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Author Topic: Learning to play guitar...  (Read 10122 times)


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Learning to play guitar...
« on: 31 May 2005, 02:39 »

Hey all... since most people here seem to be fairly proficient in playing instruments, I thought I'd seek out your advice...

I've decided that playing the first few notes of 'Nothing Else Matters' and 'Seven Nation Army' isn't enough anymore and so I want to try and learn to play at a reasonably competent level. I'm not going for anything too amazing, just would like to be able to hold my own, basically...

So... my point is, any hints, tips or exercises I should follow, on your experience? I can't afford any formal lessons so I'm going to have to learn it myself, which is probably going to delay me even further.

Any help would be very, very greatly appreciated.


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Learning to play guitar...
« Reply #1 on: 31 May 2005, 04:20 »

By a book. I recommend 'Complete Learn to Play: Rhythm Guitar Manual' by Peter Gelling. I can't recommend you much more though, as I myself am only a quarter of a way through said publication.
[22:25] Dovey: i don't get sigquoted much
[22:26] Dovey: like, maybe, 4 or 5 times that i know of?
[22:26] Dovey: and at least one of those was a blatant ploy at getting sigquoted



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Learning to play guitar...
« Reply #2 on: 31 May 2005, 04:58 »

Buy a book and learn theory (not just theory on the guitar, general music theory also)


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Learning to play guitar...
« Reply #3 on: 31 May 2005, 05:18 »

Yes, theory is a must for any musician.


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Learning to play guitar...
« Reply #4 on: 31 May 2005, 05:21 »

It's really hard to say "this is how to play guitar" over the internet. So I say go get lessons, if you're serious, this may be uncool, but at least you'll get the right technique instead of starting out wrong like me and being super crap. Then you'll be able to play cool stuff.

Oh and theory ROCKS!...


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Learning to play guitar...
« Reply #5 on: 31 May 2005, 05:43 »

If you've just started, well, yes you'll probably need some books/lessons to tell you how to find your way around the guitar, what some chords are etc. and you'll have to work hard at it to get your technique up to a reasonabe standard. However, from that point, a good way of widening the range of what you can play, and also improving your technique without you really noticing it, is to work out how to play songs you like on the guitar. This will also work wonders for your general musicality and stuff. This is what I do, I've never had lessons, and every time I hear a nice bit of guitar playing I make a mental note of it, then when I get home I work out how to play it, just by listening to it over and over on my computer. It's really good for improving your guitar playing, and of course it means you'll know how to play all your favourite songs!


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Learning to play guitar...
« Reply #6 on: 31 May 2005, 07:50 »

Personally I don't think lessons are necessary..  unless you don't have any friends or don't know anybody who plays guitar and is at least decent.

Stick with books and friends/acquaintances who can play and you shouldn't have to shell out money on lessons.


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Learning to play guitar...
« Reply #7 on: 31 May 2005, 08:37 »

I've been playing for about 2 years and haven't had a lesson yet and I'm doing fine. I'm going to take lessons, but that's only because I just moved near my uncle who plays, so. Do learn music theory though.
but the music sucks because the keyboards don't have the cold/mechanical sound they had but a wannabe techno sound that it's pathetic for Rammstein standars.


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Learning to play guitar...
« Reply #8 on: 31 May 2005, 09:10 »

the best thing to do is to be around someone who plays. I've only been playing for about a year but I have already played a couple of gigs with my friend. I learned so quickly because my roomate plays guitar, and so I could just ask him any questions I had and he would help me. If you can't manage that, lessons are next best. After that, a book would probably be best.

Also, I play for 3 or 4 hours a day. The more you play, the more quickly you improve. :-)


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Learning to play guitar...
« Reply #9 on: 31 May 2005, 15:25 »

learn to play in time and learn how to play Rythm tracks, This will improve your timing and make you a overall better player. Scales are important too. good site for general theory.

If you don't have a metronome I'm sure you can dl a free one (most recording suites have one built in), practice the I-IV-V chord progression, and 12 bar blues

this site is coold too

La Creme

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Learning to play guitar...
« Reply #10 on: 31 May 2005, 18:37 »

My personal advice as a player of instruments (violin and cello in elementary school, piano from kindergarden grade until about 7th grade and guitar for the past 5 and a half years) is to LEARN KEYBOARDS FIRST. That's the easiest way to learn theory.
Next, get rock guitar lessons. Learn scales, chords, and all that basic crap. After however long you feel is necessary LEARN JAZZ GUITAR. This will help you immensely in all music you play (yes, even metal). I know it helped me a buttload.


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Learning to play guitar...
« Reply #11 on: 31 May 2005, 20:31 »

Learn all you can about music theory, so that youll have the mental capacity to understand music, So you know what keys to play in and how to recognize them and understand how music moves. And in the mean time PLAY!!! my heroes are the old blues guitarists that spent 7/8ths of there lives playing a guitar, Like the guy in my avatar Robert johnson. ¨Play till your fingers bleed then get drunk and continue playing the booze will kill the pain, And keep a wet rag handy to periodically wipe the blood off the fret board.


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Learning to play guitar...
« Reply #12 on: 01 Jun 2005, 18:05 »

You should also record yourself as much as possible, it will help you hear where you are making mistakes and see if you are keeping in time.
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