about the pretentious poser-hippie, new agers with nothing real to worry them. this is entirely different from my definition of hippie.
>i eat meat. LOTS of it. i have many vegitarian or vegan friends but if they were to bug me about eating meat i have serious doubts they would be my friend any longer. i'll eat bunnys at the same table they eat thier tofu salads or whatever.
>soy is not always bad for the enviroment, soy beans are grown in the US as part of a crop rotation cycle, they take very little nutrients from the soil allowing it to replenish enough to be used for corn the next year, instead of having to waste that space for a year and loose all the topsoil to runoff, or clear more land. (but it useually does taste like bland vomit)
>ok, you don't like dreads, but i like them a lot, i think clean dreads are hot a hell on a hippie chick. the common myth that dreads are actually dirty and people with them dont wash their hair is incredibly far from the truth. in fact, if you don't wash your hair you will not be able to grow good dreads, your hair will be greasy and flat, and even if you use the recomended methods for dread building they will slip out over night. in fact, dreads must be kept clean in order to form solidly, they sell special shampoos which clean much more harshly than anything a non-dreadhead might use.
it is true though, many people, once they have built thier dreads, neglect thier maintenance, resulting in dirty, smelly, ugly locks. this is reviled as much by true hippies as but non-hippies. dreads are a commitment.